Here is the scenario
Using a Bricks and motor Real Estate agent is 15 years in business in the same location
Both seller and buyer using registered Thai lawyers
Buyer’s lawyer and buyer has seen copies all relevant documents, chanote, Tabian Bahn, and owner’s Thai ID, power of attorney documents, land office and treasury documents.
Seller is Australian
Buyer is Australian, partner is a Thai national (legally married in Thailand)
Owner on Chanote is Seller’s daughter , Thai National
Seller has power of attorney granted to by the daughter
Thai ID of land owner expires 19th September 2022
Sale date is 12th September 2022
buyer will purchase property using
80% AUD$
20% THB
Seller, buyer, both lawyers and agent will be at the land office on the day of transfer of chanote, owner of land will not be there and is currently not contactable. Whereabouts unknown.
If anyone has any relevant experience in this area would be much appreciated if they can answer the below questions. Would save me double guessing our lawyer. Just in case.
My questions are
1 is the seller legally allowed to sell the property to us?
2 Is it possible for the daughter to try and challenge in court the sale after the chanote has been signed over to my partner who is a Thai national?
Thanks in advance, and please not trolls…….only helpful advice.