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    Northern Thailand

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  1. Everyone has different triggers. When I was first diagnosed with gout the doctor told me to give up beer, which I did for 2 years. It made no difference. I went back to drinking beer and eventually figured out that in my case gout is triggered by crustaceans, shellfish and spicy food. I still eat them, but much less than I used to. A doctor in Thailand also warned me to stay away from fish sauce, but that's a non issue since I don't use it anyway.
  2. But what farang man would come all the way to Thailand to shag a white whore.?
  3. Yes, I understand. Some people are saying it's the fault of the kids because they were yelling and screaming around the dog. I don't. My point is the dog is the problem. Had kids done this around a Golden Retiriever or other dog with a calm nature, I doubt this sort of thing would have happend.
  4. I can't imagine a Golden Retriever reacting like that to kids shouting and screaming.
  5. I'd love to know what the penalty would be in his home country. Put something on the chopping block perhaps?
  6. Lethal force should have been used. Regardless of nationality.
  7. There's no such thing as an empty firearm. All weapons are loaded always.
  8. Those laws vary state to state and I can tell you that isn't true in the state of Ohio.
  9. I first came over in 1990. I'd say the best time was the decade of the 90's. The fact that I was a helluva lot younger helped too.
  10. I first started coming to Thailand in 1990. I started living here permantly in 2019. I have come to the conclusion that Thais are amongst the dumbest peop.e on planet earth.
  11. Out of the motorcycle fatalities I'd like to know what percent were single vehicle accidents, unlicensed drives, and more than 2 people on a bike.
  12. The worst choice Americans have had in my 60 years of life.
  13. roast chicken, avocado, tomatos
  14. Use Pirate Bay to find them. Then download using Bit Torrent.
  15. I got 2 injections in Chiang Mai at the Ram Hospital outpatient clinic for 12.000
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