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Posts posted by jpb1963

  1. OP - offer your friend 1,000 baht in cash if he will let you run up behind him and hit him on the head with a brick, twice. First time he can wear a helmet, second time he can't. That should be more effective than a page of statistics or a video. He can use the 1,000 baht to buy some betadine and sticking plasters.

    HAHA - that has to be the best posted advise on here


  2. .. Bloke down our way bin riding for over 30 years and never worn a "lid" and appart from losing an ear and getting a gash on his face has never had a problem....

    there you go - helmet manufacturers are scalping us, stats on head injuries are fictitious, hospitals don't receive road head trauma victims from motor cycle accidents and those that have been riding for the last 30 years with a helmet on are quite clearly idiots - as opposed to our learned colleague posting the above dribble.

    i give up - where's my beer....

  3. Ps don't believe in marriage what so ever excluding for my own profit. Let's call it an up coming generation thing. Only idiots believe in "love" and "romance" with marriage. It's weak and easy to manipulate thus so many idiots who lose everything over here because of their weak ideologies.

    No I would not marry for love.

    /close thread.

    So from the answers on a thread you've gone to that conclusion? I guess you were trolling, as you seemed interested in marriage.

    If this is the new generation then .......

    I still do not know what trolling is lol...


  4. to those that sling off the thai's stop and think about marriage in general and just what some women are capable of from any culture

    I offered my australian wife the house ($1M) and all debts cleared and finish paying for our daughters education etc and i walk, she says no that is not good enough i want a share of what you earn in the next 15 years because you are going to earn so much,

    I said gee that does not seem reasonable maybe you will have to work for a living a for a change, anyway I go for a bike ride (admit ably it was for a couple months) i come back and find that she has sold all my Snap On tools and a bunch of my shed stuff some of which my grandfather gave me as well as my father - about 30 years worth of accumulation. She refused to tell me what she sold it for. I itemised what i can remember so far and we are over $140,000 worth of tools alone

    I said well that buggers up any chance of resolving this nicely see you in court.

    We start going through full disclosure and guess what $200k unaccounted for missing from banking (I have not had a bank account for about 15 years she did the lot) and oh look she has bought a business for $250k as well in the last few months....

    Somehow my daughter that i had a great relationship with refuses to speak with me since January.

    If i had been screwing around i could understand a bit of nastiness - but she just became unbearable to live with and i left, to find out what sort of preson she is....The house has been sold and now my lawyers are holding the entire proceeds while process is carried out which will only result in the lawyers ending up with more than her more than likely - stupid nasty piece of s.....t.

    My Thai GF so far has asked for nothing for herself and is a wonderful person to be with.

    True that can change but do not for one second label Thai's as being less morale than western shiela's, and i know numerous blokes that all have similar stories from their western wives. Do you think a western hooker would have more morales or ethics than one from thailand or Vietnam or any other country for that matter, not a bloody chance

    Those that have been dissed by a thai were more than likely dissed by a western whore(wife) and fronted up for seconds or thirds and got scuppered again - bad luck dont blame the thai's look at yourself.

  5. How about making the road safer? Infrastructure investment is a good way of pumping money into the economy. However, I doubt after all the deaths at this dangerous stretch of road, anyone thought about improving the highway to make it safer. A high accident rate is proof the road is dangerous, despite all the driver and vehicle factors mentioned by others.

    If driver education and common sense was instilled into drivers, the accident rate would diminish - always easy to blame the roads which in some cases is fair comment but this doesn't account for stupidity behind the wheel. Many countries have roads thru' dangerous mountain areas and their accident rate doesn't approach that of Thailand.

    Of course the usual cry is brake-failure, never driving too fast/ in the wrong gear for the conditions, inexperience, or other preventable reason.

    its not brake failure when they are cooked from over use/over speed which is a direct consequence of incorrect gear selection - like most they seem hell bent o n getting somewhere as quickly as possible.

    same as the overtaking on blind corners - i see this every time i travel through mountainous areas it is completely unfathomable.

  6. Only do a registration on marriage in Thailand, not in your country, she can only take half what you have in Thailand in a divorce,

    if you do not have houses, etc. on your wife name, then you loos that

    Every thing you have in your home country, she can not touch. if you do not register the marriage there ;-)

    Hope this help.

    Good luck

    all is depending on the Courtney you are from.


    in general the Thai marriage for the Thai law is a legal marriage that is valid in other countries as well. see the website


    The Hague Convention on Celebration and Recognition of the Validity of Marriages or Hague Marriage Convention is a multilateral treaty developed by the Hague Conference on Private International Law that provides the recognition of marriages

    more information and deeper


    Thailand did sign this as well most countries in the world that the expats are coming form of this forum


    Regarding divorce all depend on the registration of the choice of right and if you did make exceptions to what is of whom.

    In general Thai marriage is what is before is separated, during marriage is belonging of both.

    So the house you have before marriage is yours.

    the inheritance you got form your parents during marriage belong to your wife and you if the inheritance has no exception.

    Not registering you marriage in your own country, if you are not emigrated, is in most countries a criminal offence and can also be seen as financial fraud by your government..


    in general the location of the marriage applies to the marriage.

    If you did make the official recognized registration of the pre marriage agreement about things like house, assets, debts and so on this will be effective on the date and time of the legal marriage.

    In general after 10 year the choice of rights on the marriage that apply to the marriage are the right of the country one is registered and residence in.


    You are married and both are British.

    moving to The Netherlands than after 10 year automatically the Dutch marriage laws applies

    moving to Thailand after 10 years automatically the Thai laws applies


    To prevent this happening this can be done very easy by officially registering the law that applies to the Marriage in the country where one has official residence or is assuming to be residential. (YES be aware of the assuming to be residential status that can be applied too.)

    Register choice of right that applies to t he marriage at the appropriator official organisation in the country and the right you want to apply will be on the marriage they will return to the confirmation of registration.

    if you not register after 10 year automatically your marriage is applied to the new country it law. about this.

    if you are married and you are for example British and the other is Thai than in general the the law of the location of marriage applies which will be in general Thai Law.



    never the less to protect and be sure to it right and make the pre marriage documents to protect your assets and liability look after you right an register the rights at the office of the country. also register you marriage in the country of the passport you are barrier of.

    As you see the game and rules about marriage are crisp and clear and in some countries when a ex-partner (in most cases the woman) can proof you live with her, she can successful claim when you are divorcing even without being married. like happened in the Netherlands recently.

    Whish you all the wisdom and success.

    so much information.....

    much better off not getting married - with the money you save you can buy several Ducati Motorcycles and go on really cool holidays.....

  7. 1. Follow the trucks to see where they are parked at night.

    2. In the middle of the night...dressed in your best all black "Mission Impossible" outfit, sneak up on the trucks.

    3. Push a small pin through the two speaker wires ... shorting them out. Make sure you choose a spot on the wires that is hard to find.

    4. Repeat as necessary


    that is gold - make sure you do a combat crawl up to said trucks too

  8. I think it cost 30 or 40 baht to get legally married.. Plus some for the paperwork from U.K embassy smile.png

    30 or 40 bht to get married - your life's savings to get divorced, do the math.....

    Life savings less 30 baht, which you already spent on the wedding certificate..

    haha my bad....

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