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Everything posted by flyDelight

  1. Other than in Thailand, for the Philippines you better book accomodation and transportation in advance, to not get your luggane pulled away from you by some moronic taxidriver who insists 'bringing you to his sister's hotel'. And many hotels in the Philippines are filthy abandoned garbage. (living) Standards are VERY different from Thailand. Tip: bring some survival food like muesli bars etc. for te first days. Edible food can be far away, unless you don't mind eating the intestines of a cat.
  2. So it's basically governmental prostitution ????
  3. Stripe is your best option, it has popular local payment options implemented.
  4. I am here in Kurdistan (northern Iraq) discussing with my friend (local large business owner of Dutch origin) -who has a long-term neck problem- to bring a professional Thai masseuse here, an older masseuse who learned the trade at the Wat Po temple, and offer her a job. We can open a small clinic here on a short term to help others as well. I speak Thai so I can manage it for him. Not a place like the other places they already have here, mostly in hotel basements for "relaxation" but purely focused on health support. So also not with the 'secret' atmosphere that the existing places have because of the culture. But open and professional. Are there any forums here with jobs for Thais? Any other tips?
  5. For someone who has no bank account (yet, but can be registered) or Paypal. Prefer something better than Western Union which is not useful for little amounts like 500 to 2,000 pesos. Gcash cannot be registered from the Netherlands, for the great Remitly Philippines is only a 'receiving country'. Perhaps can any of you suggest better services? Thank you.
  6. Arriving from Manila in Bangkok is like arriving from the third world in the first world. Philippines: Extreme poverty, starvation, poor people in hospitals who can't pay their bills being euthanized, most food is garbage including cat testines, extreme corruption, extreme murder, all critical journalists are killed, torture at police stations, filthy hotels, Manila is dangerous.
  7. How is the current requierement situation upon arrival at Swampie, domestic airtravel and Pattaya and Chiang Mai? Are there any restrictions? If Thailand is still not the Land of the Free it used to be, I don't mind waiting another while. Or are there any recommended, alternative destinations in SEA? Thanks!
  8. Don't "eat" at Mcdo it's utter garbage. Eating the poisonous chemical trash (including an ingredient called Senomyx, look it up) from that SATANIC CABAL CORPORATION, in the country with some of the world best foods is beyond retarded.
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