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About julsmark

  • Birthday 05/10/1956

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    North Ward

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  1. It really concerns me how people complain to the police and nothing is done and that they need to go to social media to get any action for the crime to be investigated
  2. Ketamine has been available on the streets all over the world for years now. I work in the AOD Industry and Ketamine is climbing the ladder for usage data.
  3. OMG that poor dog screaming in pain, this video brought tears to my eyes. To the person who did this to pay back her boy friend, she defies logic and I know you will cop your Karma tenfold bitch. I can never unsee or unhear this cruelty.
  4. Think you got mixed up with Kiwis.
  5. It’s is impossible to get hep B and Hep C from unhygienic practices. Hep C can only be transmitted from blood to blood. Hep B can be transmitted from blood to blood or sexual fluid. The only hepatitis that can be spread from unhygienic practices poo to mouth spread by not washing your after you defecate is Hepatitis A.
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