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Posts posted by BKK90210

  1. Do you know many researchers said "Everything seems to shrink when you feel cold!"? Is this true? :o

    You can always bring your body temperature back up again to hot and sweaty stage by doing window shopping along patpong area :D

  2. I am frantically trying to wrap up my affairs here, and plan to move to Thailand on a more or less permanent basis. I expect that it will take 3-4 months to d this, and would like her to be with me and also to get a taste of life here



    I think it'll be more beneficial for you to spend time and money in Thailand and learn how to adjust to the thais ways of life and life with her,....than to bring her to the US to get a taste of your life there.

    It's going to be very difficult to get her a visa, if she doesn't have a steady job, decent asset, or something to go back to in thailand. Even if she has a child, this is not even the evidence strong enough to come back to. Too many tourist simply just want to disappear over there.

    Even more difficult if she a decent good girl,...any thai parents wouldn't let their daughter going off somewhere with the farang over the ocean, lets alone over night!...without the benefit of marriage!

    Just my thought and experiences from the past

  3. You're more lightly to be in the fraud situation if you're dealing with guest house or small establishment or even a very tiny tour company. Normally most the credit cards come with 60 days fraud free protection, you can always complain to them and get your money back. The bigger establishments seems o.k. and many decent tour companies will not let you pay online with the credit card, you booked on line and they will email their fax number to you so that you can fax your credit card numbers and copy of your passport...I never had any problem with the fraud.

    Just from my experiences

  4. lets just say if he's indeed had a bomb in his bag...how on earth did he get pass the gate security in the first place?

    The american airline told me that I couldn't even pack my fingernail clipper and hair spray in the bag because the clipper can be used as a weapon and the hair spray has airasol in it!.... and they even managed to find both of my items in the darkest corner of my carry on bag!

  5. I don't know what country you're in...

    I'm in the US, I always book everything through the internet for just about 10 yrs now...rooms, tour, taxi from the airport, condo room...

    I always had good experiences, this way you can shop and compare prices.

    If you want to go on a tour also, I usually booked the hotel rooms through them.

    If you're planning to spend time more than 2 weeks, I would suggest booking a condo is much cheaper than even 3 star hotel..but as nice as 4+star hotel and come furnished with the kitchen also....right through the internet.

    For the condo, there will be some that let you rent for 2 weeks, but most of them is for 1 month min. but I always find them cheaper than the hotel for 3 weeks period. You're looking at the studio though. This time mine comes with washing meching+safe deposit box. I'm not talking about a run down condo, this is very nice condo.

    Good luck

  6. I didn't get her. She got me...

    what a lucky gal :D



    I asked her for 2000 B, short time...But she ended up getting long time for free

    But once she reads my post, she might end up paying one baht to my bum! :o

    (not the currency baht, but the body part :D )


    The bid starts at 2000 bath?.... and it might be going down from there to...1 bath?

    and no taker accept her?......how ugly are you? :D

  7. If that was a serious thread opener then the answer it pretty straight-forward.

    If you can come to Thailand looking for a 'mrs'with yer tongue hanging out and..... after a decent groping in a Pattaya bar and a bitta the 'flash-a-ze-cash' method you could soon be married to a damsel within the week.

    Of course, if you are looking for a bitta quailty and not a 'mrs' who has escorted the likes of a couple of thousands guys before, then patience is the answer.

    Stacks-a decent girls out there, unfortunately most Farangs dont have any idea how to 'get' one...... as a 'mrs'


    Welcome back from your honeymoon. When did you get back from Singapore?

    Have a happy ever after....x'mas and happy 2006 :o

  8. A few years ago, whilst staying with friends in Hua Hin, I got very ill. And I mean VERY ill. I actually thought I was going to die at one stage :o I was confined to bed for about 7 days, and the future Mrs Daddy looked after me when she finished work in the afternoon until about 2 am. I guess she got a good look at everything and decided that was enough for her :D She hasent let me out of her sight since :D  :D  :D


    Did you see her prays first ......before she take a good look at you? :D

  9. thais dont read anything but comics...

    And what is wrong with comics? Don't make me send the gent in my avatar to see you. :D

    Is it just me?....

    Geesh, yet another "Is it just me or are all Thais less-intellegent/less-civilized/less-whatever than the folks back home?" thread.

    They should create a separate forum for these kinds of posts so that all the people who want to slam on Thailand and its people can comiserate together.

    Is it just me or do many farang have a bad habit of making broad generalizations about Thais based on the few dozen people they happen to know?

    Geesh, another opinionated poster who knows all and is incapable of making generalizations. Yes, we whites are evil sick bastards who just can't help looking down on everybody.

    Ya, know my wife(Thai) thought that all blacks in the US wore clothes that were too big for them, couldn't speak english, carried weapons, etc. Well, she got here and found out that wasn't true, but back in Thailand all she ever saw of Black Americans were rap videos and Hollywood movies. So, how horrible of a person is she for over generalizing? Or are you sure only whites can do this?

    A person who asks a question is seeking knowledge. Perhaps it would be better if instead of cutting them down for asking a question you could supply them with some of your knowledge. Wouldn't that be better than making the generalization that they mean to be insulting and thus are too stupid to learn something new?


    Thanks buddy!! "THAIBEBOP" for your compassion and understanding.... :D

    I don't know why some are trying to bash me.....I think I will just keep you by my side from now on, I'm in need of a bodyguard. I didn't know this website can be mean and dangerous :o ......Can you be on a stand by?

  10. What method did you use?

    1) SEDUCTION method

    – like…when I look into your eyes…I see both of us there…and I feel…ohh… I can’t tell you right now….

    2) CURIOSITY method

    – like…If you like to read or drink coffee, and you found her at the bookstore or coffee shop that open late at night…you asked “why are you here so late?….”


    3) CRASH And Burn (might) method

    – like….Can you cook?.... I love to eat breakfast in bed! :o

    You guys...please try to keep this...PG to R minus rating please!

  11. I have not seen any libraries around, though I just may not have noticed. That might be a good place to start. But then again why would this government want their population to expand their minds with literature.

    It would be like asking for trouble if the majority of the citizens understood the nature of this society and the oppression most live with and the cause and effect of the corruption ingraned here.

    A well read population expects more from its leaders. They expect more from their lives and hard work.

    Books are obviously not the only concern these days as the media in both radio and TV are finding out.

    Hopefully these are not signs of things to come as it will only backfire in the face of those trying to supress the freedom of information



    Well said!....sadly but true!....Thanks for your insight analysis....

    We just can't judge the book by its cover.....I guess I should be looking at the underlining forces/reasons behind the behavioral of the collective group

    Good discussion EVERYONE!.....KEEP UP!!!!

  12. GOOD JOB GUYS and thanks for all your insight opinions.

    If nothing coming from this topic, at least at the current rate between viewers VS replies....we're up to 8%!....beating the rating of Dowry and Income gap topic! :o


  13. Sin sod money! :D

    Try my method….it might work for you. It’s certainly worked for us.

    At the time my parents were asking my husband and his parent roughly $100,000 US dollar….the cost of study in America…2 yrs in high school and 4.5yrs in the university (room+board+tuitions). All this times I didn’t even know they had been tallied up all my expenses abroad! :D At that time we’re just like 2 peas in a pod, love sick fools, couldn’t take another breath without each other by our side ….blah …blah…blah… Where am I? Oh the sin sod money! Any way my husband said he’s willing to pay ½ of the amount because without the American education, if I were to stay in Thailand that I would have to eat and go to school anyway and that expenses my parents have to incur any how. My parents still stood firm on the amount! After several days of stand off….my husband blinks first! He said O.K but he will only pay on the engagement day.

    On the engagement day,

    my husband asked his friend who is an attorney to draw up a legal and binding contract (as a joke) states that

    “…in exchange for the sin sod money…in the future my parents agree that they won’t see any of the grandchildren, produced by us, and have no contact right without our prior permission or have no says in raising them, and please sign at the dotted line………” :D

    Guess what? My parents didn’t sign the contract! I think they’re stunned and not very happy. My husband didn’t have to pay a single penny. But we went ahead with the engagement ceremony anyway (the bride side has to pay for the party you know...it’s a tradition), I guess mom didn’t want to lose face among all her friends.

    Later on she asked my husband why he did that. He easily replied “ with that being such a large sum, we probably wouldn’t have any money left to even have a single child!” :o

    That was 19 yrs ago & we’re still in love. Ah…I love the story with the happy ending like this!

    Oh… by the way back to your story….all I can say is GOOD LUCK TO YOU!!!

    Sin sod is a part of thai tradition but you don’t have to agree to it. It’s a game to see who will blink first and how weak you are as a player. It’s not what you do but how you do it. :D

    Just remember every thai mothers did not want their daughters to become a wall flower at home after 30. Disclosure: only from my own experiences

  14. I'm not talking about illiterated thais. These are people who had at at least a high school or university degree. Books - I mean other than text books.

    If the thai culture is to discourage reading anything of substance why most thai parents, as I see, did spend lots of time searching for the right school and paid lots of money for the school. Seem to me by obsevation, like 1/3 of the population are working, another 1/3 are going to school, and the rest 1/3 - cooking for those who are either working or going to school. :o

  15. Is it just me?...that just about every thais don't read much. I went to see many of my thai friends and their relatives too, all I can see are entertainment and fashion magazines on the table. Is it the furniture store that don't carry any bookcases or what? I found out most of the times it's so hard to strike up a conversation about the current affair or some intellectual debate without getting side track to gossiping about neighbours and friends!...and boy! then they can talk for hours....hours............

  16. Don't be so shock if your kid is spoiled rotten by your maid. Thai maids and Thais in general love babies and small kids, especially farang kids. As for the school, the good one in my experience is St. John (Lad Prao area), don't know the ranking among international school in BKK. They have 3 yrs kindergarden, both thai and english curriculum. I went through all thai curriculum (girl side) until 9th grade and had no problem continuing in american high school without losing any time at all, and then went on to the university . The kindergarden is a coed though. So far that I know they're still have the same president and vice-president since my time there. Many of my friends had gone to high school in England with no problem at all. When I left they did all the academic paper works for me for free. I had no problem with english that much. It is very good school in my humble experience, even without being in the international side. It's not that cheap but not that expensive. We're planning to adopt 2 thai kids and sending them there in the future. Good luck

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