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Posts posted by RidgeRunner

  1. I have 25 years experience on the ground here in Thailand. Done plenty of renovation work. It's always the same old routine...

    Fix it, then tear it out, fix it again, tear it out, then settle for 80% right.


    1. They don't care.

    2. They make a sport of ripping off farangs.

    3. Lazy.

    4. They don't know what they are doing.

    5. They admire the corrupt workers that do the least and make the most.

  2. Lot's of reports on the WEB about fresh oil leaks after switching to synthetic oil in old engines.

    It is believed it is caused from the removal of deposits that act as a seal to hardened/ shrunk older seals.

  3. Reality is the MSM has to make clear it has now separated itself from the Ben Ghazi stuff and its associated emails stuff that the MSM led by the NYT was exploiting to the advantage of the Republicans and the few and helpless Democrats running against HRClinton.

    The perspective on the political right is that the MSM have instead kissed HRC on the cheeks but the right has its own marginal and fringe conception of things, as most of us know.

    Bernie Sanders did what he wanted to do and to accomplish in the debate so the night was a success for him and his campaign. HRC did do very well. She had composure, she had class, and she had her stuff together. The debate was Clinton's to lose so she instead aced it.

    Republicans on the right can say the predictable stuff that she lied and that she snaked her way through answers to questions blah blah blurp blurp, cause that is all the R's have. HRC spoke frankly and convincingly, which reminds of Pres Harry Truman during his winning 1948 underdog campaign, that when someone yelled "Give 'em hell Harry" Truman simply said," I tell Republicans the truth so they just think it's hell."

    Due to the Kevin McCarthy Foot in Mouth Disease and now another Republican has come along saying the same thing, the MSM has to back off its hostility to the fact the D party race to the nomination is a yawn given HRClinton has it in a walk. No sale for the MSM journals and tv programs and their trying to spice up the D party nomination race because it remains a no contest walk for HRC.

    The MSM can't allow itself to now be accused of being an informal extension of the Ben Ghazi Committee, although the accusation would not be new or unheard of.

    Another Congressman Admits Benghazi Committee Is All About Hillary Clinton


    That's right.

    If Hillary dropped out of the race, FOX would drop the emails/Bengazzi nonsense in an instant and start fresh attacks on the new frontrunner.

    Attack politics posing as a "News" outlet.

  4. I propose the climate change deniers are a little bit behind on their scientific literature.

    The government should make it's climate change policy decisions based on the advice of the distinguished scientists, not the opinions of politicians that represent the largest polluters.

    According to the worlds elite scientific organisations like the National Academy of Scientists or the UK Royal Society, it is now more certain than ever, based on many line of evidence, that humans are changing the Earth's climate.

    The National Academy of Sciences is a private non-profit organization in the USA that was established by an Act of Congress, charged with providing independent, objective advice to the nation on matters related to science and technology.

    New members of the organization are elected annually by current members, based on their distinguished and continuing achievements in original research.

    Election to the National Academy is one of the highest honors in U.S. science. Members serve pro-bone (free) as "advisers to the nation" on science.

    Now you know.

    Still, the "journalists" on FOX News insists it is a hoax. cheesy.gif cheesy.gif cheesy.gif

  5. Isn't 1,200kms a little early to be putting fully synthetic oil in?

    Unless Honda is something unusual, then , no, it's not a little early at all.

    I agree.

    Those rings and bearings have a million strokes in a few hours of operation and should be broken in I believe.

  6. Those dishes all look good to me.

    I have had a thousand meals or more at real mexican restaurants in Salinas.

    The Mexicans do seafood too. How about large butterflied shrimps, stuffed with crab, onion, cilantro, cheese, then broiled.

  7. Really ? What did that include ?

    I just paid 1500 for my Ranger, included 7L of full synthetic oil and a filter..

    What happens if car oil is used in bike?

    papa thinks prolly no prob, but only WAG.

    Many bikes have a wet clutch that shares the motor oil.

    Bike oil manufacturers leave out some of the slippery stuff so the clutch functions.

    The automatic scooters don't have a wet clutch and can use car oil.

    I use the Honda oil with MB in my auto scooter. MB will damage a clutch.

    I would like to try synthetic in my scooter but since there is no oil filter, I change quite often and use the recommended Honda brand.

  8. January 18, 2013 Pattaya Deputy Mayor said:

    "Deputy Mayor Ronakit said 467 jet skis have so far been registered with the city. All insured jet skis will carry stickers visible to renters and those operators found not to be carrying insurance will be barred from operating."

  9. So, the Deputy Mayor has been tasked, since 2008 to move against the decades old jet ski thugs.

    I wonder why the Mayor puts up with the incompetence?

    8 years later he he is still talking......

    cheesy.gif 2008. After years of unsuccessful attempts to stop the jet ski scam the Deputy Mayor "finally moves against jet ski vendors."cheesy.gif


    2008 Deputy Mayor Ronakit Ekasingh told vendors assembled that all watercraft vendors must report to Pattaya City Hall by Aug. 10 to provide copies of identification cards, vehicle registration and other documents which would be distributed to city hall and police officials. Licenses would eventually be issued and Ronakit said matters related to insurance for the jet skis would be discussed at a later meeting.

  10. Taco discovery.

    Recently I was hungry & had some corn tortillas and pork satay leftover in my fridge.

    That works. Surprisingly delicious. A little butter and salt doesn't hurt.

    So good, I've been eating this weekly.

  11. Carnitas tacos are all I need.


    Pork, onions, cilantro on a corn tortilla, squeeze of lime with a splash of salsa.

    LaMonitas and Sambroso, Soi 23 in Bangkok can do it. Why not here in Pattaya?

  12. Jet ski insurance is going to be mandatory in October 2015?

    This is nonsense and the Mayor/Police know it. They said this in 2011 & 2013.....

    2011 Pattaya Daily News:


    "2011 Pattaya Municipalily called for the jet ski operators to register their jet ski businesses, to have insurances and stop extorting money from tourists.

    2013 All jet skis were required to have insurance since February 28, 2013. See below Pattaya People link:


    "All members of the Jet Ski Club, and Jet Ski operators and owners, must buy a policy by February 28th, 2013."

    2013 Pattaya Mail link:


    "January 2013 The panel, comprised of city and provincial government and police officials, voted unanimously Jan. 5 to approve the new insurance requirements, which they hope will remove the incentive for jet ski vendors to extort tourists for hundreds of thousands of baht in alleged damage.

    The Deputy Mayor has been holding "emergency" meetings about jet ski thugs since 2008.

    Time after time, he pretends to care and the beach thugs continue to to use violence and intimidation to scam & defraud our visitors.

    Isn't it time some journalist grew a pair of balls and questions these people?

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