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  1. Red Tape..well it seems to work for some but Mr.Redbull is still vanted and Red Tape all over him but nowere to be seen or heard of.Why they do not put Mr.Joke on his case or better offer 10 million bath for his Whereabouts..or put a bailman on him with a reward of 10 million Bath for his capture..and press do not follow this enough..should be every week a reminder of this guy so no one forget him and what he have done...End of my rant--for now atleast..;-)
  2. So he just woke up now..TiT or better late then never i guess his motto is..
  3. To my knowledge motorcycle with sidecar (มอเตอร์ไซค์แบบพ่วงข้าง )are NOT legal at all to drive..but please tell me if i'm wrong.RIP the old lady.
  4. Well we men knows what's await us when getting old,it's spelled enlarge P R O S T A T E :-)Hope everyone is OKEY.
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