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Posts posted by jednakropka

  1. On 2/4/2021 at 8:29 PM, UncleMhee said:


    Got one set of papers together, went back to office expecting to be asked to get training from private company as advised by a Thai when getting the list. No mention of training.



    What time did you go to DLT?

    I am wondering what`s the best time go there.



  2. My 2 year bike driving license expired in December.

    I waited until I got  my ED visa as my understanding was that I will be able to renew for 5 years instead of 2.

    I just got ED visa. 

    Has anyone recently renewed DL in CM? What`s your experience? What documents or other things were requested from you?


    I would be grateful if could share your experience, especially that their phone number is always busy.



  3. 2 hours ago, JohnBloom said:

    If I were you I would definetely opened an offshore bank account. For insctance, in Cyprus. No taxes and safety way to save more money for yourself. It's better to do it with the help of special financial services that can track everything and solve possible problems. I was working with this https://www.advancedconsulting.cy/ company . These guys helped me to open a banck account quickly and easy. 


    1450 eur for opening the cheapest one? no thanks.

  4. 8 minutes ago, SCOTT FITZGERSLD said:

    indeed that is a good advice.

    why would you want to send a large amount of money to thailand in this hectic times?



    I used to lived, work in the UK (I am not a British) and keep my money there. Since I left UK and not living there anymore I need to move my money somewhere. Because of Brexit many UK banks close accounts of customers who do not living there.



    Not sure what that guy exactly did.

  5. 1 minute ago, Eindhoven said:



    This is Thailand; unless you have a FCA, you will have to receive the money in Thai baht and then exchange it back to US$....even if you send it in US$.


    Thank you now I understand. You simply say it is not possible to send USD and receive USD while not having FCA account.

    This is what I really wanted to know. If it was possibile I wanted to know ways.

    I assumed at the beginning that maybe there is a way to do that and someone knows how.



  6. 5 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

    There is no longer a requirement to report your address every time you move or go to a different province. That was changed earlier this year.

    The only time you will need to show address is when you apply for the 30 day extension. That can be a TM30 report done by a hotel and etc.


    To get TV I needed to give them Hotel booking confirmation for the whole stay.

    Also, my friend works in hotel and recently Immigration officers came to checked someone who was on TV if that person really lives where he stated. Not sure how it can be explained.


  7. 1 minute ago, jackdd said:

    Your landlord has to submit a TM30 to inform immigration that you stay at his place.

    You should ask him for the TM30 receipt, because if you apply for an extension you will probably be asked for it.

    So you mean I do not need to do anything, s/he will do that for me?


    What about if I live in one place for 30 days and decided to go somewhere for 2 days.

    I do not need to do anything?

  8. 3 minutes ago, Eindhoven said:

    Dis Thailand. Currency is Thai Baht. Your will have to take the exchange hit.


    as I said i do not want to exchange to THB.



    4 minutes ago, Eindhoven said:


    Otherwise get a Revolut account or similar and keep the US$ on the account.


    I have a Revolut account.

    Not sure what it has to do with USD transferred and received in Thailand.


  9. I read some info about address change but those people had different kinds of visa than I have so I am not sure if it applies to me and if those rules are still valid.

    I am currently at ASQ hotel.

    I gave already information during visa process and at the airport where I will stay after I have finished quarantine.

    But I would like to change that address and stay longer at a different place.

    I am not sure what`s the process of changing that.


    Also, to be honest it looks little strange when you get a  tourist visa for 90 days (with extension) and you have to tell straight away where exactly and how long you will stay for .

    Tourists who come for longer, usually are flexible with their stays. They stay longer or shorter at different places depends how they feel there.

    For now (maybe because I do not understand fully how it works) it seems to me that every time I decide to go somewhere, even  for 2 days, from my original address (I gave to immigration office), I will have to let  them know about it.



    I know that for some of you those things obvious but if you are not into something you simply do not know.

    I would really appreciate your opinion, advise.




  10. 36 minutes ago, 2530Ubon said:

    Many those websites are very shady with bad reviews.

    They give the same address to hundreds or maybe even thousand people.

    Any bank who would even spend a minute would find out that very quickly.

    You are better making address up s than using some of those sites.

  11. 2 minutes ago, CharlieH said:

    There are MANY Uk Forwarding mail handling companies, use that address and when any mail or bank cards or whatever arrives they simply forward it to you wherever you want (for a fee). Mine costs £90 a year. 


    But you think that they are not recognized by banks that those addresses are not real home addresses where people live?


    " Mine costs £90 a year"

    Since something works for you so well I would be happy to know their website or name if you do not mind.


  12. I noticed many people are from the UK here so maybe someone could help with her/his knowledge, experience.

    I would really appreciate that.

         I lived, worked in the UK for some years (self-employed) and recently went back to Thailand.

    I am not a British citizen but was granted settled status (5 years) in the UK.

    I have no UK address anymore. In my HSBC UK bank I still have my old UK address and I know I have to update it asap.

    I am not sure if I can have open bank account while not living in  the UK. Heard many diffrent stories.

    In my bank account I see that it  is possible to update to the address abroad but I am not sure how the bank will react later.

    I still have money in my account so obviously I will not be happy if they put my bank account on hold.

    Anyone knows something about it or could advise what to do in this situation.


  13. 5 minutes ago, Oldie said:

    All documents that show that you transferred the money to Thailand. 


    Be careful if you close your accounts in the UK. It might not be a easy to open new ones if you are not a resident there anymore and especially if you want to do this from Thailand. But if you keep accounts there look that you have online access and can do worldwide transfers and everything else online. You have to avoid to be forced to fly there because of problems with these accounts.


    3 minutes ago, sammieuk1 said:

    .... keep the UK account to move more when you like/need  it's far safer ????


    I really appreciate your replies.

    To be honest I would like to keep my bank account in the UK but  I am not living there any more and  have no longer an UK address.

    And as far as I know HSBC UK requires one to keep a bank account alive. I still keep my old UK address under my account even I am not there but I know I have to update it asap.

    I got recently an UK settled status (5 years)


  14. 25 minutes ago, Oldie said:

    It is no problem to transfer larger amounts. But keep all the documents of this transaction.


    They will just tax interest income. 


    In respect of accounts in foreign currency be aware that there is no deposit protection by the government for such accounts. 


    What documents do you mean?


    "..there is no deposit protection by the government for such accounts"

    To be honest, I was thinking to transfer the money here and later withdraw it and keep in different places e.g. insured safe locker (something like CB lockers)

    In the future when I would go to my home country I would simply take some money.


    I am moving my money as I am leaving the UK. I am not a UK Citizen but lived, worked there.

    I will  not go to my home country but live in Thailand that's why I am thinking of transferring here.






  15. 51 minutes ago, ChaiyaTH said:

    Depending on where you are from as well in general, I would not transfer more than you need to have here with some reserve too. Exchange rates could change quite a bit so an alternative is getting a multi currency account with for example Bangkok Bank.


    Last but not least, if you do wanna do 80K at once and not spending it fast, open a few different banks and divide it, you could then transfer 480K baht X 4-5 banks at one time for example. Bank fees are nothing much anyway, average 200-300 baht per year incl. ATM card.


    I am transferring from a  UK bank. I am not British but I worked there for some years and I am moving way from the UK. I am not returning to my home country so I need to move money somewhere. And because I will be in  Thailand for at least  a year I would like to transfer here.


    Opening many bank accounts can be a problem. What I read so far people sometimes have a problem to even open one. I know I can open one but not sure if I can open more.


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