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Posts posted by jaybas

  1. well, I now can see now why Sunny is a senior member....I guess he has nothing better to do than put his 2 cents of wordly knowledge to every post on here. like I mentioned in the post....if you have not purchased them, used them and know they work...no need to reply......this means you too SUNNY...piss off.

  2. well sunny.....how would you go about getting in touch with a doctor at the hospital to do this. The few times I have had to go to the hospital....you have to go to receptionist up front, describe your ailment and then they direct you to the floor you need to go to.

  3. where can I get 10mg cialis. Not interested in street vendors...want to now legitimate sellers only. If you have not purchased them and used them, know 100% they worked....no need to respond.

  4. There used to be a guy with a work cart that repaired shoes, he was located on Soi baukaow just after the large "S" turn before getting to pattaya Klang. Anyone know where he moved to? If not, looking for a shoe repair shop, not interested in the guy 4th floor at Festival, unless you want to stand there 10 minutes while he totally ignores you.Thanks for any info....oh and for the chap who said I was lazy....what do you think this forum is for....maybe sharing info.

  5. The police seem to have scattered all the freelance talent. Where are the cuties that hung out at coconut bar in late afternoon. Used to go there 4-5PM and always had a cutie to take back to room. I have also noticed that at night there are hardly any women out there. I do not pick up at night due to the fact that you can not really tell what they look like in the dark. I also have noticed that after 11 pm, use to hand around walking street and pattaya Tai, always saw free lancers everywhere...what has happened to them....any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks guys.

  6. where in Pattaya are you, in a hole somewhere. The last 5 nights, every bar I have stepped into along soi bakaow and beach road have been packed. Even in late afternoon, the bars are full. I dont know where this poster is coming from, but empty is not the issue. maybe he is on walking street, There I have no clus as I dont go there. But all bars along beach road, soi diana, bakaow are jam packed.

  7. I feel terrible that the tourists are not coming in droves this year. I hate it when I can walk down the street without having to zig and zag every 5 ft. I hate it when I go to bar fine a chic and to find out she hasnt been bar fined at all this week. It just disgusts me that I can drive down beach road in the afternoon and can pretty much keep at a decent speed all the way down. The worse thing is that the girls are bartering as though they actually need the money now.

    WHOA...wait a minute....that was a dream...I LOVE this!!!!!

  8. me and the wife have booked a sleeper from bangkok to CM twice now. both times were great. we had dinner in the dinner car, the diner car was not full, we sat for 3 hours eating, drinking and playing card games. while we were dining, they had come into our small sleeper and turned the beds down. went to sleep and about 5-6 in the morning, knocked on door to wake us up for arrival. well worth it. had no problem with beer....ice cold and plenty of it. The wife likes wine, she had brought a bottle on the train. I went to the diner car upon arrival, I gave the steward 100 baht to put the wine on ice. When we came in for dinner, the wine was cold, she was happy, the beer was cold, I was happy. Again...great trip.

  9. In all the years of coming here, I have been hit with scams that go froma one to a 10. I learned on my second trip, back in 1996, just dont trust anyone when it comes to money. It was a cheap lesson for me 1000 baht. These people use the system ask 100 times...maybe 2 or 3 will come through. There are so many people that really want to help, these people are seeking those. If I am walking down a soi and someone stops asking for money, particulary a farang, I just act dumb (not very hard for me to do) and reply, no english. pretty much. leave me alone.

    Now I have helped out a few ladies that i know very well. Ended up paying for and building an enclosed locked shed on a womans house so she could store things while she went out of the country to work. She paid every month until it was paid off. there are honest people in Thailand, just have to know them well.

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