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falang khinok

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Posts posted by falang khinok

  1. theft or no theft thats in question...the envelope was not directly taken from him off someone else...well he just kept what he found...also illegal but minor...this is the tricky legal side

    BUT did anyone thought here about the real owner...wants to change money and forget the bag ( happened once to me and I was giving it back by the counter stuff ) It was such a relief for me because it was all my funds including the airticket back home ....SO ALLWAYS GIVE BACKWHATEVER YOU FIND ....THERE IS AN OWNER OF THESE THINGS AND HE WILL BE HAPPY TO RECEIVE IT BACK 320 US not so much for some alot for others BUTEVEN I FIND A 10 BHAT coin AND I FIGURE OUT THE OWNER HE WILL GET IT BACK REGARDLESSWHAT......

    legal half legal or not...there is someone who is missing his stuff and imagine this someone is you....people always dropping things unaware phone cards credit cards etc...their mind is on the sourrounding they are not aware and in holiday mood....so no matter what see somebody drop something walk over pick it up and hand it to him with a smile sure u made his day.....and if not dont worry the right action never is wrong.....

  2. RIP my country man, I hope they do not decide to something awful to the elephant to keep TAT and the animal rights people appeased.

    To the "riding animals" brigade are you serious?

    Without the help of elephants, horses, donkeys this modern world we have would still be in the dark ages.

    I abhor the abuse of animals in Thailand, or anywhere else in the world.

    Mahuts love their Elephants, it's a relationship that can Span decades, do not deride these guys or their majestic mounts!

    yes -we are serious - you are making the classic assumptions that ill-informed make about elephants.

    First mistake: they are NOT comparable with other "domesticated" beasts of burden

    They have been used for riding (and even war) but their skeletons are not suited to bearing loads on their backs.

    Their main use has always been for PULLING which is a completely different thing.

    You imply that the history of the elephant goes back millennia - this is actually not true - they just weren't very good at it and in those days people had know idea about how an elephant's body worked (or any other body for that matter). They had no explanation for the not uncommon paralysis in elephants that had been repeatedly forced to carry stuff on their backs. You will still see elephants today that have paralyzed rear legs etc. due to this.

    Then you speak the unspeakable........

    "Mahouts love their Elephants, it's a relationship that can Span decades, do not deride these guys or their majestic mounts!" - in Thailand THIS IS ABSOLUTE NONSENSE!!!

    most "mahouts" - and they really don't deserve this name are employed part-time or short term - they are only partially "trained" and in reality just know a series of often violent actions to make their elephants perform for the public.

    Often elephants are owned by an owner who LEASES them to a "mahout" who then takes the animal away long or short term to make money out of it any way he can. There are few laws to protect the animal; they are no more than chattels. Even in genuine conservation parks, the relationship between minder and elephant is often only short term as the pay is simply not enough to keep a young man and his family.

    The idea of a long mahout/elephant relationship is just a "Kipling myth".

    In the west we all abhor animal cruelty; the problem is so many in the west are too ignorant of the issues to recognise it when they see it.

    what you think about http://www.thailandelephant.org/en/ they look legimite government run proffesional ????????????

  3. Advice from World Animal Protection:

    "Elephants are not meant to be ridden"

    "A spokeswoman said: “Elephants are cruelly abused to tame them enough so they give rides and perform in shows.
    “Most tourists don’t know about these abuses, or the potential danger they put themselves in.
    "If you can ride it, hug it or have a selfie with a wild animal, then the chances are it is cruel and the animal is suffering.”

    Well this sounds reasonable...I saw elephants ,little elephants who was dragged through kaosan rd and the mahout try to make people buy banans for them....most of the people around thought it was cute...but observing the elephant closly you could see how he was suffering....if he would not comply they would use brute force on him the baby elephant....his skin looked unhealthy big areas around his neck was red pink where the skin got off....I think humans responsibility should be to take care for elephants just like they do it in http://www.thailandelephant.org/en/

    but i think an elephant can be ridden and used for work like a buffolo without torturing him...but pls reply as I am not an expert on this subject

  4. The last thing I'd want to do is go back to my old country. When I've had enough of this place, I'm moving on to somewhere new. Fresh adventure, no looking back.

    Ecuador is the place to be.

    I would cheerfully relocate to Ecuador except for the Spanish language requirement. I am not learning a new language at 65. Ecuador most certainly offers quality healthcare with no age limit and no preexisting condition limits. Ecuador is even cheaper than Thailand. There are no draconian punishments for overstay, you simply pay a fine. They don't throw you in jail and make it impossible for you to get out without help. Defamation and LM charges are not possible there. You can pretty much post anything on the internet and there's no "war room" to watch your every online move. Thailand's big selling point is the possibility of getting by here with only English.

    ecuador seems to have anasty murder rate....80% of citicen pay protection money ....check Mara Salvatrucha.

  5. hi lostin isaan ?

    it looks to me you write about a situation 1980 -1990 but sure not about todays thailand (isaan )....as far as I know most kids have tabletcomputers are fat fed...and enjoy a better rate of literacy than europe....

    if there are down and outs its because of too much sanuk gambling drinking too much jaba and girlfriends....u find people like that in every village....but most of the rest are well off nice houses and big pickup 4WDs ..well I agree mostly on loanes but well in the west is quiet the same....

    my Gf a physical therapist coming from ssk working near chiang mai....her family ricetraders very hard working good hearted thai people honest and wealthy but sure not rich...devouted buddhists....

    the isaan as a area was poor in the 80s 90s dead poor no doubt but through the influx of western mens money who married the daughters of the isaan the area developed much to the surprise of the learned and wealthy in bkk....

    see another post on this forum:


    my concludion ...the average family in isaan is much better off than in the 90s and way better than what u write....but till today i never visited isaan ssk etc...but working in and out thailand since the early nintys mostly bkk and I saw this country rising economicaly but also in prices....

    first and furthermore one should enjoy a good command of the thai languagge in reading writing to make any assumptions at all...

    I hope you are fluent in both writing and reading otherwise you are the permanent falang / the suggar daddy / the ones who get smiled in the face and get stolen in the back

  6. Thailand: desperately afraid that someone will spend MONEY here. blink.png

    I'm sure they'll make money out of it. It's an excuse to stop foreigners who're generally terrified of them. If they stop them they're likely to work out ways of getting money out of them, legal or not. It's a great idea in Pattaya as all of the impotent no hopers stay there, and their testosterone's really low, so they'll be good victims. Many laws exist in Thailand, but they're not enforced unless the person's unlucky, but getting stopped then becomes a confidence trickster's realm. You get stopped, you don't want trouble, so you're willing to palm them off with money, even if you're not exactly sure why you're being stopped or what you think that you don't want them to find out about.

    well your post describes in short the thai -falang relationship and not only in pattaya simple : pay and be happy....the redhouse concept applied to all fields of life

  7. Aha I see a new field of economical opportunitys arising for the pattaya cop force....soon we might overher something like...Eh mamsan the falang here long time here no long d...k but stay five years in ur red house....mamasan reply: ok pa how much....cop looks around : well a little more than usual because big immigration boss in town...mamsan: ok bring him here I take care for him and here is ur envelope as usual....= everybody happy thai style....

  8. Thai immigration are so incompetent it's hilarious.

    Terrorists coming into the country with the full knowledge of the authorities. Meanwhile, immigration officials scowl their faces and threaten people with blacklisting and fines if they don't report their location every 90 days. .....like the Thai police, they will never ever attempt to arrest a real criminal as there is too much easy money to be made by threatening law abiding people over made up rules

    in thailand (and asia -all third world countrys ) u become police not becaue u wanna help anyone or are a special law abiding citicen ... the reason is u can make money ( alot of money much more than anyone else with education ) from bribes...thats the only reason ....so dont be surprised if in the face of real danger they all fail ...it is part of the system....

  9. if u sell weed big style in the netherlands u are no crook u are legitimic business...have drug coffees u can make money if u pay taxes...so i dont know why pple call this guy a crook ...is like a bartender only different product...if he got caught doing the same in thailand than it would be a crime but not in the netherlands soft drugs ar elegal there u can use them buy and sell them like cars or like tshirts no big deal...theuír tourism busineess depends a lot on this drug policy because dayly many thousands of people visit amsterdam to stock up their drugs for personal use they spend on hotels restaurants taxis sightseeing etc...it is a legal dutch export product....similair with prostitution ...they have hundrets of streets in every city full of window womens...so easy this guy is not a crook by netherland standards...so he should get a compensation from the dutch authoritys if they send the false infos to the thais...simple...

    another thought on the ladys business...I really dont get it why dutch go for hookers to thailand...usualy nine out of ten thai hookers are really ugly if u sober...in reverse in amsterdam they have los of working womens from carribiaen etc...one more prettier and more professional than the other ..the average thai isaan lady has no chance to compete with them...so pattaya versus amsterdam amsterdam wins sure also legal weed less crime beautifull city by the way....

  10. Well I was always thinking and wondering how long it will take till somebody pulls down a bank robbery or a gold shop job.....if he had a real gun it would be much easier for him to get away.....he could simply shoot out his way....pure violence always works.....but come on only 170000 bhat he could make much more in a good run on the casino in an hour....dont know how long they will lock him up in thailand...someone here suggests 25 y. in the gutter...well quiet along holiday ....but the good news is in the bkk jail u can fight your way out...so in any way violence always pays in the end.....

  11. Well first of all I want to express my compassion for you..your women/wife/ the mother of your son is using him / her own son / as a random to squeeze money from her husband /boy friend / the father of the child.....how low can go things in the country of smiles...?

    I think as others here mentioned before that her new man is not interested in the child and wanna squeeze money from u ....so they depend on your love / attachment to the child.....if are able to detach for a while stopping the contact to her she will have nothing left ...as soon the new man sees the situation 1.) no money the guy went back to his country / is not available ( tell ur ex that u also find a new women and she should keep the child growing up on her / the new mans expenses and u are happy that finally u are rid of her because your new gf is a virgin from a rich house who is head dover heels in love with you and u gonna marry her real soon ) ... and stop the contact...

    her new guy willr eally soon loose interest in her 99% guarantee.....also apologize to her parents and all her relatives that u will marry ur new virgin ( this just in case they have a spy also 99% sure in Thailand.....) BUT u will forgive her when she comes back but only for the sake of the child ....

    so result will be she is on her own no or little money and will crawl back to her parent s and pretty soon I think someone will disdretly contact you ad than u make ur move take her cild away and go back to germany with him / her...

    this is because in Thailand schools produce retards even the worst school in germany will be a hundret times better than an average school in thailand....so in any way I wish u good luck viel glück und kopf hoch...in thailand u have to be very cunning to survive never believe the promisses and never believe the smiles....but enjoy the sun the smiles and the promisses but take nothing serious down there...

  12. Moving a foreign family to Thailand is about 0.5% of the expats.

    If you take the retired couples out of the stats. ......... 0.1% with young children.

    The other 99.5% are single men (and a few single women).

    Anyone moving western (non-Thai) children (of school age) out here should be arrested and charged with child abuse.

    Like your comment about kids....I think thai schools are thee years back to any other even in asia....

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