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Posts posted by bentfarang

  1. Big C now using Wireless technology terminals! Since they never looked at the card signature, I wonder!!

    The chip cards are meant to require a pin number, not signatute. So, in my home country retailers would always 'dip' the card with you present. However, a signature may be required when 'swiping' the card... which sometimes is necessary when the POS machine can't read the chip for some reason. Then a third case... toll gates. Cards are swiped and no signature required. It all gets a bit confusing for me... but I do know that Thais usually get confused about needing my pin number.
  2. I really like this story. It epitomizes If not Thailand, certainly Bangkok.

    Living on a small "one way" street with a recently completed footpath ,

    makes absolutely no impression on Thais, they drive cars down the wrong way, park directly under large no parking signs,

    & now drive motorbikes both ways on the footpath. Even the boys in brown come up the wrong way.

    Selfish, selfish & selfish

    I sit on my balcony and watch a police roadblock where they stop scooters mostly. The roadblock is 20m from a padestrian crossing with traffic lights, and even with th police right there motorists ignore the red light and don't give way to pedestrians. The police see it... but choose to rather enforce the scooters/bikes keep left rule. The bicycle lane idea will never work in Thailand in my lifetime. I life 800m from the office but will not use a bike as I would need to cross at that very pedestrian crossing I mentioned. It is a disgrace to the police and also to Thai motorists that not only are laws ignored, but than normal decency and courtesy is absent on Thai roads.
  3. This woman unfortunately had no chance to escape these thugs.

    Those of us who live here, however, have to find a way to deal with them (read: avoid them) because it's always dangerous to end up in unwanted situations.

    I learned a bit from the so-called hiso-Thais. They avoid the lower classes wherever they can and if they encounter them, treat them with either contempt (servants) or give them hand-outs (tip for parking space), as long as a hierarchy is established. And to avoid meeting them by chance, hiso-Thais never frequent places these thugs would visit. So they book a hotel with private beach or shop at well-patrolled department stores and not open markets.

    In other words...the hiso-Thais know it is unsafe to move freely about the country...and establish personal safe zones...a kind of self-imposed prison...to live safely? Is this about right?

    I don't think this is correct.

    No... I think it is correct. It is similar to what we do in South Africa. And funny how we also have massive problems with Xenophobia and gender violence in the lower classes. Thailabd is very segregated by class. But, unlike South Africa the xenophobia runs rigt upvto the upper class.
  4. According to the German press (24/4) the attackers have been all arrested and are currently facing trial without bail. The video was showing during prime time on a German News Channel.

    It is also disgusting seeing all those people's around doing nothing.

    Lawless country really.

    " The video was showing during prime time on a German News Channel. "

    It’s also in every British newspaper, most of the Australian newspapers and even the Huffington Post as well as RT television and BBC news- just what the TAT don’t needfacepalm.gif

    Just as long as Thainess is reflected in the dress code authorities don't mind what is shown.
  5. I'm kind of speechless, how not to feel a tinge of racism toward Thais after this video? I agree that we should share this to as many as we can around the world.

    I walk past a large moto taxi stand every day (about 15 drivers) and today I got a weird feeling that they were eyeing me differently almost as if they were aware of the video, which is highly unlikely. It is of course my racism toward Thais coming to bear. But really Thai men have a lot of problems socializing with anyone other than their local 'tribe'. On the bus they are wary to even sit next to me or even look at me...they have lots of issues and are not well socialized at all...largely due to being spoiled by their moms and given no boundaries in life. Thai women I understand (at times frustratingly so) but I get what they are all about. Thai men are outsiders in their own world unless they are connected and wealthy.
    So you live in Thailand... maybe for some time, how many Thai mates do you have? I lived in England, Ireland, Zimbabwe and Israel... got close mates from all those places. Thai friends?

    Thai male mates ? None nor do I ever want any. I have taught enough of them in high school to know that I want nothing to do with them.
    I am sure the respect you got as a teacher was the same as they paid to Thai teachers... not. Make no mistake, this is a racist society and Thais also always stick together against farang, right or wrong a farang doesn't stand a chance. In my opinion Thailand isn't great value for money as a holiday destination. And it would be good for them to get a wake-up call if tourist number would actually drop significantly for a while... won't happen, but it would be nice if it did.
  6. I'm kind of speechless, how not to feel a tinge of racism toward Thais after this video? I agree that we should share this to as many as we can around the world.

    I walk past a large moto taxi stand every day (about 15 drivers) and today I got a weird feeling that they were eyeing me differently almost as if they were aware of the video, which is highly unlikely. It is of course my racism toward Thais coming to bear. But really Thai men have a lot of problems socializing with anyone other than their local 'tribe'. On the bus they are wary to even sit next to me or even look at me...they have lots of issues and are not well socialized at all...largely due to being spoiled by their moms and given no boundaries in life. Thai women I understand (at times frustratingly so) but I get what they are all about. Thai men are outsiders in their own world unless they are connected and wealthy.
    So you live in Thailand... maybe for some time, how many Thai mates do you have? I lived in England, Ireland, Zimbabwe and Israel... got close mates from all those places. Thai friends?
  7. Better to have a shouting match than a shooting match,

    beside, as Mrs. Clinton said last week, if Arafat would have accepted President

    Clinton offer to 95% return of all the territories, the Palestinians would have

    a county by now... but he didn't, and his people keeps on dyeing and paying

    for that decision.....

    95% and not 100% are the key numbers. That's your reason why. The Palestinians have compromised enough. Israel had already stolen vast areas of land prior to 67. Why do they greedily want even more?

    It is called compromise.

    It is a simple concept.

    Lose a bit to gain even more.

    Also, geographically the area is so small... no-one gains VAST areas of land.
  8. I find your post ridiculous. You want to get anal and literal about 100 percent false. Hint: CONTEXT. I never said anything CLOSE to 100 percent of all GLBT Americans have been significantly oppressed. DUH! Please don't bother replying because I have no interest in such absurd conflicts over misunderstood semantics.

    Both sides of this argument claim to be 100% right and the opposing view 100% wrong. If only it was that simple.
  9. I have spent most of the morning reading this thread, because I find the sociological implications of it fascinating. In last week's Archdruid Report, John Micheal Greer did a fascinating piece on the modern narrative of "The Rescue Game". If you don't know what this is, it would be instructive to first read that article over at thearchdruidreport.blogspot.com.

    In any case, it quite clearly maps directly onto this discussion, and it is easy to see who has cast themselves as Victims on this thread. Likewise, Michael Moore has clearly defined his role as that of a Rescuer (the Rescuer role usually, but not always, goes to the famous, wealthy and powerful). The problem, as always with any real implementation of The Rescue Game, is a lack of people willing to play the role of Persecutor. Thus, the Victims need to sue people in order to drag them kicking and screaming into the role of Persecutor, because otherwise The Rescue Game couldn't be played. It doesn't really matter what the state of Mississippi did or didn't do in the Rescue Game. It simply matters that a new Persecutor was identified. Likewise, it doesn't really matter what the baker did or why he did it, because he has now been deemed a Persecutor, and there is only one possible, acceptable outcome for his role in this game.

    This is all fine and I have no issue with it. It is the way our society is. Other societies throughout history have had their own socially acceptable narratives they used to frame problems. The real problem starts when you get very well spoken people such as one in particular on this thread (and I intentionally won't identify him but everyone knows who that was), who wrote a very lengthy and well reasoned post attempting to speak outside the accepted narrative of "The Rescue Game". Sadly this won't work with those who are playing the game, and it just so happens that the only acceptable narrative in society right now under which the issue of homosexuality can be openly discussed is inside the The Rescue Game mythology.

    I too refuse to accept a role in this narrative, and thus will be targeted for the role of Persecutor, despite having said absolutely nothing about the rights of homosexuals and heterosexuals in our society. Because for those playing the game, nobody is allowed to say "I don't want to play".

    My take from your post is that you're all fired up from reading a book (congrats!) in the manner of an adolescent and now wish to proselytize to the world to look at every issue in the world from the SIMPLISTIC tunnel vision POV of that book. That is, until you read another book.

    I'm not impressed.

    I also do not believe your denial of taking a side,

    Your post is clearly suggesting that GLBT Americans do not face real oppression in their lives.

    That is 100 percent false.

    Of course it varies by individual and region.

    A GLBT person in Berkeley California is likely to have fewer (if any) issues than a GLBT person in a rural area of the deep south.

    Some might say, well why don't all the GLBT move to the islands of tolerance in the U.S. that do exist?

    Why should they have to do that and also of course that's not practical for a large portion of people.

    To add, feeling strong pressure to be in the CLOSET for economic and social survival is also a form of being oppressed. Of course, racial minority groups don't even have that option (unless they can "pass" as something else) but believe me, the psychological pain of living a secret life is not a healthy way to live. Some GLBT people can't "pass" either so the closet isn't an option for those individuals either.

    Jingting, I agree with much of what you say, but you cannot say the poster is 100% false and then go one to say that there are islands of tolerance... that doesn't add to 100%.

    I would say the same for the poster that you replied to, he is certainly not 100% right in his analysis. I think only a small but very vocal percentage are acting in the manner that he suggests.

  10. So are all these states that are now bringing in legislation, based on the Holy Book to discriminate against the LGBT community also bringing in laws to ban the sale of Shrimps, Lobster and Crab?
    New Testament bro...
    Correct me if I'm wrong but I've heard Jesus said nothing about gay people or transgender people, pro or con. Also the USA is not a theocracy.

    But it is certainly true that fundamentalists often tend to hypocritically focus on some things and ignore others, with a particular obsession on things related to SEX.
    The OP tried to imply that Christians need to abstain from eating certain foods... which is not correct. In my reading of the New Testament I found that it was stated that only the laws relating to the partaking of blood and sexual immorality apply to the new dispensation. So, I guess it stands to reason that Christians should avoid these acts. However, love of God and love towards each other are the 2 express commandments in the new testament, and I think us Christians sometimes lose sight of that. But, many posters here attack Christianity without knowing what it is about.

    Sorry but you are so wrong! The bible makes it quite clear that eating certain foods is 'detestable' and an 'abomination', all we have now are Evangelicals who try and word the argument based on grammatical interpretations of the words 'detestable' and 'abomination' to justify that when the word of God says eating shellfish is an 'abomination' it is not the same 'abomination' he means when talking of homosexuality - of which incidentally you will not find a single mention in the bible as many many scholars now agree that the translation of the hebrew and greek words is actually 'pederasty' which is a whole different ball game (excuse the pun) and certainly is an abomination. The words were changed to male with male, i guess in order to ensure the clergy could continue their favourite pastime of pederasty unhindered through the centuries.

    At the end of the day if you believe that God has inspired the words in the bible, then you are not worthy of interpreting the words of such a superior sentient being. At the last count there are some 613 commandments in the scriptures and YOU have no right to pick and choose. There are millions of people that live according to those 613 commandments, but to do otherwise for the sake of your own convenience makes you as big a sinner as any satanist. All 613 commandments with biblical references can be found here, complete with appropriate reference, chapter and verse:


    If you believe homosexuality is a sin because of your religious faith, that is fine, but equally 'detestable', is eating shell fish, pork and even wearing clothes made from more than one material, so rip that cotton and polyester shirt off your back now as an eternity in hell awaits for you and all your lycra wearing friends.

    You cannot make a choice, you adhere to the book or you do not. If you do not you are not a Christian (no heaven no harp playing on clouds) and you as a mere mortal commit the greater sin of interpreting what your God means. You can't have your cake and eat it (Scot that was not a reference to the other cakes you mentioned wink.png ) .

    Bryan Adams and everyone else for that matter should ensure that the States that have adopted these discriminatory laws turn into economic tumbleweed zones, and lets see how powerful the almighty is then (who could part the red sea but not force one of his own creations into performing a live concert).

    I think quoting old testament rules does not change my answer above. And, your disrespect reminds me of the very people you hate so much... hateful words indeed. Discrimination was against Jesus' preaching. He welcomed all to him and associated with prostetutes etc. Did I give the impression that I support discrimination against anyone?
  11. So are all these states that are now bringing in legislation, based on the Holy Book to discriminate against the LGBT community also bringing in laws to ban the sale of Shrimps, Lobster and Crab?

    New Testament bro...

    Correct me if I'm wrong but I've heard Jesus said nothing about gay people or transgender people, pro or con. Also the USA is not a theocracy.

    But it is certainly true that fundamentalists often tend to hypocritically focus on some things and ignore others, with a particular obsession on things related to SEX.

    The OP tried to imply that Christians need to abstain from eating certain foods... which is not correct. In my reading of the New Testament I found that it was stated that only the laws relating to the partaking of blood and sexual immorality apply to the new dispensation. So, I guess it stands to reason that Christians should avoid these acts. However, love of God and love towards each other are the 2 express commandments in the new testament, and I think us Christians sometimes lose sight of that. But, many posters here attack Christianity without knowing what it is about.
  12. What the article didn't mention is who was arrested (if anyone) - the men for groping the woman's bare breasts, or the woman for exposing her (quite nice) breasts in the first place.

    In the video, she was watching and smiling as several hands groped her - she didn't look concerned in any way whatsoever.

    If I were to arrest anyone, it'd be the person who shot the video with such a terrible camera! whistling.gif

    Where is the video?


    Mmmm... seems that cops are being a bit selective
  13. What the article didn't mention is who was arrested (if anyone) - the men for groping the woman's bare breasts, or the woman for exposing her (quite nice) breasts in the first place.

    In the video, she was watching and smiling as several hands groped her - she didn't look concerned in any way whatsoever.

    If I were to arrest anyone, it'd be the person who shot the video with such a terrible camera! whistling.gif

    Where is the video?
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