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Everything posted by Rinato

  1. Would the ICC be able to pursue as well Netanyahu, Putin, Kim Jong and alike?
  2. Ego trip can lead you to do stupid things. Talking about extreme choices like this one, but not only.
  3. Thais give lifts to monks often. The only inappropriate thing is not wearing a t-shirt when you do it and take a selfie with them half naked
  4. I wasn't expecting anything different from trump. He always had sympathy for dictators and alike. And he is completely ignorant about the world out of us.
  5. Just hand them out after elections. Problem solved.
  6. Nothing to do with free visa policy. Just lack of law enforcement and accountability. Sadly a cancellation of free visa, because of the behaviour of this idiots, will hit innocent tourists.
  7. It happens more or less in most of prisons all over the world. Powerful people, gangs, mafia alike never have hard time in jail. But hey, everything is going accordingly with the rules.
  8. Regarding the burning of garbage. In many places in Thailand garbage collection service is inexistent! And locals have no other chance to get rid of it then burning it or dig an hole and bury it. So the government, instead of offering a service to the population, put the blame on them. That's easier, cheaper and a way to avoid responsibilities.
  9. Normally ilis the lay community that buy a car for a monk, specially if he has duties, as a secretary, administrator, abbot. Actually they are not the owners. They just use something thath has been donated to the temple.
  10. In many places in Thailand there isn't a garbage collection service, specially rural areas. Everyone burns daily garbage in front of the house early morning or in the evening. Sometimes the stench is unbearable.
  11. "Israel, she noted, has taken significant steps to minimize civilian casualties" Really? 43.000 deaths until last count. Just forget for a moment about politics and look at it from a merely human perspective.
  12. What a display of male fragile ego here! I really don't feel threatened by females
  13. "Charged with premeditated murder" ? I can't see any premeditation here. Just sudden rage. RIP to the deceased
  14. Secret meetings??! He has been manipulating the political scene already from abroad, every ones knows it. There is nothing "alleged" here. If the EC decides to disband parties involved I hope military won't take over again.
  15. Speechless! Imprisoning opponents, jailing peaceful protesters, deporting activists, the defamation low, letting high so culprits escape abroad. It's all in line with human rights.
  16. Arrogance display of the Thai elite
  17. Mister T can blatantly direct policies in open sight because he knows he has nothing to fear
  18. Foreign tourists are not that mature
  19. Maybe it's not on topic, but how many days thay give to land via runners? Italians
  20. Maybe they can use submarine and frigate to extinguish this fires
  21. A peace maker??? 😳 Did they really freaked out? Or maybe there is someone that really believe so. Can I call them deluded? Any way the shamelessness of this this administration is appalling.
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