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Posts posted by jpb1963

  1. I get very pleasant return smiles from people on a regular basis, and there is no ulterior motive because they are folks I happen to encounter as I walk along... they are not going to get anything else from me than a facial expression of good will. Especially gratifying are the ones who look doubtful or pissed off at first, but break out in a "happy face" when I persist.

    My GF has remarked "You do not have to smile at everybody!" I suspect she means the other Thai ladies. smile.png

    Fully agree. Cannot understand farangs who do not smile. Didn't we come here to be happy.

    lol that is gold - so easy to smile and be smiled back at.

    seems that the naysayers herein are perhaps jaded by the over run tourist precinct areas or they are just miserable SOS's,

    i find that smiling is the norm rather than the opposite.

    to those that think that there is an ulterior motive behind everyone well i guess you live in a very shallow and tainted world - bad luck i am glad that i don't

  2. interesting - i got a warning from the moderators for asking about brewing in Thailand not that long ago, and here we ahem an article.

    how is then that something that is illegal actually operates as a business in making and selling home made beer, when i asked the question it was purely out of trying to find out what the deal was as i have been brewing in australia for the past 35 years and wanted to here as well.

    watch me get in trouble again now lol….

    i might wander there and suss him out and open my micro brewery as well

    now i am really in for it from the moderators.

    Normally we don't allow public comments about moderation. But just to clarify, brewing your own beer here is illegal. It's against forum rules to discuss illegal activity. Thus, your post was against forum rules. Sadly.

    I'm a huge craft beer lover. Unfortunately, Thailand isn't the best country right now for this. Loved my trip to Czech Republic a few years ago. 500ml of fresh brewed beer for about 50B! Heaven. Ukraine's price earlier this year was about 30B.

    Hopefully things in Thailand will change and these ridiculous laws will be abolished.

    that was what i understood from the slap i received - i found it ironic that there was a news article on this topic a few weeks later in the same forum.

    i think i have drunk some of the best beers of my life in Europe they sure know how to make beer.

    hence my frustration at what is on offer here in thailand.

    however with the benefit of several months under my belt i have come to realise that the majority of thai laws and their subsequent application appears to be a selective process and if you don't stick your head in front of the cross hairs then you can get along just fine, even making a bit of your own amber is possible it would seem

    as for thailand changing its laws on this particular matter - i guess we will continue to age gracefully whilst that chestnut runs its course.

  3. Some tips for you:

    - stay away from isan ladies

    - date someone close to your age

    - same income and social level as you

    - better to look for chinese or thai chinese mix

    - a women who studied abroad is a plus

    - a women who never travel outside thailand is a minus

    Folow this basic rules and u will find good girls.

    wow great advise you are certainly onto something.

    say while we are at it can you tell me then where i can meet a thai lady that earns the same as me as that is a cornerstone to your advise

    oh and yes as a guide she needs to earn about 220k per annum.

    umm that's USD too.

    Thanks in advance for what i am sure will be a game changer for me with your advise

  4. interesting - i got a warning from the moderators for asking about brewing in Thailand not that long ago, and here we ahem an article.

    how is then that something that is illegal actually operates as a business in making and selling home made beer, when i asked the question it was purely out of trying to find out what the deal was as i have been brewing in australia for the past 35 years and wanted to here as well.

    watch me get in trouble again now lol….

    i might wander there and suss him out and open my micro brewery as well

    now i am really in for it from the moderators.

  5. There are a lot of empty condos and shop houses around, but they keep building more.

    But it seems that most newly built condos and shops are being sold. How come??

    Same in BKK, harder to sell used or older Condos; Thais mostly want new, same as cars & bikes, second hand is not sought.

    why is that do you know, i picked up on this recently with my gf as well when talking about these types of purchases, there is an empty house in here village which i reckon would be ideal to spend a bit on and fix up but she say no cannot samee no good… i ask why she say ghosts?? what is that all about?

  6. I had 3 girls cheating on me at the same time.

    So who was the real cheater then?

    3 of them… the harlots! i hope you dealt with them in an appropriate manner by taking your feelings out with the rubbish and banging another 6.

    that just goes to prove once and for all that they all are no good, OP should pack his bags and go home cuz there aint no loving to be had in this here neck o the woods

  7. Our village handyman was bragging that he had shagged every mia falang in the village, except one.

    When I told my wife about it and she said "That will be Noi from number 22, she thinks she's so hi-so".

    What about your wife then?

    She's spending the night with her brother. I'll ask her when she gets home.

    haha what a crack upcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

    clearly the point was lost on gutenberg,

  8. Bunch of mostly older guys trying to be young again by jerking their head to the beat of AC/DC rather than the Neil Diamond they're actually familiar with. Meanwhile, the youngsters are desperately trying to impress each other with an endless stream of BeeEss.

    ....Just like back home.

    gee wonder what category i fit into - i went to pubs listening to ac/dc and then to their concerts when they became 'known', i also have been to Neil Diamond concerts and i enjoy listening to both equally.

    <deleted> do you listen and nod your head too - boyszone and justin bieber?

  9. Blood sucking US taxman, no other country taxes their citizens when they are not resident in their country!

    An Aussie friend of mine told me yesterday that the bank is taking 10% of his interest return on his savings as he is not resident in Australia. His bank was ordered to by the taxman. He did give me a name for it but it escapes me at the moment.

    It's called withholding tax. Pretty much every country in the western world applies it to interest income paid from their country to non-residents. You can deduct it from any tax you pay in your country of residence if both countries have signed a double tax treaty.

    JMC why spruik about something that you clearly have no knowledge of what so ever,

    Under australian tax laws your global income is subjected to the australian tax system, even if you pay taxes in the host country you must top up the differential to the ATO (if the taxes paid in the host country are less than what you would be required to pay in australia)

    furthermore you can live and work overseas for several years and you will be assessed for the duration of this time. I work in a global industry and have met many individuals over the years that have been scalped by the tax man upon returning to australia

    These forums are intended to provide people some information and relevance and people like yourself that bang off rubbish only dilute the value of a thread.

    this law applies in many other western countries and any country that has signed tax treaties with Australia reciprocate data as required.

  10. It's not cheap to build in Thailand but you can build cheaply...

    Looking at the pictures you can clearly see that the bridge is a steel structure with bamboo just to cover it and the concrete pillars working as the support structure. And with too much free time I did some measuring using some the pictures as they gave 2m width that I used as a reference and if my calculations are right then:

    Concrete pillars: 230mm or 10"

    Steel pipes: 26mm or 3/4" pipe

    Wires: 8mm

    Sections: 1000*350mm

    So if there are any engineer out there who can do any kind of strength calculation for the bridge?! I would guess that the max load is not that much!

    I just did the calculation for you

    500 people yield point .

    max safe working load using dynamic factoring and stress to yield modelling - 200 people.

  11. More like start checking the accounts of these years and see where the money comes from. Because I'm bloody sure its not from hard work.

    coffee1.gif and you pulled that pearl of wisdom out of your arse because ….????

    maybe some have rich parents that worked hard

    maybe some didn't

    maybe some have worked hard and been fortunately successful

    maybe some never got marriedwai2.gif

    maybe you spent your entire life working in a factory for the man earning a pittance and then lost the lot because you got married - yeah i'm bloody sure thats the case

  12. oh look everyone he asked that no one take the p..s on this very important topic - because whatever gets posted here is going to be taken on board by someone that gives a f..k and they will do something about it.. no problem anymore we can all go back to our beer that we could not buy today

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