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Posts posted by Falconator

  1. Just a bit appalled that these women have the mindsets of some of the ungrateful refugees in Germany demanding the right to free everything. Shouldn't they at least try to put the reputations of Thai migrants a notch above those of Syrian and Sub-Saharan African refugees? Not that I'm against any of those people, but that self-sufficiency rather than ungrateful leeching should be a realistic goal among all immigrants.

  2. The huge influx of foreign men in Thailand throwing too much money around has caused a ridiculous "get rich via foreign husband" rat race among many Thai women. A "get your walking ATM now" rat race.


    This articles just shows you the nasty attitudes of many Thai women who think that Farang men are walking ATM's.

    Not only Isan women are like this. Northern Thai women can be like this too. You hear a little less about them on ThaiVisa because they tend to go Bangkok or other Asian men. But demanding Northern Thai women's expectations are the same, if not even worse.


    Simply having a foreign boyfriend or husband means that all her friends will become envious because they assume that her new boyfriend will be splashing money everywhere so that she can sit at home and not have to do anything. Whether or not that's reality, this just shows you how ridiculous their financial and lifestyle expectations can be.

    Due to the need to "save face" and look successful, many wives of foreign men will show off to their friends about how rich they are now, even if they are living in substandard conditions and barely surviving on very tiny incomes. If they don't show off, their friends and relatives would criticize them for being unsuccessful and stupid for not making full use of their golden goose. This creates false impressions of all Mia Farang being rich.


    Yes, this is how they think. Thai women have personally told me these things in Thai.


    Check out this outline of the book "Africa and Money Matters." Striking similarities right?


  3. Anything less than 80%, and all the locals here in semi-rural southern Chiang Mai would start thinking I'm a barbaric foreigner with strange food habits who simply can't tolerate Thai food. :sleepy:

    My European bread habit (which they think is rock-hard, barbaric stuff) already arouses enough curiosity.


  4. Almost 100%.


    Thai food is very similar to the Taiwanese / southern Chinese cuisine I grew up eating at home in California, USA. Many of the dishes are exactly the same, since Teochew Chinese immigrants had brought many of their dishes with them to Thailand. Khaw man gai, Khaw khaa muu, fried rice, Gueiteow, tofu, mung bean soup, bean paste cakes, soy sauce broiled eggs, sticky rice, dumplings, and various stir-fried dishes are all southern Chinese. My lady makes them all for me. :)


    I like very spicy food too.


    Sometimes I might get some European-style bread at Big-C, like ciabatta bread or sourdough bread.


    I never really grew up eating that much Farang food, but ate enough of it on a regular basis to be fond of it.

    So Thai food actually brings back nostalgia.

  5. It's about residency too.


    1. Singapore and Malaysian museums also charge dual pricing for foreigners by the way. It's not about race since Singaporeans an Malaysians are of many different ethnicities. I had to pay the foreigner price at a Singapore museum despite being able to blend in. After all, I could be a Malaysian from across the border.
    2. Some UK museums in tourist areas give lower-priced tickets to local town residents.
    3. Hawaii also gives lower prices to local state residents for things like parkings spots in tourist areas.


  6. I know a Thai woman from Sukhothai who worked in Taiwan for 3 years.

    She said she would not want to marry a foreigner, and prefers Thai men over foreign men, including Asians who are not Thai. She met her Thai husband abroad, and returned to Thailand to marry him and start a family. They are now happily married with 2 children.


    As for the "Thai man no good" cliche, it's because Thais know what those types of women are really up to, and what the consequences will be. More like, clueless man good, smart man no good.

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  7. I was at the Chiang Rai market. A lady selling wooden frogs was trying to sell them for much more expensive price to some European tourists.


    Then she told me in Thai that she is selling it more expensive to them because they're Farang, and that she'd offer them to me for cheaper.


    I'm ethnically Asian but am a US citizen, so I'm a Farang in disguise. So to be honest, I didn't like the way she said that. Unfortunately, this is how many Thais think, which is actually not too far off from how many Chinese also think.

  8. Folks here keep ranting about how exotic Thai culture is, how different Thai culture is from Western culture, and so on.


    Now go to India or Myanmar, then come back to Thailand. You'll see how similar Thailand and Western countries are similar in so many ways. That's why they can get along not decently, though not perfectly.


    When Burmese students come to Chiang Mai, they are often surprised with how Western Thailand seems to be. Some Western-Thai similarities that are not found in Myanmar or most of India:
    - Young people getting to date openly

    - Serial dating for fun

    - Divorce and having stepfamilies happen commonly

    - Convenience stores everywhere

    - Infrastructure and roads

    - The need to drive everywhere instead of riding bikes or walking (outside Bangkok)

    ... and much more.


    Thailand is going the way of Japan and Singapore, which have become incredibly Westernized over the past decades.


  9. I was actually 24 when I met my lady. She is 15 and a half years older than me, which is old enough to be my mom. She cooks and cleans for me and takes super good of me, like a real mom.


    Her friends love to joke about how her new son (me) is so attached to Mama. It's seen as unique, but mai pen rai lower-middle-class Thais don't actually deeply stigmatize it as far I as know.


    A 50-year-old German retiree in Chiang Mai once asked me if she was my mom. My gf laughed.

    We walk into the local Big-C and see a bunch of old white guy - young Thai lady couples. No couples like us at all, but we're not that noticeable either. We look like a normal Thai family unless someone takes a really close look at us. Western guys seem to notice the most, since I look like a 20-something to a typical Western guy, but some Thais might even think I'm 30 since I don't have a kid-like face.


    Once in a while we get stared at by cranky-looking old white guys, but never by Thais. Wonder why.

  10. Jerry, which Western country did you live in?


    19 and 29 is not such a conspicuous age gap. You're sort of still in the same generation. It's like a big sister-younger brother kind of thing, and many 19 and 29-year-olds don't look that far apart in terms of looks. I'm a bit surprised that there's a lot of stigma, and I would have assumed most of that came from your peers. Plus, the West is known to be more tolerant of cougar relationships than most of Asia is.


    I also dated a 33-year-old Indonesian lady when I was 22. No one seemed to notice or ask about our age gap.


    I just don't really see how I can get along with little girls who chase Pokemon. I read books and she reads books, and she is not interested in adolescent stuff.

  11. On 2016-08-19 at 1:50 PM, dick dasterdly said:

    Very young guys are often attracted by slightly older women.


    A 25 year old guy is a bit old for this range though, and as his g/f is 40 - its way out of the range as most by that point would be more interested in either their own age group, or younger.


    Let's be honest, those far younger are unlikely to be attracted unless the way older person is incredibly (genuinely) clever, and thereby attracting those who love the intelligence - or (happens far more often) are attracted to the money.


    But few of you are currently in a long-term relationship with a Thai women under 25, for obvious reasons: you don't want to deal with bratty little kids.


    Neither would I.


    You tend to find personality defects, bird-brain IQ, instability, and lack of empathy for a variety of reasons.

  12. On 2014-12-06 at 10:45 AM, jdinasia said:

    I was 39 when we started dating. He was 24 and looked even younger.

    Now I am 50 and he is 36. Officially married in the US this year.

    He is Thai. He has his own house. His own car. His own career. In fact, he makes more money here than I do.

    I think rgs2001uk may have had a less desirable outcome in the past than many of us.


    Welcome to the club!

  13. I'm 25 and my girlfriend is 40.

    She is 15 and a half years older than me. Old enough to be my mom, so her friends sometimes crack jokes about that. We're very, very happy together.

    My girlfriend's oldest daughter is 22, which is 3 years older than me. I'm not attracted to her daughter.

    As an Asian American, I blend in with the locals.


    My ex is a Thai lady who was 44, while I was 22. Her oldest daughter was 26 back then, which is 4 years older than me. Now she is 47, and her oldest daughter is 29.


    It would appear to everyone that I'm the lady's toyboy.


    Such relationships might not be so acceptable back home in the US, but cougar relationships are getting more common nowadays.


    Who else here is dating older ladies? It seems like I'm a rare breed, but some posters here have mentioned similar relationships.

  14. Varun, the old dad didn't show up to her daughter's graduation day, and it's not likely he'll show up for his two eldest children's graduations either since he's very detached from their lives, and doesn't know what year they're in. It's clear that the family has parted ways with the old dad.


    And the youngest daughter is now extremely attached to me and very clingy, and thinks of me as her father. It will just completely break her heart if I were to just walk out of her life. She does not miss her biological father either. I know she is not my biological daughter, but some of the best times of your life can also be shared with people who are not part of the same bloodline as yours.


    And settling for less? As I have said before, getting a young, irresponsible drama queen girlfriend my own age with no children (but good-looking and never married) is worse.


    This older lady that I'm with brings very little drama and is very easy to get along with. She cooks and cleans and takes care of me like a mom. This is getting harder and harder to find among younger Thai women. Nothing wrong with that either.

  15. Mature girls my age are quite hard to find nowadays. My girl is constantly talking about how lazy, unable, irresponsible, and arrogant her 22-year-old daughter is. This phenomenon is going on throughout all of the developed world. She tried raising her well, but peer pressure can be a much stronger influence on youths than well-meaning parenting. Forget about cooking, cleaning, alcohol abstinence, financial responsibility, patience, morals, and all of that. My girlfriend can do all of those and has those qualities, but not her daughter. So do most students at my university.

    Young Burmese women seem to be the exception. Very conservative, un-Westernized societies have so far avoided having their most of their youth corrupted.

    How old are you, and how old is your girl?

    So your girlfriend already has friction with her daughter,and sadly you are in the middle of this,at some point you will be asked to take sides....do you really need this aggravation in your young life? and never forget family loyalty comes first for 99% of thais no matter what thumbsup.gif

    enjoy it for as long as its good,when the veneer starts to fade walk away..whistling.gif

    No she's basically out of the picture, independent, and they rarely communicate or keep in touch with each other.

    Have had no problems so far and don't expect any coming up. In my view there's nothing that could really go wrong. The older daughter simply doesn't care about her mom's life, choices, or living situation.

  16. Maybe you should just be patient and try to find a more mature girl that is closer to your age. I know it's hard to believe since most Thai girls come across as 15 until they're 40, but it's true. Especially among your generation. I meet tons of em here in BKK. In fact, I usually date Thai girls that are too young for me b/c girls my age are just too conservative and lack intellect.

    Anyway, you might feel more secure about the relationship if the ages match up. But I wouldn't over analyze it. If you feel good with this girl, then carry on and don't worry what other people might think. And no one said a relationship has to last forever. People are gonna come and go in your life.

    Btw, if you're a good guy, then you're always gonna think a girl from a less developed nation will never do better than you. That's normal, but what happens after you is not your responsibility, unless you've led a girl to believe you'll support her forever or something.

    Mature girls my age are quite hard to find nowadays. My girl is constantly talking about how lazy, unable, irresponsible, and arrogant her 22-year-old daughter is. This phenomenon is going on throughout all of the developed world. She tried raising her well, but peer pressure can be a much stronger influence on youths than well-meaning parenting. Forget about cooking, cleaning, alcohol abstinence, financial responsibility, patience, morals, and all of that. My girlfriend can do all of those and has those qualities, but not her daughter. So do most students at my university.

    Young Burmese women seem to be the exception. Very conservative, un-Westernized societies have so far avoided having their most of their youth corrupted.

    How old are you, and how old is your girl?

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