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Posts posted by Mothman

  1. Just wondering why do you want to do that? Is it for the data plan?

    I actually did the opposite for their data plan, using prepaid 20Gb 800Mb a month for 417 baht.

    In answer to your question, yes you can.

    Mainly, yes. Thinking about buying a smartphone to replace my old candy bar phone....from what I've read (and from friends' experiences) voice and data are not treated as distinctly different on pre-paid plans, so your emails and web surfing tend to eat through your baht at a much quicker rate. Postpaid gives voice/text/data for a fixed monthly value, no?

    I bought 300 mins voice plan for 99 Baht, don't text much at all these days. Compared to postpaid monthly 14Gb data and 400 mins talk time for more than a 1000 baht, it's a steal as I'm paying less than 600 baht and it includes Super WiFi too, additional data is 19 Baht for 2Gb.

    Anyway, it's an individual preference.

  2. One has to wonder if they are just figuring this out. Kids need their parents always to learn. Yet, Thai parents still make babies and dump them at the child's grandparents to raise them. They still drop them at school and forget that the child needs to come home after and do homework and study. They forget they are not just supposed to help them learn to speak and bathe and play with them, but have to be food role models as well and teach them values and morals and ethics. Until Thai parents actually get involved in rearing their children nothing will change.

    Seriously, student's of any nationality are better off without you being in the faculty of teaching!

    Do a quick revision of what you'd posted, you might be enlightened enough to acquire wisdom.

    For you do not differ that much from the Deputy, 'LEARNING' is what the both of you really need to focus on....lots of it!

  3. Mothman,

    I had the same problem with my Lenovo A680 phone. Android is a primitive operating system that puts on the user the burden of storage maintenance which is not unified. So, this is what you would have to do to address the issue fully.

    1. root the device. Look up your model on forum.xda-developers.com for suggestions on which tool to use for this purpose and what the steps are. From this point on everything you do is dangerous and may result in bricked phone. Kingroot worked fine on my phone.

    2. Install Titanium Backup and give it root access. Backup all the apps on your phone to the sdcard. Then review each user (not system) and move it to the sdcard freeing up space on the phone storage. Most apps are movable, but some aren't. Reboot frequently and test each relocated apps. You can move back those apps that don't run well from the sdcard. If you repent of a deletion you can always restore from your first backup.

    3. You can delete bloatware using Titanium Backup as well, but it's risky since you don't know ahead of time which apps can safely be deleted. However, Titanium Backup will let you freeze an app so that it will never run. You can freeze some of the likely candidates for a few days and see if your phone still runs ok and then move the app to the sdcard or delete it. I was able to delete all the mysterious apps with Chinese descriptions without a problem.

    4. My A680 has 2.4 GB internal storage. If the free space on internal storage drops below 200 MB I start to see the dreaded "insufficient space" when trying to install a new app. Doesn't make sense since the apps themselves are small, but that's the observed behavior.

    It's possible to accomplish some of this using Titanium Backup without rooting, but I didn't go that way and don't know how successful it would be. You might try that first anyway.

    What a complete pain in the ass. I couldn't believe that Android is such a piece of junk. Nevertheless, mobiles are pretty useful these days, so I put up with it.

    Afternoon Haddock,

    Foremost, thanks for your in-depth input and guidance. I'm currently reading up 'rooting' and thus far discovered that it's akin to 'jailbreak' for the iPhone, albeit more complicated and risky.

    I totally agree with you on Android being junk. Nonetheless, it does served some important purpose.

    I'll take the Titanium backup without rooting first an see how it works, until I'm confident enough to go the whole way.

    Again, much appreciated and thank you!


  4. May be you have a bad virus named Time Service or Monkey Test in your system. This parasite installs apps without stop until saturation. Very difficult to remove because it builds on the app to reinstall it without end.

    In controlling the menu: Applications - all

    The solution is to get rid of the disable, then locate the apps that it has contaminated the apps service menu, also disable these, rooter device and install an app manager system to eliminate.

    Yes, I know, it's a bit tedious and takes a long time but you come out more hardened. The quick solution is to make reinstall a clean OS by a specialized workshop of Tukcom.

    Thanks Happy Joe!

    Well, I'm not savvy enough to even try what you suggested...lol. I'm the 'idiot' user, so to speak.

    Question: Will doing a factory reset suffice?

    Again, I am really thankful and appreciate your learned input.


  5. You're welcome. Could I also recommend that if you have the Facebook app installed that you remove it and try an app called Metal. Facebook plus messenger take up about 300mb whereas Metal only takes 9mb. I'm using it and it works great.

    Hi Mick,

    I do not have FB nor most Social Media app, but told my wife who proceeded to download the app on her phone.

    According to her, it's awesome!

    Thanks again!


  6. You might have to un-install an app to do this, but, do that and install Clean Master to clear up some space.

    Thank you...Mick!

    I downloaded the app using the alternative by going to cm website, as unable to do it by Playstore.

    Once installed this app works like a dream! It started scanning, cleaning, and prompted me to move apps to the SD card including those I was unable to previously.

    I really appreciate it...big thanks to you!

    However, I am still very keen and would greatly appreciate guidance to truly resolved my phone's persistent problem.

    Again, thanks Mick!


  7. Mothman, in your Android settings, go to Application Manager, click on each app and then click on Move To SD Card. It's quite safe, and you can move most apps which will free up enough space to download more. In the future after you download an app, repeat the procedure and move each one out to the SD. That should fix it. As far as I know, there's no default setting you can change to automatically send downloaded apps out to the SD card.

    Good afternoon Buffy F,

    I had indeed done what you advised, apart for some apps (pre-installed), all moveable apps were transferred to the SD card.

    Yet still the problem's not resolved :(

    I'm already hating Lenovo, right now! What bothers me more is the fact that there's no problem downloading apps from the web or any 3rd party vendor, with the exception of Google Playstore website.

    Thank you for the suggestion, anyhow.


  8. Hi Learned Member's,

    I'm using a Lenovo A-7000 LTE mobile phone running Android 5.0, Octacore Processor, and 2GB Ram.

    Its a wonderful phone with longer than average battery life, speed and screen considering it's 4600 Baht (less 1000 baht) purchased at Tukcom, during its weekly Wednesday promotion.

    It's most obvious and persistent problem (since the very first few weeks) was downloading apps from the pre - installed Google Playstore app.

    Built-in storage is an abysmal 8GB. However, I had a 32GB micro SD card installed to expand it.

    The OS occupies 3.13GB and the default write-disk was set to phone. After downloading several apps and still with about 1.5GB storage space, I was unable to download anymore app.

    A pop up would appear stating 'Insufficient Storage Space; Please consider deleting some apps for more space'.

    I changed the default 'write-disk' to SD card, though this seems to saved more recent downloads (movies, photos, documents and etc.) to it. I'm still unable to download any app.

    I had then transferred moveable apps initially installed on the phone storage to SD card, it works but only for one app download.

    The 'storage space issue' would then persist!

    This only happens when I'm downloading app from the Google Playstore. If an app was installed through the web or 3rd party provider, there's no problem for both phone and SD card as default write-disk.

    Can anyone explain why it happened, and are there ways to resolved this?

    Due apologies for this lengthy post with my intention being relating my problems clearly.

    All help appreciated, and thanking all in advance!


  9. Excuse my late participation to this post. However, if you are still in the quest for cactuses, do send me a PM.

    I am planning to do a complete landscaping job of my garden. That said, I have quite a number of medium to large cactuses with some flowering.

    There's also many thorny flowered plants, all growing in pots and grounds to give away.

    I'm along H22 Udon Thani.


  10. Firstly, which country? Secondly, is the housekeeper for your own household?

    However, IMHO getting a Thai maid to work overseas is not the choice you should make. In general, permits and visa for them are much harder to obtain but then again, I can't be more specific (Ref. Q1).

    Filipino maids are better in terms of the ease in obtaining permits, and the fact that in general most speaks English can be advantageous.

    From our personal experiences (Filipino & Indonesian) with maids that travelled and worked as our housekeeper overseas, namely Singapore, Middle East and the UK, I'm leaning towards Indonesian.

    There's hardly any problem with our Filipino maid that started working for us in Singapore then to the Middle East.

    In total, she was with us for 8 years, until she decided to leave after the last contract as her children are in their teens and her family economy has gotten better for her family.

    We started searching for a replacement and was accommodated with another also from the Philippines.

    Sadly, our sigh of relief went downhill from day one. She's lazy and have an attitude that's very unpleasant.

    Thus we let her go before the contract expires and was replaced by another through the agency.

    She's not to our expectations though. She's good with housekeeping and chores but when it comes to caring for our toddler it's bad. For she spent more time keeping her eyes fixated on her phone chatting up men in dating forum.

    Before the unfortunate accident happen to our child. We again end the contract prematurely and was incurred a fine.

    While traveling in Indonesia, I was suggested to employ a maid there.

    We did as advised and it was great. The only initial set back being the English vernacular.

    However, she learnt it and in due time it's no longer a problem.

    She was part of the family for 6 years then leave for home to marry.

    As our toddler no longer a baby and my wife's willing to be the domestic engineer full time, we were without one until our move to Thailand.

    Honestly, the Thai maids (mae baan) we had were all disasters in pretty much everything.

    In all, we went through the nightmare of experiencing 4 then gave up with the Thai's.

    I'm not generalising but merely relating our experiences. I'm sure there are good Thai maids but the likelihood of them being willing to travel along, I have my doubts.

    Now we have in employment a Laos girl. She's a blessing to our family as not only she's a hard worker but have a very pleasant character to boot.

    Wonder if Laotian can travel as maids/housekeeper to another country. Should it be feasible and the need arises to that, we would definitely want her along.

    Here's my take, I am leaning towards an Indonesian over Filipinos.

    Though I can't say for all, but Laotian trumps all hitherto.

    Do checked the feasibility of their ease in obtaining permits in the country you intend to move to before making the choice over the nationalities.


  11. The whole visa question is a total shambles. The system is not only too complicated but also a total lack of education on the visa rules to all immigration officers is largely to blame. It can't be that difficult to get all the heads of all checkpoints together and give them precise instructions on how the rules are to be applied. The same goes for all their overseas embassies and consulates who almost without exception apply their own version and 99% of them all differ.

    Agree, totally! But then again I supposed you and many others knew that it's an impossible feat for the one in-charge to apply those simple fundamental rule of governance.

    It's all about position, title, rank, influence, hierachy and connection in Thailand. It's their very order of existence.

    When it boils down for action to be executed all of the above applies.

    Those in the position of power at any nook or cranny runs it like his own little kingdom and would exert and extend his reach as far as he could.

    Thus there's lots of these revered little King's in their little Kingdom.

    Order and instruction coming from the one in-charge and from the nation's capital can will be applied only when deem fit.

    It will be tweaked, modified, nullified to facilitate the implementation. Never followed to the letter but more as a face saving act.

    I never doubt for even for a millisecond Mr. P, is any different. He's loved, hated, revered and despised by his underlings all at one time.

    Sorry for my digress but these visa crack down is nothing new at all. It's really an exercise to fatten as those little King's in their kingdom (the immigration check points) and at the same time the coffers in the capital.

    Just slip in 2-5 pieces of the little red paper, look at them with a poker face and you'll breeze through it.

    And all are back to normal (normal, by Thai definition) again.

    Those who live here long enough in a house on the land under any district would know how the Municipal Council chief, the Tambon chief, and the Or Bor Tor chief runs it.

    Business...simply bloody business. Live and let live!

  12. Well, enjoy the sweet lemonade!

    You'll do fine on your own or if need be, someone else. Just don't get married this time around as you are married to TV.

    You know that you are too old for her and if for once you ever thought its love, you are delusional!

    I have not been a member for long but only just recently. But I do read topics that caught my attention or when I need to seek information from learned members.

    If I remember correctly, in one posting you mentioned that she initiates the sex most times or somewhere along that lines.

    You had even mentioned that she's a very smart person. Thus no surprise that she left you because she's smart and I applaud her.

    I have to disagree with some posters who are quick to assumed that it has been her plan all along, or you were used and had been scammed by a devious woman.

    No, you weren't cheated as you knew it wasn't love all along it was an agreed arrangement that suited you both then. Smart woman that she is, she realised you are about to reach your used by date.

    Anyway, you are happily married to TVF and maybe...just maybe, been spending way too much time here.

    Look at the bright side, move on and live the remaining days of your life, away from the internet unless necessary and live your life to the fullest. You'll find someone as a companion or whatever you need them to be.

    Just don't invest any time living with a fallacy that many sad old men with a young wife has.

    Seen too many happened and it's always the Thai women's to be blamed.

    Truth is they are living in a fantasy land and that fantasy will end.

    Move on and be strong of heart, and please forget those child of hers.

    The sun will still shine for you!


  13. Thanks, Arkady!

    It's a very detailed reply from you. To be honest, I wasn't really concerned about the guns being around until I came across your post.

    Discussing the merits and consequences of having it registered and not with the family, drives me nuts!

    But I'm taking your advice of dumping the guns, and will only get approved guns. Told the Mrs. its either going to be registered or we are having none at all, in the house!

    Any knowledge of these other guns? Just for my personal knowledge.

    Thank you for your time and rendered assistances.



  14. Well if you get a legal gun with paper you can still be arrested for it even in your home. My wife has one and the police arrested me because she was not home at the time. And the 9mm had a 30rd mag. Also illegal they charged me with both....So Ill never bother with gettin a legal one again.

    First of all, why were you visited by the police? Is there a warrant issued to search your house?

    I'm asking this since I have my father in - law here at my place, and he happens to have a senior police officer brother and out of my personal curiosity.

    We have been discussing these issues pertaining to gun control since I first came across this thread today.

    My concerns were brushed aside as unnecessary but if it makes me sleep better, an uncle my wife called earlier said he'll handle that (without my wife having to go for lessons) in a jiffy.

    We moved on to topics such as the article on surrendering guns under the Junta order. My father in - law simply said, there were so many laws being implemented but not all were necessary to be changed. Application of the law or the law itself can be amended accordingly. ???

    But this was an issued order?! I said, "it was in the papers" ref. csabo post.

    The whole house erupted into laughter again to which he said, " you believe everything you read in the newspaper or internet?."

    To be honest, no, I don't believe everything I read but his question did make me feel foolish.

    Then we got to your post and he said, it can never happened. The police needs a warrant issued by a judge to search your property unless it's an emergency or a matter of life and death. So it never happens...

    Contradicting himself he added, "but the police can do that even without a warrant if they want to, it depends...all farang cannot understand Thai law." And with a broad smile he said, " you, worry to much"!

    Sadly after 9 years, indeed I can't and I still do have some worries.


  15. ...there is always the 'Thai alternative'....

    ..did someone write....'50 million unregistered handguns in Thailand' ???

    ...I am quite sure that it was in the 'tens of millions'....correct me if I am wrong....

    I agree!

    I mean just the wife alone has a small collection. I wonder how many more each member of her family with several in the police and army has in total.

    Based on multiplying 4 (that's hers) to the population = 240 Million. Divided it by perhaps 1 in every 8 persons have 4 = 30 Million. Scary!

    Strange thing was, it's normal to them and I have never heard licence's being mentioned along.

    Though I have seen them trading admiration for a new one. But I'm all made up to have them registered.


  16. Hi Arkady,

    I wonder if there's any links to register guns for a Thai national?

    Wife's got quite a few, all gifts from my father in - law. I was gifted one but only accept it out of respect not because I need one.

    Never thought of the licence bit but what I am pretty sure of are, the guns not registered.

    Asked the wife after reading your post and she replied, " I don't know...no need to, I have it for many years leaow, no problem. "

    I googled licences for guns in Thailand, but it's all in Thai.

    Any help or suggestions? Thanks.


    PS How do I add photos here?

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