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  1. Yes they have. My distant relative was Glen Hyer. The top man at Cape Canaveral whose job was to fuel the rockets. You can look him up. He has since passed but in 2012 he invited me to his house in Cocoa Beach so that he could give me a personal tour of Cape Canaveral. When I got there he informed me that he could not give me the tour, that the powers to be weren't allowing any tours at that time. He felt really bad about that as I had driven hours just to get there just for the sole purpose of getting the tour. Over the course of the next three days he let me pepper him with any and all questions I could think of concerning NASA, the Cape,etc. He was 86 and had been retired for quite some time when I talked with him. I asked if he had known Von Braun and all the astronauts and he said he did. I asked did he believe in aliens and UFOs and he told me that not only did he believe but that part of his job as the top fuel guy was to review the latest technology so that he could keep abreast of the latest advances so that he could do his job as good as possible. He told me that the repository for all this info was kept at a restricted library at the Cape where only certain top employees were allowed to access. He said no one could bring in or take out any material. He said he would spend hours in this library reading because it was so fascinating. I said what was so fascinating? He said the library contained MANUALS ON ALIEN TECHNOLOGY! I have posted this same info to all the major UFO searchers and have never received any feedback, just silence. One other tidbit he told me was that one day he went to see his boss and the boss's secretary in the outer room told him he could not see his boss at that time. He asked her why. She said because THEY are in there. I asked what meaning. He explained that aliens consult with the top brass at NASA.
  2. Proof of aliens can be found in the restricted NASA library at Cape Canaveral where manuals on alien technology can be found. Only problem is that only Cape employees who need to keep up on the latest technology are allowed access and cannot take anything out. My relative was a big shot there and told me he used to spend hours in the library perusing the manuals because he found them so interesting.
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