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Posts posted by Mover1

  1. Sorry OP but I had to laugh at the snobbyness of your opening post, haha!


    I'm a member at Loch Palm and Red Mountain, us plebs have the same problem with the greens at Loch Palm at the moment - they're sandy and either rock hard or drenched, each green seems different. I really think its because of the weather rather than the traffic. Torrential rain followed by scorching sun could do that, not much the groundsmen can do about it.


    Red Mountain's course seems to be better, maybe their greens are a different type of grass or something.


    As for 5 balls we've only been held up once by a 5 ball in front. A marshall came round to check and they let us through after two holes when they see us waiting. No problem for us at all, seems we were lucky.


    A few of us are going to try Blue Canyon in a week or two. If its any good we might make a 5 ball next time and get a discount, looks like a good deal ????





  2. We have a group of 6 of us who play during the week in Phuket, and at the moment its great. Course prices have dropped to roughly 1500-2200, inc cart, caddy and now inc free bottles of water and sandwiches. Normally the prices can be as high as 4500-6500+, or more at weekends. 


    Some days the courses are empty, others they're a little busy but not packed.


    A few of us are doing a competition on 26th September which is a Saturday, so will be interesting to see how many are there compared to weekdays. 



    • Like 2
  3. Hi,


    Can anyone recommend a Thai Language School in Phuket?


    I'm not looking to learn Thai for an Ed Visa, I really want to learn the language.


    I'm looking for a school in Phuket where i can do 2 hours a day, 5 days a week, for the next 6-12 months.


    I've seen another recent post here which pointed to language schools in Bangkok offering the same as i'm looking for, but i cant find any similar schools in Phuket. The only schools i've found are geared towards Ed Visa's and learning 2-3 hours per week, but i want something more full on.

  4. I bought the first Pimsleur Thai course in April, and did the 30 minute lessons every day without fail. There's 30 lessons. It's pretty good i thought, but sometimes the male voice speaks really fast, it can be really difficult to keep up and speak at the same pace. I needed a notepad to take notes from every lesson so i could pause it, write stuff out phonetically to help, and then repeat it. The notebook really helped.


    It can get a bit boring, but i think its a good start. It's purely listen and repeat, and spaced repetition. No reading or writing.


    Now i've found a local Thai teacher for 150 baht an hour, which is a bargain. She's really enthusiastic, and she's showed me where some of the stuff i learned with Pimsleur is very formal, as in no one really speaks like that. So far i've had 20 lessons, but i'm still nowhere near having a proper fluent conversation with a thai local. I can pick up things and convey some things, but most still look at me as if i'm speaking gibberish.


    But, when i say some little extra things and people understand i'm trying to make an effort, its really worth it when they get excited or give me a smile, haha. 


    This is the first 'other' language i've tried to learn, and it's fxxxing difficult. It's actually my 5th go at it in 4 years, and i'm determined to keep going for at least 2-3 years now. Other ways i've tried are:


    Local Language School - When i first got here 4 years ago I signed up with a local school and paid for 20 or 30 lessons in advance. This was a disaster. The Thai (Male) teacher's attitude completely changed once i paid the money. The first lesson he taught a bit on a white board. The second lesson i turned up as arranged, he was sitting in an empty office with feet up on the table. Didnt move when i said we've got a lesson, and just said he was busy with a <deleted>ty look on his face. We eventually did the lesson at the front desk, and i was fuming with the <deleted>. I didn't go back after that. I've since heard from another Farang who's had exactly the same experience from another local school in my area. I'm convinced they do it on purpose to keep money for doing nothing. Lesson learned!!


    Learn Thai From a White Guy - Signed up and paid for the first course, but couldn't get on with it very well and gave up.


    Rapid Thai - I did the course in Chiang Mai for 5 days, cost me 40,000 baht! It's a course similar to Learn Thai From a White Guy but more in depth and intense. Some of the Thai letters are still engrained in my memory, so it does work. But, the thing i dont like is that it sort of teaches you how to read the thai script - but you don't know what you're reading! It's also a LOT to take in in 5 days, there's no way anyone could remember it all. At the end he recommends getting a Thai teacher but get them to continue using his Rapid Thai method, and i couldnt find anyone to do that, and again gave up.


    4th go - Signed up with Thaipod101, but find their website and courses extremely confusing to follow. Everything doesnt seem to be in a simple order to follow, its just like worksheets you pick and choose from. My emails and messages went unanswered, so gave up on that as well. 


    So this is my 5th serious attempt. I am still very determined and consider myself lucky i found a good local teacher, who's a friend of a friend of my ex girlfriend. I'm trying to consistently do 1-3 hours every day at the moment, might be more difficult once the bars are open again though.


    Anyway sorry for the rambling post, couldnt stop writing once i started. By the way i also watch youtube channels like learn with Shelby, Learn with Mod, thai talk with paddy, and also joined some facebook groups recently called farang can learn thai and some others i forget. Seems to be more and more stuff popping up every week lately, must be a result of schools being closed i guess.


    Good luck with it



    • Like 1
  5. 5 minutes ago, Peterw42 said:

    If your owner is cooperative and will report you, that is correct.

    If the owner is not cooperative then it falls on you to do the report. Either on behalf of the owner with a POA or as the possessor of the property if Phuket will accept.


    In the longer term it would be good to get the owner or yourself registered to report online.


    Thanks for the info Peterw42, that really helpful. The landlords own around 25 houses on this street and also live on it themselves, so I'm guessing they're up to speed with this stuff. I'll try asking them about it and hopefully they'll handle it all.



  6. 2 minutes ago, Peterw42 said:

    If it is the Thai owner/landlord doing the report, they would take Bluebook and their ID. 

    UJ explains above for you to do the report on behalf of owner.

    Otherwise it would depend if Phuket lets you report as the possessor of the property, if so you would take copies of the owners documents and your lease documents.


    Thanks for replying Peterw42.


    So are you saying I don't have to do anything, its all down to the landlord/owner?

  7. 3 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

    Phuket immigration wants a power of attorney from the owners for you to do  the TM30 form yourself.

    Signed copies of their house book for the house you are staying and ID card signed by them.

    Also a copy of your rental agreement may be needed.


    Hi ubonjoe, thanks for the quick reply.


    I'm a bit confused by your answer, so are you saying that most people use someone else to do the TM30 for them? 


    Not sure how to get a POA from the owners if I need to either.


    Maybe I'll just pay the lawyer 1000 baht to sort it out again at the next 90 day report due in January 2020, or go on a short trip again just beforehand. 

  8. On 6/10/2019 at 9:06 AM, Chomper Higgot said:

    Enjoyed that.


    As a suggestion consider editing your videos into a single ‘video’ comprised of individual clips each no more than 15-20 seconds long.


    Take a look at any film or tv drama and count how many seconds between each scene change to see how this improves viewer interest.


    Well done, more please.


    Hey thanks Chomper, if I ever get round to doing that I will. Main obstacle I've found is these videos use up a lot of memory on my laptop, so I have to delete them after three or four rides out. Sure I could find a way though.


    Haven't been out for ages after a few injuries, rain, and general laziness. Once my back is feeling better I might go out again soon. Cheers!

  9. Hi,


    I've searched the forum but cant find an answer thats specific to my situation, so I've started this one and could do with some help if possible.


    I started a new rental contract for a house in Phuket on 1st September, but I didn't move in until around 22nd September while I was awaiting new furniture and curtains to be fitted etc. 


    My previous contract at my previous address in Phuket officially ended on 30th September, but I'm pretty certain my landlord had never registered or done any paperwork while I'd been staying there for the last 1 and 1/2 years as he lives in Sweden. 


    My new landlords are Thai and live down the road from the new house, so getting any paperwork isn't a problem and they seem pretty on the ball.


    I'm about to do a short trip to Phnom Penh from 11th to 14th October. My 90 day report is due for 15th October so this trip works ok instead of doing the 90 dayer.


    However I've never done the TM30 myself yet. Last 90 day report I was fined 1000 baht as I hadn't notified immigration properly regarding a short trip away, and a lawyer sorted it all out for me.


    So...what I'd like to know is what paperwork do I need to take to immigration within 24 hours after arriving back from Cambodia on the 14th October? Is there a post somewhere on here that explains everything - please post me a link if there is. I'd like to have all bases covered! 






    • Confused 1
  10. Hi Steve K,


    Yes I've sold many of my own properties in the UK while living in Thailand, and all sales were pretty straightforward (apart from the sale of one flat because of the freeholder being a nightmare). 


    I never did a POA with my solicitors, instead I completed all the paperwork for each property before I left the UK, just don't put the date on anything and you're away. You need a good solicitor for this, and luckily I'd dealt with my local UK one beforehand, and she was fantastic. 


    Bear in mind once the sale completes you'll need to complete a NRCGT form within 30 days for HMRC, otherwise you'll have late penalties applied. Sounds like you have nothing to worry about anyway in regards to CGT payable, but the form still needs to go in within 30 days.


    Good luck with it. 

  11. Hey Street Cowboy, yeah I definitely have to keep my eyes and ears open all the time haha. Main obstacles I face are people that overtake and then immediately slow down and pull over right in front of you, and people who never look before pulling out in front of me. Ah well, this is Thailand lol. Thanks for having a look mate

  12. Hi,


    Lately I've been cycling around Rawai and Nai Harn every morning, and started taking videos of it. Just for something extra to do, and also it helps keep me accountable to myself for keeping fit. 


    The videos are nothing special, probably pretty boring to most people (until I go headfirst over a car or something). 


    Anyway, I'd appreciate any feedback on them. Good, bad or terrible.


    Here's the link to the latest one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ajr43jckZA




  13. On 9/22/2017 at 1:59 PM, MJCM said:



    In whole fairness, report back on Monday what exact amount you received (but I guess we know that already ;) ) and what the TT (Telex Transfer) rate then is, as you can't already look (and compare) at the current TT rate for Money that you will receive on Monday.


    On 9/22/2017 at 2:13 PM, Mover1 said:


    Yeah no problem, I see what you mean. 


    You could look at it two ways though, if I took the cash from my UK bank today and changed it at TT I'd receive todays rate. Sending money from my UK bank today to Transferwise is in effect the same thing.


    Pretty sure the rate was locked at 44.97 with the fee's and everything else I quoted, but happy to report back when received. 


    I'm not an avid supporter of Transferwise above everything else by the way, if there's an easier way to get the same or better rates then I'd happily use that method. I've tried direct to Kasikorn but the rates were slightly lower, plus my UK bank charges around £15 for sending international transfers. I only go to the UK once a year, and bringing large amounts of £££'s back over isn't what I like doing, but I can understand why people do it.


    I received the 424,625 baht to my Kasikorn account today, as quoted from Friday. Pretty quick for 2 working days really.


    Just looking on the Transferwise website, if I were to send the same amount of £9500 again, right now I'd only receive 422,956 baht. Same £58.15 fee as before but lower rate of 44.79 to the £.


    On a separate note a guy posted in a Facebook group about using Ethereum (the cryptocurrency) to transfer money to a Thai account from USA, and he reckons it only cost him $1.89, and thats regardless of the size of the transfer. Plus it took less than an hour. I don't fully understand the exact way this works but apparently there's a risk of a currency fluctuation while it's going through, but the chances of losing a lot in the space of under an hour are pretty slim. Here's what the guy actually posted:


    'Now for what I did today.
    #1 I used money from the US to purchase Ethereum (type of bitcoin).
    #2 I moved that bitcoin from the Bittrex exchange in the USA to the Bx.In.Th exchange in Thailand which cost me $1.85. I still think $1.85 is high but Bittrex is a US site and they have to deal with regulatory bullshit. I will be checking other exchanges as well though.
    #3 Then I moved the the money from the Thailand Exchange to my wife's bank account. That cost me .04 dollars. Yep 4 cents.
    So what used to cost me $32 or $12 to do, now costs me $1.89 and that is based on a $600.00 amount. The Bitcoin Transfer amount doesn't go up with amount transferred so if I had done $6000.00 it still would have cost me $1.89, but the traditional transfers would have cost me $140.00 and $120 respectively.'


  14. 9 hours ago, The manic said:

    On a related topic: Can I avoid high fees if I use my CC at the counter in a bank and not use the ATM?


    I don't think that makes any difference, unless you're using an ATM outside a 7-11 that charges everyone a 200 baht fee for withdrawals. Best to ask at your bank though as they'll be able to confirm anything.


    What matters most is what CC charges are applicable for each transaction, and what exchange rates they use, and all banks are different. Also some CC charge interest on cash withdrawals daily, so it's usually cheaper to pay for items with a CC and pay off by direct debit as normal (without having to pay daily interest on the same cash withdrawal). I only use a CC for emergencies or other currencies on trips away now, they always seem to have hidden charges somewhere and the rates are rubbish.

  15. 3 minutes ago, MJCM said:



    In whole fairness, report back on Monday what exact amount you received (but I guess we know that already ;) ) and what the TT (Telex Transfer) rate then is, as you can't already look at the current TT rate for Money that you will receive on Monday.


    Yeah no problem, I see what you mean. 


    You could look at it two ways though, if I took the cash from my UK bank today and changed it at TT I'd receive todays rate. Sending money from my UK bank today to Transferwise is in effect the same thing.


    Pretty sure the rate was locked at 44.97 with the fee's and everything else I quoted, but happy to report back when received. 


    I'm not an avid supporter of Transferwise above everything else by the way, if there's an easier way to get the same or better rates then I'd happily use that method. I've tried direct to Kasikorn but the rates were slightly lower, plus my UK bank charges around £15 for sending international transfers. I only go to the UK once a year, and bringing large amounts of £££'s back over isn't what I like doing, but I can understand why people do it.

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