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Posts posted by botfly

  1. I demand a newbie poster of the year poll. We feel left out. It's not fair play.

    If you are actually a newbie, you may not be familiar with the prevalence of reincarnation on this forum. Life simply isn't fair.

    Don't believe in reincarnation. Do you? I'd hate to come back as a goldfish or some such thing.

  2. A potentially relevant follow up:

    Here's an interesting review about zinc gluconate powder on amazon from 'Farm Girl'


    By Farm Girl on December 10, 2014

    Verified Purchase
    Ok, so I bought this not to take as an internal supplement, though it very well may be great for that. I purchased this for insect bites and Oh boy does it do the job!! Living in the deep south fire ants are trouble and even though we are aware of the mounds, occasionally one of us is doing something and not paying attention, then voila a foot full of ants and the bites. This happened the other day in the garden, I immediately put about a tsp of the zinc gluconate powder in my palm and added enough water to make a paste and slathered it all over my foot. What relief, almost no itch (what little there was went away quickly), no fire burning sensation at all. I just left it on for hours (this may or not be necessary I was just busy) happily to my surprise there were no ugly bumps the next day that usually happen with fire ant bites. And no itch later on. Everyone should have some of this in their first aid kit or purse even. Supposed to work for wasp/ hornet/ bee stings, jellyfish stings as well, but not tested by me yet. I really appreciate that it contains NO fillers or any other ingredients, just 100% zinc gluconate.

    Update: July 16, 2015- Well I can say for sure that this does indeed work for wasp stings!! Got tagged just an hour or so ago. Within just a few minutes the horrible burning was gone to just a dull ache, within another 3 or so minutes that was about gone also. I did notice a slight bit of pain returning once the paste dried, so I dabbed it a bit with more water and the pain subsided again. Have continued to keep it just a bit moist and no pain at all. Very minimal swelling. Usually I look like I have a half a ping pong ball under the skin when I get stung by a wasp, but this time, if I did not know it I might not even notice the swelling and it is on my wrist. Wonderful stuff!

    Where can you buy that and what's the brand or what do you look for? Sounds great.

  3. Woman in my road has some handbag dog. They put it outside at night and it barks all night, it's a pup. No stereo I'd get done for noise pollution and waking everyone up, but thanks. We're in a house.

  4. No I have been contacted by phone personally asking to take my posts down. In other words there is any thing I can Report on if not my own Posts.

    They have your phone number?

    Of course otherwise how could they call me? Duh?

    Duh? Don't speak to me like that thank you. Why would you give someone your phone number on here? That's not required.

  5. A few years ago, I spent a month in the hospital. The nurses always kept a pitcher of water near the bed, so while I was there I sipped water all day long. Ever since, I keep water near me and drink it constantly. Is there such a thing as drinking too much water? I'm not talking about gut-busting, Guinness Book of World Records amounts.

  6. If I were to take a wager on it, and from vast past experience, I'll say that she still dose, and if you accept that,

    you will err on the side of caution... as the old saying goes, you can take the girl out of the bar but not the

    bar out of the girl.. this is the nature of Thai girls, and not that they think they are doing anything wrong

    by ' just visiting friends ' in her bar.....

    I disagree with that, plenty of nice girls around here.

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