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Posts posted by jaybas

  1. I dive all the time in the USA. I would NEVER, have NEVER dived in Thailand. I am sure once they investigate, the problem will be contaminated air. i wouldnt doubt for one bit that the exhaust from the generator is in a position that it contaminated the air source. I will snorkel and free dive, but never use any Thai equipment for diving. the laws here are so lax, nothing is safe for diving as far as I am concerned. very tragic.

  2. once you are the hero and pay this demand, you will forever be hit left and right about future sob stories. You are the cash cow. i would think hard and long about the past and see where the pattern started. if this is the life you choose, if you have no problem forking over 1000's of baht each and every couple months....go ahead...left the rivers flow. Look at the track records of the 1000's of faranges before you. Do you actually think you are special. A good thai woman would never ask for money, she would work every day one, two, three jobs before losing face to you and asking for your money. Take a good look at your track record before even thinking about this.

  3. I remember once while still in my mothers womb, I was kicking back, just kinda floating along having a great day. Then all of a sudden, mom was sending down ocra, I kicked and stomped until she stopped eating that crap. To this day, I hate ocra.

  4. Thais will never fight one on one. They have the gang mentality and think they are kung fighters, hense the head kicking. Was on Kosan Road area one evening long time ago. i could see a pretty big farang was walking and a thai on a motorbike hit him going on the road that he wasnt even supposed to be riding on. The farang reached over when he was hit and knocked the thai off the motorbike. The thai guy got up and wanted to fight. the farang just stood there and let him know if he came closer he would be hit. Then another Thai guy starts to come up from behind to hit the guy....me being a newbie back then, I grabed the this guy by his neck and threw him on the ground. I stood over him so he couldnt get up. Then people were saying the police were coming and get out of there, we ran off and went into a crowded bar and had a couple drinks.....that was 13 yrs ago, and we are still good friends to this day. Those days are behind me now.

  5. ORAC

    obviously you were not watching the market in late August where there were 400-600 point moves on the 21st, 22nd, and 24th. They were market corrections which if you watch the large trending charts...in October there should be a few larger down moves coming up. October is traditionally the month when most stocks will be at their lowest for the coming year. Its what wall street traders look for , for their vault stock purchases. I expect we will hit a few monster down days in the next couple weeks. the market is still too top heavy. the feds have been artificually propping up the market for the last 2 years.

  6. ULIC

    you will have to contact your provider, give them your mobile number and ask if the sim card is registered. It took me 3 times sending required info before mine was officially registered. They will need picture of sim card with number readable, copy of passport with name, they have a form letter you need to copy and sign, then send the signed copy. like I said, I did this 3 times and then each time asked about a week later if it was registered, received a generic letter teliing me the same thing 3 times on what to do to register it. Typical Thai BS, it was a pain, but it will work eventually. The problem now is, if it wasnt registered before Oct. 1, 2015...you might have already lost your mobil number.

  7. The poll, which received 6,362 votes, including nearly 3,000 tourists asked: ‘Should jet-ski operators be allowed to operate on Phuket’s beaches?’

    Only 5% of the tourists who took part in the poll voted, ‘Yes, they provide an activity that many tourists enjoy’,

    why did they bother to have the poll???? better yet, why post the results.....ohhh, sorry, thailand


  8. I can understand your position. I have been coming to Thailand now for 21 years. I would come into Bangkok, stay there mostly, head to chaing mai, phuket, some of the islands and after a couple days, want to head back to bangkok. as for patts, i would come down for a couple days and couldnt wait to go back. It wasnt until I spent an entire month in Patts, that i found great places to go, things to do during the day. I am not a heavy drinker and could take or leave walking street, but have made friends with a good number of Thai people that i am kept busy. Patts isnt for everyone, but you do need to explore a bit and see what interests you. I very seldom spend 2 days in bangkok now, 2 on arrival and 2 for departure.

  9. I believe in planning ahead, so, for that reason, I have a plan "B", "C", "D" and "E". each plan is funded separately, no one has access to funds unless plan before it has been depleted. if for some reason, I am found dead, all "plan", minus burial (payed for by VA) traveling home expenses, money is then willed to VA in the USA. This way, no one gains if I suddenly jump from 8th floor, or slip and fall in bathroom.

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