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Posts posted by baipaibkk

  1. 6 hours ago, bob smith said:

    I'd rather be alone than be sat with a bunch fake smiling locals who have ulterior motives..


    I have been here a long time, and I don't know a single expat that has a meaningful, reciprocal friendship with a Thai man.


    I will, of course, keep my eyes peeled and report back if and when that changes!



    I have some good Thai friends here. But I live far away from the sewers like Pattaya or Phuket


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  2. 3 minutes ago, moe666 said:

    How can he know Thailand is different, I believe it is called research. Plenty of sources out there that will give you the dos and the do nots, Do we really need another Utube blogger

    I don't need any more of these idiots, but that's what the online social world is like today. If you let him do it then 50 people will read the crap, if you criticize him there will be 500 people

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  3. 14 minutes ago, shackleton said:

    Here we go again people criticising the Country where they want to reside in

    The majority of us living here know you have to be aware of what you say and who to 

    You are a guest here leave the politics ect to the Thai people 

    If you are retired or just a tourist  just enjoy what the Country has to offer 

    That's why you are here 

    He comes from a democratic country where there is freedom of expression. How can he know that things are different here? He hasn't been here long enough for that. But you are right. I have been enjoying the country and my family for 15 years. Absorb the positive and fade out the negative. So you can live perfectly here.

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