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Posts posted by Doctorbu

  1. 12 hours ago, Na Fan said:

    The free AVG used to be really good. Nowadays it feels like they invest 90% of their development in figuring out how to spam you with ads to get you to buy something.


    And whatever software you run on your desktop pretty much can't do a thing to prevent the ISPs from selling your browsing & history data - unless you're using Tor or some such. 



    I agree 1000%....

    Also have paid AVG ultimate and still get spammed. Also I would advise anyone who has a paid subscription to make sure your auto renew is off because they will charge you full retail to renew and there's no way to cancel or get your money back. 

  2. 3 hours ago, steven100 said:

    I had one installed under the floor boards, with a rug covering the area.

    It's only small,  about 12'x12'  but it holds alot of cash and jewels.

    It's concreted in so you would need a jackhammer to remove it.

    I've done similar in the past and it worked well....

  3. 5 pills would be 2.5 gm.....4 gm is the recommended daily maximum dose. Even if he had other issues with his liver it's unlikely the 5 pills caused him to pass...whatever caused him to take them in the first place more than likely had something to do with it. My condolences to his family??

  4. I grew up on rock and roll here in the USA...the 2 Hooters locations I've seen in Thailand (Nana BKK & Beach Road Pattaya) were playing the music so  loud (even by Thai standards)  I couldn't hear myself think much less carry on a conversation with my girl. Not like that in the US....and I'd swear it's more expensive also. 

  5. Thailand has changed so much in the last 20 years....I find myself spending more of my out of country time in Costa Rica but still stay several months a year in Pattaya. There are so many condos for rent, (very reasonable) I will never buy there again. 

  6. At your hieght and weight it probably feels bigger than it really is...add a few ab targeted exercises to your routine and have some pacience, you will feel better in 3-4 months. Liposuction is something that can't be un-done and your body will change as you get older. Also your body only has so many fat cells it doesn't make more. When you remove some via liposuction you can end up back where you were as the remaining cells will just get bigger to compensate.

    There are medical conditions that might make it hard to loose a little belly fat but you would know because there would be a lot other problems and symptoms.

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