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Everything posted by eia310e

  1. There are other large providers looking to set up physical infrastructure here too. Many factors driving this, space and power constraints in Singapore, concern about being too heavily invested in China and others. Will be interesting to see how far this goes.
  2. I have had the Exclusive for a few years now. Like "Mark5335" I had an existing account and platinum visa credit card (was HSBC originally) which they converted to exclusive visa. I also got a new atm / debit card with the membership, but never use it. The benefits I have utilized are the Exclusive lane at the bank, yearly birthday gift voucher (Swensons Ice cream cake), the Krungsri bank lounge a couple times and the Dragon Pass which gets you into some airport business class lounges, mostly in Asia. I've never used the special parking permit as nowhere near me is on the list nor have I used the health club membership.
  3. Another factor is base assignments. The military does not do a good job at all trying to match recruits (or re enlistees) with their preferred locations. I have friends in the service and never heard any complaints about woke. A friend of mine's son has been trying to join for several months now, but the nearest recruitment center, in Guam, is too busy to process him now. The pay is low of course, but so are the expenses. Housing, insurance, etc are part of the package, and it's still a challenge for families, for single people it is a good start.
  4. My fast charger came with the car as well as the installation cost. I had to pay about 9,000 Baht to the condo for a few additional items; electric meter (they charge me 6 Baht/unit), enclosure for the meter and additional cable to reach to my car park spot. I also have the slow charge which can plug into any outlet. The fast charger takes about 2-3 hours to charge and the slow charger about double that. I think the comments by KhunLA may be more relevant as they are specific to MG. One of my associates does have the MG plug in hybrid and the installation was free as KhunLA described. I travel about 40km per day, all on electric. I pay about 1,300-1,500 Baht per month for the electric. I have put gas in the car three times this year, and use the gas engine just to keep it active.
  5. I have a plug in hybrid (not MG brand though) and from my experience, charging by using the motor is not very fuel efficient. I also live in a condo but was able to get a charger unit installed. Since I did mine 3 years ago, several more tenets have installed chargers.
  6. Someone gained access to my account (or at lease spoofed my profile) and sent messages to some of my contacts. I went into the privacy settings and there is a section which says where you are logged on.... a list of all the devices currently logged on to your account. I logged out of all of them, changed my password and logged back in. I believe the person never had my password, otherwise, they would have changed it before i did. Then I ran the FB privacy checker and all seemed ok.
  7. I use UPS's for all my major IT gear (including a Qnap NAS) and TV. They have surge protection and stabilize the power. I'm not sure if they handle a lightning strike though. I use Schneider Electric / APC brands. I've got one for 900VA and another for 1100 VA. I just checked on line and there is an 800 VA model for 2,460 Baht. We don't get many power outages, but when we do, the UPS's work fine.
  8. I don't know the official policy, but I got my new US passport last year and first tried to do the visa transfer near my office in Samutprakarn. The officer said I had to go to where my visa was issued so I did and it was done very quickly.
  9. I live in a condo, but in my general area we have about 60 species. You can refer to the "eBird" website for very good detailed info. https://ebird.org/region/TH?yr=all If you have the interest and time, you should sign up and start reporting your sightings.
  10. I drove past it about 5 this morning and a couple firetrucks were still spraying water into the building.
  11. I have always parked inside, generally building one. I go to the top floor as it normally has open spaces. The payment is in person when you leave. I have not parked there for over a year, but don't think they have changed anything.
  12. I got this message a bit late and had already sent our company staff with power of attorney and all the documents to the local (Samutprakarn) immigration. They approved it and said my new info was in the data base....though I wonder why it was rejected only yesterday? The documents he took included the first tm47 online application which was rejected, signed copies of old and new passport showing the visa and the visa transfer page in new passport, copy of tm6 and tm30. They kept all the copies. Next report is due in January now, so we'll see how it goes. Thanks for your suggestions.
  13. Yes, I did try the online on Monday and got the reject email yesterday. I've printed out the email notifications and the TM47 from the online application. Both old and new passports with copies and I'll let you know how it goes.
  14. I did try and unfortunately was rejected. The stamps were transferred to my new passport over one month ago. I'll do the in person report now.
  15. I have the same situation, been doing my reports for quite a while and now have a new passport and time to report. I saw this on the immigration website I'll do this report in person and hopefully be able to resume on line for the following report.
  16. I was given a card to "Greenlots" charging points, now taken over by Shell. It was free, but I did not use it before and not sure about now. I had the wall charger installed at my condo and was paying about 1,100 Baht/month. The electric rates went up a couple months ago and now it costs about 1,600 Baht per month. I probably average about 1,000 km per month.
  17. I've had a PHEV for just over two years now. Just tanked up for the second time this year over the weekend. I normally use full electric when driving, lesss than 50km round trip to/from work and have had no problems with the gas engine. I do sometimes run in the hybrid (electric + gas) mode just to run it. At the last service check, they changed the oil, even though it had only a few hundred KM (at most) using the gas engine. The tech staff said they change the oil just following the time between changes, not the milage.
  18. Both my wife and I are on the chanote. At the time I took out the loan, I understood it was the BOI sponsored work permit which allowed it. I did not look into it at the time since I got the loan. A side note, in order to vote on condo matters, (at the annual meeting) I needed to be listed on the chanote. I did not know this at the time, but it was one of the items the condo association required.
  19. I got mine from "Owndays", I think was about 16,000. The price will also depend on the frame you select, so it's possible for lower price. Owndays have shops in many malls.
  20. I took out the mortgage from BAY in year 2000 and paid it off in 2015. I'm not sure if they were already owned by MUFG at the time. I am not aware if they brought the funds in from overseas, it was not discussed. As far as I know, the process was about the same as for any Thai citizen. I just included the work permit docs, company contract with the mortgage application. I don't recall there was any particular delay or confusion by the bank staff, it seemed to proceed pretty smoothly and quickly. I purchased the condo from the original owner, a Thai citizen, not the developer. I don't have PR, just have the work permit. If I am able I will stop by the bank this weekend and ask about the process today.
  21. The first one was many years ago, it was East Asian bank (or something like that), but they were taken over I think, at least they don't exist today. The second mortgage was from Bank Ayudhya, also many years ago. In both cases I was on work permit from BOI promoted company. I remember that was a key point. Sorry I don't have a more recent experience to refer to.
  22. I have bought two condos and taken out mortgages on both of them. I did not bring any money from overseas for the deposit or any of the payments. Wife is Thai and is on the title deed of current condo. I do have a BOI work permit, which I believe is why I did not need any funds from overseas. The banks seem to be familiar with it, as there were no hassles for either condo.
  23. I will be getting my new passport and work permit and would appreciate any comments/advice. 1. USA passport expires in December this year. 2. Visa (Non O business) expires same day as passport 3. Work permit expires February 2023. Under BOI promotion. I know the passport needs to be done first, then I guess the existing visa will be extended to match the existing work permit and transferred to my new passport. Then after the new work permit is issued the visa will be extended to match it. Does this sound right? How long in advance should I apply for my new passport? Has anyone gotten a new passport here and how long did it take? I know the passport comes from overseas, not issued here, and the application is on line, just wondering how long until the new one arrives. thanks
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