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  1. paying is probably the cheapest way to go - - wives can be expensive both in currency and emotionally.
  2. in 17 years I would be under 100k baht... though I haven't used them that long - they just do my paperwork, they do not put up money in the bank for me... just legit stuff. I did my own for many years and am happy not to have more paperwork... they make my life easy.
  3. All of what you say may be correct - - except for the fact that there are legit agents too... I have a great agent who has been filling out all paperwork for me for over a decade - - terrific service for a reasonable price...
  4. Incapable? Or maybe just doesn't want to be bothered and is willing to pay a price dor that service?
  5. Wasn't it NORM! who was going to runaway to Bora Bora but ended up hiding in Sam's office?
  6. looks idyllic - I was once considering a property upstate NY - 25 acre lake - 125 acre wooded property and a small cabin next to the lake... ok norway - never mind
  7. My first wife liked to work with horses too...
  8. Yes, I have seen children takeover parents restaurants and the quality go down a bit in recent years... too bad.
  9. Baan Taiwan outside of Chiang mai - lots of wood but may not have that exact style... though someone can probably make it for you...
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