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Everything posted by Barry864

  1. So, which way you got the better results ?
  2. Last year I asked at my brach and they told me that GBP would be exchanged to THB before transfering it to UK. So they making money out of it in more than one way. I think they mentioned that fee too.
  3. Hey guys, what is the best way, if needed, to transfer money out of Thailand from a Bangkok Bank Account to a UK account ? I have a foreing currency account in GBP and the bank process for the transfer is changing GBP to THB and then THB to GBP again, so you're losing twice in the exchange. I have also this Deemoney app for a couple of years but I never really used it before. TIA for your replies
  4. So what happens if you break rules 2 or 3 ? They reject your next application ?
  5. Hi guys, A couple of months ago I got a 1 year retirement extension from the Jomtien Immigration office. I heard that for at least 3 months after that, this deposit needs to be left untouched. Is that true ? I have an urgent need to temporarily withdraw half of that money for a car purchase before this 3-month perriod expires and will deposit it back on time, ie more than 2 months before my next application. Can I do that safely or would that affect my current immigration status ? Thanks in advance for your responses.
  6. Yes, I used a re-entry permit. I thought the same. I have done that many times and never had a problem
  7. I returned from the UK last Sunday and I just asked the company who's managing the condo to get me a TM30 tomorrow. She told me I might get fined because I did not report back within 24 hrs of my arrival ??? I've never encountered this problem before. Please advise
  8. I expect it to be very busy this week as it was closed for Songkran, so I would be happy to skip that step if possible
  9. Hi guys, I am going to Jomtien Immigration in the next couple of days to apply for my retirement extension. I already got from them a 3-month visa which expires next week. My question is, I see attached to my passport a notification of address slip that is dated from last September. I have not changed address for the last 3 years and I renewed my lease contract last week for another year. Do I need to get a new notification of address before I proceed for the application or is the old one good enough for this purpose ? Thanks in advance for your replies.
  10. Have you ever done it very early ? Let's say 6:00-7:00 am ?
  11. I am also personally interested on this as I also need to travel abroad myself during this weekend. I am supposed to get my passport with the 3-month visa ( same thing, 1st step towards retirement) on Friday and I am not sure I will have enough time to get a re-entry permit as 1. they don't know what time it will be ready for me to collect it and 2. I will have probably to queue for a ticket for the re-entry permit and judging from the crowds that could take up to 1 hour just to get the queue ticket. So a permit at the airport would serve me well too.
  12. Sorry, I don't understand this. He said he got a 3 month visa a month ago at Jomtien as the first step towards retirement but he has to travel to the US probably tomorrow and he asked if he could avoid going to Jomtien again for this re-entry permit as nowadays the place is extremely crowded.
  13. He's got 2 more months on his visa. He is planning to apply for retirement extension
  14. Hello to everyone, A few questions about getting a re-entry permit at Suvarnabhumi please. 1. Where exactly do you need to go ? 2. Apparently before going for the security and immigration checks, right ? 3. How much time does it usually take ? 4. Is this office open 24 hours ? I mean a friend has got an early flight tomorrow at 08:30. Can he get this permit in time ? He has a 3 month non-O visa as he told me. Many thanks in advance for your replies
  15. I asked if anyone had any similar experience. That is not a question for immigration and that perhaps could save me a trip to Jomtien where it was extremely crowded yesterday. Do you understand the logic behind this ?
  16. Hello to everyone, So yesterday, I applied at Jomtien for the first step of a retirement extension, that is for the initial 3 month extension. I was given a date to go back to immigration on the 5th, which is a Monday, to get my passport stamped. Unfortunately today, I got a call from the UK and my elderly father who is unwell for some time is having a serious operation on the morning of the 5th and preferrably I should travel back to the UK a couple of days earlier so I could be by his bedside that day. Are you aware of any circumstances that I could get this stamp from Immigration a couple of days earlier, like on Friday the 2nd so I could travel on the weekend after that ? Many thanks in avance for your replies.
  17. Do you know if they still require a map of the location of your residence ? (not mentioned on the pattaya expats link above)
  18. Thanks a lot. Will go there on Monday morning with all the papers ready and see what happens
  19. I have the funds untouched for many months already. Last year I applied and was given a 3 month visa as the first step towards retiremnt but for seriousfamily reasons I had to leave the country before being able to apply for the 2nd step and missed the dates. Now I have to repeat the process all over gain but I don't know if I go on Monday if there is enough time left on my permission to stay to apply for the 3 month visa
  20. All financial requirements are in order. So do I need to apply for a 30 day extension now or for a non-O as the first step towards retirement extension ?
  21. No thai wife or children. I plan to apply for retirement extension at Jomtien. My 30 day visa free entry stamp expires on 5 February. I wonder if I can apply this coming Monday, would that be too late ?
  22. Hi to everyone. How long after entering Thailand can I apply for the 60 day extension ? That would be the first step to eventually apply for a retirement extension.I was given a 30 day visa-free period of stay at the airport and I have 15 more days left
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