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Posts posted by Airalee

  1. I wanted to do something similar to you (the part time working to keep myself occupied) and what I learned while looking into it is that I would have to teach a minimum of 16 hours a week (plus whatever outside lesson prep time).  The only potential issue I see with regards to plan is your desire to take 4 week meditation retreats.  Of course, the schools won’t let you do something like that but I wonder how it might work with a private company if you were to tell your students “hey, sorry, I’m going to be unavailable for the next four weeks” multiple times a year.  Might work for the adult learner, but for parents sending their children for tutoring, I think they will want more a consistent lesson schedule.  Hope everything works out for you whichever route you take. 


    On 9/27/2019 at 12:43 PM, ThomasThBKK said:

    I hope these masses of dumped will also have effect on second hand older condos here, they are personally the only ones i am interested in buying ...


    10 years old, easy to renovate, big balcony - not that many on the market for sane prices currently but usually their value for money is way better than the chickenboxes.

    It would be nice if it worked that way, but usually, developers have a better grasp on where the market currently is (and will be heading) than the average individual homeowner and can adjust their prices accordingly.  Not as much “emotional” investment either.  It’s just a straight numbers game.


    For example, my 8ish year old building is currently a far worse deal than some developer listed new construction.  I asked my landlord what he thought my unit was worth he quoted me a “value”.  When I pointed out that new, nicer, larger units were for sale in a close by building for a similar price...well...there was no reasoning with him.  And I wasn’t even trying to buy his place...just get an idea of what he thought it was worth.


    Unless you get lucky and stumble upon that “distressed” seller who really needs to just get out... you soon start to realize that the individual sellers are even more delusional than the developers with regards to what their condos are “worth”

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  3. If you want to dump the responsibility for reporting on your landlord, I cannot see how that would be beneficial for a copacetic relationship.  I prefer to have a good relationship with my landlords which is why they have always returned my full deposit (less a small cleaning fee) and never raised my rent.

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  4. 7 hours ago, bkk6060 said:

    Does not matter as from my experience your comments are inaccurate and actually extremely irresponsible.

    Have you every used the Thai hospital system and made a comparison or just making a guess based on your negativity toward Thailand?

    Well, I have and have an upcoming issue that will require hospitalization.


    The Thai private hospital (Bangkok Hospital) cost for everything is 1/3 of the US.

    Just an example a private room overnight stay here is about $200 US here.

    The US price is well over $1,000.


    So, your comments that a private hospital here compared to western is as expensive or more are false and very irresponsible and misleading to someone who is considering coming here for a medical issue.



    Just a yesterday, I corrected the same poster on the same claim and put up exact $(and ฿) figures comparing a gastroenterologist visit at UCLA vs Vichayut in BKK.  He didn’t even respond, yet repeats the same nonsense here today.  I even stated that I have many other examples.


    oh...and a friend of mine recently (last year or two) stayed 2 nights in the hospital and the hospitals billing showed just over $4000/ night for a standard (non ICU) room.  Insane.

  5. On the flip side, Thais always chastise me when I use the word “Er” (เออ) and say  “Er (เออ) not polite.  Cannot sayyyyy”....which I find kind of odd as it’s not much different than us acknowledging a statement with something along the lines of “mmm hmm” or “uh huh” while nodding out head in agreement (vs the Thai single nod/bob of the head).


    So...I follow it up with “ok...er krap (เออครับ)” to be more polite.


    Works for me. ????

  6. 34 minutes ago, wolf81 said:

    I've used Grab in Chiang Mai, to get from the main bus station to the airport. It might be a little bit more expensive than other options, but it's speedy and comfortable. And the thing I like the most: don't need to negotiate price. I hate doing that when dealing with taxi drivers or the red busses.

    Yeah...I used to live in CM.  The public transportation there is abysmal.  It’s no wonder that almost every article that I read where there are altercations between the taxi/tuk-tuk/songteaw drivers and Grab/Uber seem to come from that area.  

  7. 7 hours ago, BestB said:

    hospitals and doctors charge same as in the west

    Which “west” are you referring to?  


    Last time I saw a gastroenterologist at UCLA (8 years ago/2011ish), I was handed a bill for $850 (@฿25,000). Nothing special about the visit,  After causing a commotion and spending 1/2 hour in the business office, they lowered it to $350 (@฿10,000)


    My gastroenterologist in Bangkok (2019)...@฿1,000


    Vichaiyut Hospital


    Both cash pay.


    I have many many more personal examples at about the same relative price difference.

    • Thanks 2
  8. I’ve never used the app myself, but a couple business owners have sent a grab car to pick me up and deliver me to their location.  The cars were more comfortable than most taxis and not much more expensive than the taxis here in BKK.  The drivers were definitely more “professional” than the average taxi driver.  However, since I live directly on Sukhumvit, it’s easier for me to just flag down a taxi.  If I lived more than a few hundred meters from Sukhumvit I would no doubt use one of the apps.

  9. On 9/23/2019 at 3:51 PM, thaiguzzi said:

    A high percentage of teachers work at a school in a province that is not their home town. Or city.

    Let alone village.

    So you are not going to buy a house in a village if you are only there on a 3-5 year contract.

    Some of the larger schools in towns offer reduced housing expenses with on site housing, the same as hospitals for nurses and young doctors, which have similar problems.

    19-22 y/o teachers?

    The youngest i have heard of is 22-23 once they've finished their uni courses and graduated. Starting salaries now for teachers with uni grads are 15k, even in the provinces.

    I have a friend who is a teacher in Chiang Mai.  She started 4 years ago with a salary of ฿8872/month in Saraphee.  She is now at ฿12,000/month in Chiang Dao.

  10. 50 minutes ago, Gabriel1 said:

    As the poster, I decided to approach Re/Max first, which on fellow had a good experience with. Also, it is an American company and I thought they might be a cut above.  Well like most USA businesses these days there first interest is not the best for their customer.  I received a contract, or as they called it a boilerplate to bind the details of the work agreement.  I was shocked at the complete one sidedness of the contract. It was in no way a win/win based agreement, but a win/lose contract.  Of course the customer, in my case the seller is the loser.


    In my specific case I have a time limit to sale the house of about one calendar quarter.  They were aware of that point.  Yet they sent me a contract stating that they would be paid even after the expiration of the contract, for which they required a 365 day commitment. They wanted an additional 1% if the home sold in the first month. 


    I complained, and they told me to outline which clauses I objected to.  That is really, really a bad sign.  These guys are professionals, they know which clauses screw the customer, so I told them you are qualifying for employment to work for me.  You send me a win/win contract. They basically chose to bail out rather than send a contract that is based on payment for work done.  Morality is out the window, at least in a lot of USA companies.  Some one recommended Frank Knight.  I will go to them next and keep updating this string.  Also, thanks for the info, and I will also research the recommendations.

    FWIW, agents have turned me off to buying a property (condo in my case) in Thailand as I cannot find one who would bring an offer to the seller that was anything less than their full listed price.  I was completely baffled by that until my Landlord, who owns 12 units in my building tole me that he will never deal with agents as, from what he says, the way they work is that you tell them what price you want and then the agent tacks on their “commission” and then that is the price listed.  Any drop in price comes directly out of their (the agents) “commission” vs back in the US where the agent receives an agreed upon percentage on whatever the property ends up selling for.  Whether or not there are agents that work differently...I don’t know as I haven’t found one yet.  So...from a buyers perspective, the only way I would buy a condo would be either directly from the owner or perhaps a developer (if they weren’t asking for such pie in the sky prices)

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