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Posts posted by Alboy301

  1. Hi there,

    Just looking for some advice. I'm thinking of moving to Thailand in December with my family for a few years until my son is old enough to start school in the UK.

    I'm 32, I have a degree and I'm just finishing off an MBA course at the moment. Is it possible to get jobs at International schools teaching business studies or in Universities teaching business related subjects?

    I'm happy enough teaching English at schools and I have a TESOL Certificate but I'd rather stick close to what I really know. I'm also keen to lecture in Universities (UK) in years to come and so would prefer this kind of work, even though I've heard the money's not great.

    Any advice would be much appreciated.


  2. I live in Northern Ireland and my wife is Thai. We go to Dublin regularly and the chances of having a problem are one in a million.

    I know one person it happened to but they entered the Port of Dublin from the UK on their way back to Belfast. They were advised to get a visa for the next time but they let them drive on to Belfast.

    If you had time to spare I would recommend this option. You can always just play dumb that you didn't know the rules. There's no risk of deportation or any black marks on the record.

  3. regulations? regulations... regulations....

    OOOOH, you mean like the traffic regulations requiring all motorcyclists to wear helmets!

    or like the regulations on bars and such places requiring them to close at 2 AM!

    or like regulations that lanterns can't be set off within a certain distance of the airport in order to keep them from getting sucked into jet engins and killing a whole lot of people!

    pfft. regulations mean nothing in thailand. I don't mean to diss on the thais, they're lovely people, but when it comes to regulations, they just don't get it.

    The only regulations they enforce are the ones that restrict, limit or punish farangs.

    Aw, you poor, hard done by wasters. As a matter of interest is there any topic that comes up that doesn't give farang crybabies an excuse to moan?

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