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Everything posted by Autonuaq

  1. Do have had the same experience with deposits made that were not returned. Or totally forgotten and then even send letter to pay while the policy is for foreigners to pay upfront 12 months or 6 months. rent/water/electricty/internet/phone/tv or insurance. not sure whey this is sometimes the case.
  2. With all respect to you and all the other people here too . To be very honest to say is that most people never prepared to look into the things they should know. I am not sure why you ever think about this because first of all you not did prepare the marriage at the first stage and then secondly you stepped into a mariage that fall under the law system you not all looked at how things worked. you probably moved to a country and never have looked at the systems that are in place. Regardless what ever answer is written down here any suggestion or recommendation the frist thing that has to be cleared is the choice of rights on the marriage that applies to the mariage and therefore on the rest that is involved. Nearly all people are not aware that when you move from one country to another country and you not register the choice of rights that apply to marriage after a set period of 10 years the law of the country of residence do apply. so you marry under Thai law. Then later move to for example to Germany. Do live happy together for 12 years and then you move back to Thailand and start to enjoy. after 3 years you decide to divorce. and then the Thai law not apply to the divorce as you expected but the German Law. All could have bee prevented by simply register every time when you move in to a new country and register the choice of rights that apply to the marriage. this secures all is as you think it is. Beside one should have had before the marriage registered the prenuptial agreements that apply on the marriage. before the marriage so people wil not challenge it when you change it during the marriage, like you future ex wife will certainly do when this is changed and you will file de divorce. it you are married in Thailand and want to go for a divorce then visit a decent lawyer who can advise you. on the other hand she is entitled to have half of all that falls under the marriage. Simply because she made it possible that you could focus and you got what you needed, the care, the sex, the fun and all the other things. she made possible that you have this on the bank and all the assets you have now.
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