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Posts posted by Fabricus

  1. 2 hours ago, Kwasaki said:

    Yep get all that but l still only give her 60 because if the Mrs found out l gave her 200 the village drums would be sounding big time. :D


    I'm also secretly in love with  a girl at the local market. She smiles at me all the time. She wears skin-tight leggings and appears to be a big fan of G-strings. 


    I'd happily marry her and buy her a house, a pickup truck and three motorcycles. I'm sure she's not greedy, so I doubt she'd want any more.



  2. This morning I went to my sexy hairdresser here in Pattani. I'm secretly in love with her.


    She gives me great haircuts, and she gives me so much more, too.


    She sits on my lap and thrusts her little titties into my face. She's so professional! I'd love to marry her and buy her a house.


    She charges me 100 Baht, but I always gives her 200. She's my angel.


    Tell me -- are you secretly in love with your hairdresser or any other woman here in Thailand?  

  3. @ Smokie


    Rather than write childish crap like this, why not make some new friends in Scotland and get yourself a social life.


    Once you've got a few things going for yourself, you'll soon find that all the little girlies take an interest in you. You've got a great job. You're the man with the cash.


    And after that ... you simply pick a little girl ten or fifteen years younger than you and do what every other man on the planet does.


    You need to move on. And move forward. Life is just passing you by. 




    I know exactly what the purpose of this thread is. I know who it's aimed at. But I don't think you realize just how silly you look. You're wasting yourself.






  4. 6 minutes ago, transam said:

    Weeeeell, when it comes to Mr.Angry's, and perhaps some folk tell porkies on here, and folk here calling me a liar, l can plant the seed that l could ask a member to corroborate my words. But of course I don't give a stuff...Nobody can catch me out on anything, l like being honest..:)


    I think it's good that you have a network of friends you've met here on ThaiVisa.


    I understand you had one very bad experience (ie, the carpet salesman), but you seem to have put that behind you.


    Stay cool.








  5. 32 minutes ago, Agent Sumo said:

    Personally, I welcome the opportunity to have a conversation with a woman that extends beyond superficial bullshit and in which I don't have to dull the beautiful precision of the English language to suit my audience.   


    I think it'd be nice to chat with western women.


    I've not done so now for over a decade (apart from online).


    It's something I miss.

  6. 21 minutes ago, JJGreen said:

    Yes really...i dont want to date them. I have some good western female friends. I don't need more

    I wouldn't call it a game. More of a social experiment.

    I might change my profile message and see what happens


    What are your profile messages?


    I used a dating site (ThaiFriendly) about five years ago and have some experience with this stuff.

  7. I've discussed this with more than thirty farang women on Tinder. All were stunningly attractive (three were former models); seven had studied at Cambridge University and four had MBAs from Harvard.


    The feedback in all cases was the same:  they didn't want to contact you as they figured they might distract you from your preparations for the soon-to-be-announced POTY contest.


    They asked me to wish you good luck! 





  8. 13 hours ago, Merylhighground said:


    It wasn't really an adventure. We were only in the area to (hopefully) see or get first hand accounts concerning the crocodiles recently found in the NP, as a keen amateur herp, I have visited many times and have made a few contacts in the area. This being Thailand, hospitality was naturally offered,  booze followed while the talk turned to recent tiger sightings in the area. Not wanting to miss such a golden chance of maybe seeing an Asian big cat in the wild, my pal and I set off against the stark warnings of our hosts. I still get savage grief off the wife more than ten years on....


    The rest of your post is fascinating, if poignant reading. Bangkok used to be rammed full of such characters when I first arrived in the 1990s; some claiming spurious links to involvement in the Indochinese conflict and in Special Forces from other nations, some were quite believable, others not quite so convincing. In those times, you couldn't throw a half brick in the Sukhumwit area without beaning someone claiming to be ex SAS.


    I understand that a Sumatran Rhinoceros was sighted in Kalimantan this year which can only be encouraging news


    RE: Bangkok used to be rammed full of such characters when I first arrived in the 1990s

    Most of those guys were pricks. They stood out a mile. I never gave them the time of day.


    But Ian was completely for real. He was more real than anyone I've ever met. He found that rhino while smuggling guns to Shan rebels in 1996.


    You may have come across him. I met my son's mother at The Londonner (Suk 33) in February 2000. She'd just come back from working on a cruise ship and temped at The Londonner for about three months before heading off to Alaska to work on another ship. She knew Ian (he often drank at The Londonner) and called him "Hitler". He was about five foot eleven and had a small moustache.


    Ian and I used to meet for breakfast at Checkers (Chequers?) in Sukhumwit Soi 4 during 2001. That would have been at about 10am. At that time he was Sales Manager at Foreign Currency International (a boiler room in Asoke) and earning staggering amounts of cash. Towards the very end he would walk in to Checkers and simply say "Hello" and nothing else. He'd then sit down in a corner, drink a coffee and scan the paper for news about the All Blacks. He was pumped up and muscular by then, but very reclusive.


    Right at the very end (early 2002) he was earning half a million USD per month, but had lost the plot. The money just killed him. And then he was shot.  


    RE: I understand that a Sumatran Rhinoceros was sighted in Kalimantan this year which can only be encouraging news

    Yep, the WWF reported the find back in March this year. It was the first recorded sighting / capture of a Sumatran Rhino in Indonesian Borneo for forty years.




    Shortly after, however, The Guardian reported the animal (a female) had died from injuries sustained during an earlier poaching attempt.




    Making sense of this is hard: no one anywhere has info / stats / data about the number of extant breeding pairs versus the number (or estimated impact) of poachers.



  9. 2 hours ago, Merylhighground said:

    When staying near Kaeng Krachan NP a good few years ago, going for a mildly drunken walk in the jungle when locals had strongly warned us against it as they were adamant there were supposedly Tigers around as well as it being the King Cobra nesting season, not to mention the myriad Kraits, Common (Siamese) Cobras, Russell's Vipers, Spiders, Scorpions, Scolopendra, countless ghosts and spirits and many other nasties allegedly. Needless to say we were a tad jumpy like Shaggy and Scooby and turned back after 20 minutes of jumping at every sound, hardly evoking the spirit of Wallace.....

    The next day we followed the path we'd taken, now innocent and friendly in the sunshine, only to find that about two hundred yards from where we turned back was a sharp drop which could have seen us plummet several hundred feet and become a Thai Visa news story as there was every chance that our torches wouldn't have picked out the danger...


    Cool. If you're interested in wildlife-themed adventure, here's my favorite story.


    The Rhino Hunter


    IMO, one of the most colorful characters to have lived in BKK this century was Colonel Ian Travis John, a man who I'll refer to as the Rhino Hunter.
    The legend
    Colonel Ian Travis John served with the Australian Special Forces during the Vietnam war and rose to the rank of colonel. He also served with the Australian SAS. He arrived in BKK at the turn of the century and worked in boiler rooms. He was feared by just about everyone. One day he went into his office carrying a machine gun. He then set up his own company and, in doing so, pissed off the Americans who at the time controlled the city's boiler room industry. Ian was shot dead outside his house in Sukhumwit in 2002.
    The reality
    Ian was a New Zealander. He wasn't a colonel, nor was he ex-SAS.
    He was a criminal and a mercenary, sure, but also a really nice guy. He loved rugby. During the last months of his life he changed beyond recognition. He went from being my best friend to someone I hardly knew. The money corrupted him. He became paranoid, aggressive and reclusive. Following Ian's assassination in 2002, the New Zealand Herald discussed his flamboyant lifestyle:




    The Sumatran rhinoceros

    Once upon a time the Sumatran rhinoceros thrived throughout Siam and Burma. These days it's almost extinct and known to exist only in remote parts of Aceh, peninsular Malaysia and Sabah. Numbers for the species are thought to be as low as 250, including animals kept in captivity. The ICUN Red List of Threatened Species categorizes the rhino as Critically Endangered.


    So who do you think was the last recorded westerner to have "discovered" a Sumatran rhinoceros in Burma?




    The website pachydermjournal.org publishes a biannual academic journal, Pachyderm. The article below, Sighting of a Rhinoceros in Upper Myanmar in 1996, was published in 2010 and details what Colonel Ian Travis John found on his travels. To the very best of my knowledge this is the last time the Sumatran rhino was seen by a foreigner in Burma. The sighting was 20 years ago and the animal may now be extinct.



    PS. The above link may take a few seconds to load.
    PPS. There are actually seven remaining photos of that rhino. They were taken by Ian's "colleague" in upper Burma at the time. But no one knows who Ian's partner was. This whole story died with Ian in 2002.
  10. 23 minutes ago, villagefarang said:

    Wow. If I am already a forum legend, I had best stop while I am ahead.  Besides, with forty years of adventurous things to choose from I wouldn't know where to start.:D


    If you'll allow me to be serious for a minute -- or perhaps for just a second or two -- I was impressed with your skydiving exploits in Hawaii.


    I'd love to the same. Really.


    But I'm not so sure I could. I reckon I might freeze up in the plane; worse, I might succumb to a heart attack during free fall.


    I'd love to it, but .... well. ..... I dunno ........... 

  11. From the article:


    The researchers define online trolls as those who try to influence public opinion by boosting “misleading” and “inauthentic comments.” 


    My experience is that fools believe what they want to believe and are heavily influenced by their pre-existing prejudices.


    I'm aware of a near-prefect example of this right now on another Thailand-related forum, but I'll let discretion prevail.

  12. 42 minutes ago, giddyup said:

    No end of about it, you are just biased and want to label everyone according to your own misguided opinions. So because you say it, doesn't make it so.


    Nope. You're either deluded or misguided. Look again at what I wrote earlier:


    Thai girls fall into two broad categories: those who pursue westerners, and those who don't.


    Almost all men on this forum (and in Thailand, in general) end up with girls in the first category. These girls are quite mercenary: very often everything is just take, take, take. All it requires for these girls to move on is a tightening of the purse strings.


    This is how it works. If you're not sure, ask a Thai man (or hundreds of Thai men) or Thai women married to Thai men. It's really not rocket science. Almost all Thais know and understand the game.


    Thai girls who pursue westerners are in it for the green. This statement also applies to non-English-speaking Thai women who shack up with non-Thai-speaking westerners.


    Note. There is a tiny number of exceptions. I guess I'm referring to late-thirty-something or forty-something spinsters who've "switched" over to farangs as a last resort.



  13. 24 minutes ago, Kwasaki said:


    Disagree why is  ' Patsycat '  wrong,  I would say your views are not anything to do with broad there insulting and narrow IMO. 


    Patsycat is wrong as per the reasons I've given. 


    End of.

  14. 12 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    I'll be there to nominate you.

    You don't have to do anything.

    Just sit back, let it happen, and hope for a happy ending! 


    JJ is Nancy's strongest competitor in years.


    If he can swing the black and hispanic voters, it'll be a dead cert.

  15. 2 hours ago, JJGreen said:

    I'd be a worthy winner...emoji1.png
    I can confirm i wont be participating


    There's a new rule this year stipulating that nominees can't decline or opt out.


    Mr JJ -- I WILL be nominating you and you WILL be competing.


    Good luck!  I think you'll make a worthy champion.



  16. On 9/1/2016 at 6:27 AM, Patsycat said:

    It takes a woman a lot to leave a man.  It took me two black eyes and four broken ribs.


      You must have upset her in some way.


    And now you are crying.


    Some of us women here have been through hell and back over men, but we get up and get on with our lives.


    And so should men.


    Unfortunately this is wrong.


    Thai girls fall into two broad categories: those who pursue westerners, and those who don't.


    Almost all men on this forum (and in Thailand, in general) end up with girls in the first category. These girls are quite mercenary: very often everything is just take, take, take. All it requires for these girls to move on is a tightening of the purse strings.


    Don't make the mistake of thinking there is any sort of emotional attachment on the girl's part. There's a very good reason why jaded farangs will often tell you that "all Thai girls are hookers".  



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