Think that you and with you many other seem to have forgotten the lessons learned from the cold war. As well from the nuclear testing around the 1950’s as well the lesson learned for the nuclear power plant accident back in 1986. The lessons learned is that whatever Putin or Russia does with tactical nuclear attacks it is Russia who will suffer the most. All to do with how nature made the earth, the air exchange between the northern and southern hemisphere as well how the wind blows.
Putin and Russia know this very well too. Only the pacifists in the west have forgotten and can be scared easy due to the lack of knowledge. Beside the terrible events in Hiroshima, Nagasaki, as well the nuclear accident in the Ukraine in 1986 shown that life adapts.
War does not solve anything, still the agreements put on paper not can protect. Why are the former easter European countries so afraid of ‘Russian influence’ and not want to be liberated from the western influence? They are preparing to defend and are totally not afraid to fight with all means if needed?