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Posts posted by rasg

  1. On 1/18/2019 at 10:44 AM, darren1971 said:

    unfortunately time does not guarantee wisdom. I was interested in seeing your data to back your assumptions but I am not surprised to see none.

    Using my eyes and ears and having common sense is the main trick. The figures show nothing about the use of police resources, the NHS, the sheer amount of translators that are needed for the Government departments, housing. I could go on but I have work to do.


    On 1/18/2019 at 11:22 AM, 7by7 said:

    Maybe; but I still maintain that the vast majority do not care about this subject as it does not affect them.

    That is 100% the truth. The NIMBYs of this world and there are many are the first to shout that we should allow as many people in that want to come here. I work in hotels all over the country and at many, many hotels you are unlikely to hear an English accent. Go to Swindon and you won’t hear anything else. Walk down my High Street and you are unlikely to hear an English accent. Maybe 1 in 10 people.


  2. 2 hours ago, Sumarianson said:

    I have went through this process and have seen others go through it too. I have seen a very well to do Thai girl with a good government job and a salary of 60000 per month, her own codo and a lot in the bank being refused. She also spoke perfect english.

    I on the other hand showed my GF as earning little and no funds of her own which was true. I said and showed that I could support her financially for the time she was in europe. I got insurance, flights, hotels, car hire and shows all booked in advance and an itenerary. I provided letters from my family and friends attesting to a subsiting relationship ( we live together) of 4 years, 2 of which living together. I provided a letter from our juristic stating that they were aware that we had been living together in a subsisting relationship for over 2 years. All the pictures, her name on the house book and bank statements. Letters from her employer and salary, there was much more that I provided, too much to go in to.

    I believe that the most important thing to UK immigration is proving a subsisting relationship and a guarantee that your partner will return to Thailand. If she has her own money and contacts in the UK then she could abscond. My partner had no contacts nor money to do that. I also have a daughter and property in Thailand which holds me here. They are however only concerened with the applicant not you, other than financial support. She will not be a burden on the state, not abscond, guarantee that she will return to her own country

    ( I personally guaranteed this in a signed letter) .

    I think in your circumstance it will prove very difficult to get a visa as the chance of her absconding is very real in their eyes. She has her own means and a skill that could be used in the UK ( such as a live in carer for elderly or disabled persons). You can try but you had better 'prove' that she will return. Cross all the T's and dot all the i's. I suceeded by the way whereas that very well off, beautiful and intelligent girl in the good government job did not. Good luck.

    Personally guaranteeing that somebody will return means absolutely nothing in a visa application.


    There is a big difference between the two visa applications you mentioned. One fulfilled the criteria. The other didn't.


    You can have a government job, own condo etc etc but if you put a poorly prepared application into UKVI there will be a refusal. Prepare the application properly, fulfill the three main criteria and tell the truth and the visa will be granted. With a sponsor, prove the relationship, have enough money to pay for the trip and show that the applicant will return to Thailand. That is pretty much it.

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  3. I know of many Poles who live fairly close to me who live six to ten to a house. Many of them earn mimimum wage or less but as they are in the EU they claim help for rent, money for their kids. They used to get it and send it back to Poland. A lot work in the building trade paying no tax at all. My neighbour had an extension built a couple of years ago. A team of eight. One Brit, one Pole who could speak English and the rest, Poles with no English.


    I know of at last half a dozen Thais whose visas have run out a long time ago and they work with family in the black economy. A local shop to me that sold many, many asian ingredients, prawns, fish and meat was raided a few months ago and three quarters of the staff were found to not have visas to work or be here. I think it's a £10K fine for each of them.

  4. Self employed do count but you need £18,600 before tax is deducted. The self employed have all sorts of allowances that are all taken into account before your income is taxed and I would think that the guy in the story has a turnover above £18,600 but he will be able to claim for a van (100% tax deductable), fuel if he uses it for his business and many other allowances.


    There has to be a threshold and I think £18,600 is probably on the low side for a couple who will need to spend £8000 plus on visa fees, travel etc etc over five years. I think it's around £2400 extra if they have a child. Really? Somebody needs to tell me if they have a baby that it costs less than £50 a week to look after.

  5. 5 hours ago, superal said:

    My GF has her own business and 4 bedroom property plus 2 cars and bank account .  Supports her mother and we have been together for over 7 years . She was refused a tourist visa on the grounds of she may not return to Thailand . Her application was compliant and ticked all the boxes .

    So to the poster Tinribzzz if there are any " wrongs " in your app I would doubt that you will be successful . But there again you may be as there are many cases of short term relationships , with the lady having no assets , being successful . I know of one such case where an agent was used and visa issued .

    I would love to see the refusal letter on this one.

  6. If she hasn’t hit the complete button on the application you can start again or you can change them. It's much better that you do the whole thing any way no matter how good her English. Two many cooks and all that.


    That way you just list you as her sponsor. You only need to show that you have enough money to fund the trip and it sounds as if your girlfriend is financially self sufficient any way. I don't think you'll have any issues with this visa at all if you put a good application together. Do you have any flight or hotel bookings where you have flown together? UKVI no longer encourage you to send photos.



  7. 1 hour ago, Rob Navarro said:

    Things that may help to prove she will return to Thailand: property, children, job. 

    A different order for me for reasons to return. Job then property. Children have no bearing on a visit visa application. Too many Thai women work away and their family bring their kids up.


    Nobody is saying it's not possible for your girlfriend to get a visit visa but the circumstances that your girlfriend are in will make it far more difficult. I had only known my girlfriend a few months when she applied but she had a job she had been in for a couple of years. That was her only reason to return. I had also visited her in Thailand three times in a the first few months we were together. Save your money on a visa agent unless you use an OISC accredited agent. In the end 90% of the work gathering information will be done by you and your girlfriend. I think you need to visit her a couple more times and get her into a job again for a few months. How much money are you sending her? Is the money you send the reason she is able to give up her job?


    The only financial requirement for a visit visa is to show that you have sufficient to pay for the trip. If you plan on staying in five star hotels while she is in the UK you will obviously need to show that you have more money than if she was staying in your house.




  8. On 1/3/2019 at 6:22 AM, Poweramppaul said:

    the lawyer and myself went through my books and it became clear that I had earned enough but the home office said some of my money was made up of allowances and that is why they rejected it..

    Being self employed, I think the OP means that he could have claimed allowances for some of his money that he declared as income. Not sure if I am right but that is what it sounds like.

  9. 1 hour ago, raven0099 said:

    1. Why not have the biometrics taken at a local police station ? , they already have the expertise in this field and could easily cover any additional requirements like taking a photograph etc , its not rocket science we are talking about. 


    2. English tests and life in the UK tests ? There are colleges with professionals who could quite easily provide a secure place to do these tests , there is also the test centres that carryout theory driving examinations why cant they be used for the life in the UK.

    The biometrics for my wife's FLR were taken at a local Post Office to me so that is already being done.


    There are LITUK test centres all over the UK. Here is the list:


  10. If you insist on using a visa company make sure you an OISC accredited company. One of the sponsors of this forum is Thai Visa Express and they do Aussie visas.


    You'll find that even using a visa company you will have to do 85-90% of the work gathering the information and it's not hard to do it yourself.

  11. On 11/8/2018 at 11:45 AM, cube789 said:

    I will be travelling to BKK next week to marry my girlfriend of 2 years, get the A1 English and TB test and apply for a settlement visa. 


    I am self employed and would rather evidence my savings of £60k than painstakingly evidence my small business income however I cannot find where in the .GOV's policies it indicates I am able to rely upon this in our application. Could anyone be kind enough to point me in the right direction ? 


    Additionaly I am confused on where we will submit all our evidence for the visa, some posts in this forum indicate my partners evidence will need to be submitted separately at the biometrics appt; and I will have to send mine to Sheffield when I return to London.

    Other posts say I am able to submit all supporting documentation along with bank statements at the biometrics appt. 

    Is this correct ? I would mush rather submit them all together at the appt in BKK.

    You need £62,500 in savings that are instantly available. Not even Premium Bonds are allowed even though it's possible to get a refund on bonds in a couple of days. The money has to be in the account for six months before you apply.


    Most of the documentation needs to go to Sheffield. Biometrics etc are submitted in Bangkok and not much more. You need to download the requirements and take a look. Somebody who has recently applied on here will be able to help you. My wife's settlement visa was in 2016 and things have changed.



    • Thanks 1
  12. 6 hours ago, Thomas1999 said:

    We have a joint bank account and that was my salary going in, which they knew about because I sent my work permit and contract away.

    But did you explain that in your sponsor letter?


    6 hours ago, Thomas1999 said:

    Sorry here is the most recent refusal letter. The other refusal from 2 years ago was my own fault and we hadn’t been together long

    Possibly not but you will still need to address the reasons for refusal from both applications in this application.



  13. 11 hours ago, simoh1490 said:

    Absolute nonsense and that statement based factually on five visits to the UK by my Thai partner.

    It's not nonsense. Let's just say that my, then girlfriend, back in 2015 was interviewed "robustly". They may have been polite but they were very firm in their questioning and they did try and trip her up suggesting that she was coming here to work. She was held up for 40 minutes and she was asked my full name, and my parent's first names and the date that we met. She had my phone number and my full address where she was staying on a piece of paper in case she flattened the battery in her phone on the way over. She was also asked were I was. Waiting outside of course.


    All subsequent visits she was asked almost nothing. She didn’t enjoy the first one at all.

  14. 7 hours ago, billbenbob said:

    Also what else do you need translated house book ,ID card.

    Certainly not the ID card. Not sure about the house book.


    Anything you rely on as proof or evidence that is in Thai will need to be translated.


    8 hours ago, billbenbob said:

    Help please Appendix FM-SE 9 Information you must provide ---- You'll need to have information and some EVIDENCE ready when you make your application.DATE OF BIRTH does that mean a translation of birth certificate as evidence .Details of any criminal convictions does she need evidence a letter from police confirming no convictions translated of course.Parents date of birth again evidence required? I had thought her passport was evidence of date of birth but beginning to think I have not got things right.The Appendix you submit with the application for settlement visa I have completed Appendix 2 financial requirement form is that the correct one just making sure.


    Unless things have changed you don't need a birth certificate. My wife provided her passport and ID card but I also gave them photo copies of both. No evidence needed for her parents DOB. Assuming she doesn’t have a criminal record you don't need any paperwork. If she has she will need to document it on the application.

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