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Posts posted by BuriramDevelopers

  1. Sure it is....The masses jus look at the current travelguides online and decide. They don't care especially what specific country it is. They just want sun, beach, or maybe asian culture, at a low price, available anywhere.

    If the guide says this year... oh wow Myanmar is great ! the just as easily decide to go there.

    Thaland needs more than just the typical Thailand traveller who will return no matter what.

    So yes these stupid messages do matter on the long run. It creates a (false?) atmosphere. Like Vietnam or Laos are any better, just because they are in fashion with the tourist agencies...???

  2. As officers continued to speak to Mr Boontiang, one of the passengers, Mr Komsak Nakowong, 52, admitted that he was in the process of orchestrating the transportation of a large amount of marijuana and that he had been due to help navigate an 18 wheel truck that would due to deliver the narcotics to an address in southern Thailand.

    Why do these Thai spill the beans so easily ? So typical .

    What a waste of time & money growing and producing this product.

    no backbone. time after time. they behave to the situation rather then their own believes

  3. From the photo the car is an absolute wreck. Makes you wonder what kind of speed the driver was doing?

    Nissan Navara's always look pretty tough to me. I guess it doesn't matter what car you are in, if you are speeding and have an accident then you haven't got that much chance really.

    Throw beer into the mix as well and you can only expect the worst.


    statistically in a pick up it is more likely to get seriously hurt, in case of an accident, as to a normal sedan.

    The construction (rolcage) is not the same due to the model. It appears stronger, because it is bigger.

  4. Oh boy. Did they say economic growth in the 2nd half....

    My bet will be different.

    Let me remember what they said in November 2007..........just before i sold my busness in Europe....Oh yeah i remeber . And then they said in Februari , how could we know??????And everybody cried about their unforseen loses.

    By August this year we will see the start of an economic down fall unseen in the last 8 years. The worst prepared countries (yes like Thailand) first of course. And highly likely even unseen in the decades before that. This is a proces that will contnue for several years, and the weakest might not survive without serious consequenses for their society.

    These growth numbers are based on fantasy.

    An unrealistic hope of economic recovery worldwide, (wich is still predicted i know). Would you tell people it's shit their eating when they still think it's caviar and pay you top price for it.?

    Thailand not being ready for any form of downfall, will be hit severely.

    Investers confidence is declining rapidly as the political struggle continues and there is clearly no economical agenda that stands out to the business community. Debt rate is rising. These 2 combined spell trouble. There is no real effect seen by economic measurements taken by the government, if they are not backed by a sound political vision, that must be a democratic one, any other one will be denied by the bussines community world wide.

    This means trouble ahead,

  5. reaching concesus seems the hardest thing to do here., and seems to block any chance of reconciliation.....It means both parties have to lose some face.....haven't figured this one out yet in 9 years. How to reach concesus , when neither party want to give in.....

    Blame it on my lack of cultural understanding i guess, but back home these thing go very easy and civilized. We keep giving in a little until we reach agreement......................hmmmm can't get that idea projected .

    Maybe ther is a better way than either the west's or the east's but until the i prefer ours.

  6. And you wonder why Thailand is now getting closer to China and Russia and becoming less interested in improving relationships with the West, when foreign media publishes a second grade piece of journalism that damns the entire country. I mean, what does that article actually say and why is it newsworthy, a short piece that reminds everyone that nowhere in the world is 100% safe, sad.

    Cmon man. it's not articles like this that do it.....That makes the west look at Thailand with a big questionmark. They are just matches trying to light the fuse of a barrel full, created by the Thais themselves

    The current political situation and lack of future sollutions in this,( i might very likely, have a very nasty social outcome this situation) together with the state of the economy and future prospects. The neverending rise of prices, while the quality virtually stays the same, Rising nationalism..........pressfreedom?.......19 constitutions in 80years...........etc.....If the storms hits now. Thailand is not ready by far.......And they are to blame for it themselves.....but hope they can find someone else to blame.........oh boy

    You can love Thailand all you want , That's a different matter. but don't tell me this is not troublesome at all , and the press is just overreacting, that's false

  7. I can feel what you mean exactly. . been here 9 years now. and have the same feeling........as a toerist it was great. for short periods. but 9 years is too long , not to recognize the smile...and not to realize . Good spirit is fading quick due to political, social and economical failure of the ruling elite......

    I am far from my pension, came here years ago in a good climate for investing and setting up a bussiness. (aside from the ridiculous rules in regard to foreign investors, ownership etc.)

    Have found the main reason for wanting to stop this. ....

    The interaction with the Thai and their way of commitment. or lack of that is.

    I find them to be careless towards the most things i value.

    Aside from the question if i value the right things ( wich i belive i do), the carelessness towards all, that is not theirs, is staggering to me........

    long story short.

    The smile has gone, and so have the slim promisses for a better future,

    the economy and politics, together with the xenophobic attitude are not a very good marker for the coming years.

    And i doubt they will create a situation to up the spirit of the people any time soon

  8. How is it possible , to not lose face , while stating these fabricated facts on tv, and everybody knowing it's a hoax.

    That's the part i never got in all my years. I lose face constantly for every little detail if i have to believe them., they somehow feel they don't. And although they do, if the whole country says they don't , it must be true...TIT

    How do you keep face when telling a childs lie......Is it when you believe yourself so much and keep saying no not true, to adversaries, that it makes the lie go away

    like the 3 monkey's covering with their hands

    But hey i see enough people here, completely missing what's happening, and they have ( or at least should have) better information than most Thais get.

    Not bashing at all. I am not going anywhere , but hey right now, the feeling is wrong here......no matter how much you smile about it. Been here long enough to see the difference.

    I am not speaking in regard of the average pensionado........that maybe a different game, But the young, ambitious and the ones in deep already must see right?

    Let's hope for a new government soon. Doubt it will make a big change, but at least there is the hope for some economic stimulus, to get FACE with the people.

  9. yes the tourist no's are up and so is the economy. That is if you believe the general and the provided no's. Outside you see a different picture. People are hurting who run bussines in the sector. ( not all no , but sure A LOT )

    the baht is still going strong throughout the world wide crisis. (aside from a few fluctuations)

    How else can it be. Thailand must be going better than ever.

    The government says so........

    and to the other.........question... in regard to safety........WHY NOT.

  10. depends where, In Isaan in any city it is a comfy life with anything starting from 50 K thb a month. I have a descent house on a 1/2 rai plot in the city, private school, health insurance for the whole family, 2 motorbikes, no car and but that would be optional, this is more out of choice.

    Guess i spent about 30 K for the living expences, so from 50 K on you should be fine in Isan

  11. agree with poster....WHY?

    The music has to be so insanely loud that indeed it can almost certainly not be bearable anymore at the place where it's coming from.

    It must sound really bd, so what is the thought, It is surely not trying o annoy as many people in your surroundings right?

    And for some here.....my Thai wife, neigbours and familyare disgusted too , that there are only 2 or 3 nights a week with reasonable sleep.

    That are mostly the days i still have to wake up at 06.00 to work etc.

    But weekend nope. never. Or it is the neighbourhood speaker boring the hell out of the people in his microphone for an hour at 06.30 every Saturday morning.

    Or is this one of those things you have to agree on (soundpolution that is), or you're not worthy of being in Thailand, according to some opinions....LOL

  12. just say no thank you and let them laugh for a few minutes and they will accept the farang that does not drink.

    Most Thais respect me for the fact i do not drink.

    They have seen the downsides of this all too well, and can see the logic in being consistant in not particapating in stupid behaviour, like saying yes when you mean no.

  13. that's about the same as Holland. 3 years for 11 children. Dissapointing. Would've hoped at least 20 years....enough t ruin him.

    Simple choices for offenders like this would work better.

    Long long jail time or castration......would be the only 2 choices if up to me, but who am i . I don't need to protect all the important people in my pedophilia circle. That's what's frequently the reason for ligh sentences..

  14. if you are that old, and haven't learned yet....what else is left to say, People getting trapped like that, many times come from one or several broken marriages back home already, make the same mistakes over and over again. Or just lack the skill, or how you want to call it, to inderstand how and why it goes like it goes. never the less........oh boy.

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