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Posts posted by jesperdk

  1. Just read a post about some people was arrested at the border with 1 day overstay and hold for 5 hours before released with the 500baht fine. So do you think it´s worth to go the immigration in Jomtien and get a 7 days extension? I really don´t want to get arrested.

    That report has not been confirmed and did say they were caught with the overstay.

    You have nothing to worry about especially since you are going with visa run company. They will take care of you.

    Okay i will trust you and the visa run company Thanks again Joe for your great help.

  2. It seems you will be departing the country on the 3rd since the visa run company is likely starting the trip on the evening of the 2nd. You will be fined 500 baht and an overstay stamp will be done in your passport.

    The one day overstay will no effect on you getting the visa or entering the country. Others have gotten them in Vientiane with much longer overstays and returned to the country.

    Thakns Joe

    i was just worried about this after the new rules on overstay was enforced.

  3. Hi i know this question has probarly been asked before.

    I was supose to go to Laos on Sunday 1.st May with a visarun company but because of Labour day they don´t before Monday 2.nd and my extension expire on the 2.nd, so my question is will i get a stamp in my passport for overstay and will i have any problems when apply for my SETV in Vientaine and enter Thailand again?

    I asked the visarun company and was told that is not a problem but now im in doubt.


    I dont have any stamps for overstay in my passport.

  4. Hi guys i am going to Laos soon to get a SETV so i was thinking if it´s worth the money to go with a visa company or is it easy to do it myself and approx how much money would i safe if it do it myself. Thanks

    When are you planning on going?

    I've done it 3 times using a visa company and swear never again. I'm going in April between the 25th and 27th.

    I'm doing it myself this time.

    My extension will run out the 3rd May.

  5. Here is the real deal.

    Visa Company - about 8,000 baht.

    Picked up at 1800 in a minivan and then do a tour of Pattaya / Jomtien picking up others.

    1900 Travel at 100 mph to Nong Khai through the night. Several toilet/snack stops on route.

    Arrive Nong Khai 0430...... Park up with hundreds of other minivans waiting for the border to open.

    Not a wink of sleep did I have. The driving speed, thought of imminent death and road noise was too much.

    Border opens and you do paperwork and join the queue......sweating your nuts off if you have any.

    Check out of LoS and get on a dilapidated, old knackered rusting bus to go over the bridge to Laos....start the waiting and sweating again.

    Eventualy through....then you go to the Thai consulate.....Not the Embassy !

    More sweating and waiting this time in the company of millions of mosquitos....Paperwork done passport handed over..

    of to the Skanky one star Hotel (awarded by the Caravan Club of South Wales)...moderate to poor Buffet food and free time until next day.... where you start the reverse process and head back to Pattaya at a 100 mph in the day light making it even more scary than the first time......

    Never ever again will I do that.....

    Do it your self and fly with NOK air to Udon and pay about the same for flights and maybe a better hotel guesthouse for about the same money and avoid the mad minibus ride but not the waiting, sweating and mosquitos sadly......

    Basically pay a fraction more and live easier and more comfortably.

    What was the name of the visa company you went with?
  6. You can get a single entry tourist visa in Vientiane without a problem. You should be able to get 3 of them back to back. They don't count visas from other embassies or consulates.

    Thanks ubonjoe im really glad to hear this so i should be ok for the next 9 months then.

    After that would it then be possible to get setv in Cambodia ?

    As it stands there is no overall limit of SETV's you can have so as long as you are prepared to apply in different countries/embassies/consulates you should be able to get more. I doubt any individual embassy/consulate will let you have more than 2 or 3.


  7. You can get a single entry tourist visa in Vientiane without a problem. You should be able to get 3 of them back to back. They don't count visas from other embassies or consulates.

    Thanks ubonjoe im really glad to hear this so i should be ok for the next 9 months then.

    After that would it then be possible to get setv in Cambodia ?

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