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  1. Many doctors want to start a practice and choose an area of specialization. They may choose a field of practice where a need exists, perhaps accelerating the time needed to establish a reputable practice. To comment on their character or motives seems juvenile. Is a male gynecologist a pervert because he sees women naked? I think not. As for the question as to why there are so few female proctologists, my research suggests it is a difficult area for women to enter.
  2. I am glad to hear things have changed for the better. I was there a long time ago and I imagine the tourist industry has changed after all these years. Thank you for your reply.
  3. Can't resist. Did the lions get arrested for having no license?
  4. Maybe the pot is calling the kettle black - Elon Musk is always honking his horn how the federal government is not cost efficient and so on. If Deepseek can develop the AI so much cheaper, perhaps old Elon, Mark and the rest of the tech geniuses should check their own recipes.
  5. I can see it now.,,, the students play games on the computers while the teacher plays on his/her phone. This happens all too often and it is a shame, perhaps an expensive shame.
  6. I worked in Danang for one year back in 2004-2005. Two complaints I had about the country: They seem to enjoy overcharging foreigners for goods and services When spending time on the beach or in other tourist areas, the vendors could be quite aggressive; they will not take "no" for answer, they stay put. Many tourists would stay at hotels with private beaches because vendors were barred from private beaches. There were security personnel to enforce the rule. I would like to go back to VN again. Have either of these two problems gotten any better? I would be surprised if Fredwiggy does not like VN.
  7. I am becoming more convinced that there needs to be some kind of gauge on the strength of THC. As one poster said, the weed is more potent nowadays. Of course the weed could have been treated with something, or a myriad of other variables could be possible. I am hearing much too often about irrational behavior on weed and not only in Thailand. Is anyone here aware of any research being conducted to determine the potency of THC and its behavioral effects?
  8. I had this happen to me, that is, getting charged more at a hospital because I was a foreigner. I was told the government hospitals charge by the type of visa you hold. For example someone with a work visa will pay less than someone with a retirement visa. I think the logic is if you work in Thailand you are contributing to society so your medical fees are less at government hospitals. I had surgery at a government hospital in 2016 and they had me put down a deposit when I checked into the hospital. I believe they base the amount of the deposit on the usual and customary fee for the surgery you are going to receive. I ended up getting a rebate because the amount of my deposit exceeded the costs of my hospital stay.
  9. The Unholy Alliance by Paul L. Williams. It is a history of an alliance consisting of the Vatican, the Mafia and the CIA. The book is nonfiction and so far all of my fact checking has lent credence to the author's claims. There is a podcast of some of this book. The name of the podcast is Eyes Wide Open. LBJ biography by Robert Caro.
  10. Non Asian tourists most often do not have an adequate perception of elephants in many cases. They are often not portrayed realistically in western media or Hollywood or even western newscasts. I think sharing living space with monkeys or elephants is a great mistake, for the people and animals alike. These tropical animals living in semi captivity is most dangerous. Not every animal can adapt as well as dogs to a domestic setting. Even kittens with a domesticated mother will act feral if they are born in the woods. Imagine letting wolves or wild boars run around in or near your community just because it looks cool or some opportunistic businessman found a way to make a few bucks exploiting wildlife.
  11. Why can't the wealthy tech companies invest in US workers with more scholarships, training programs and other support to get US students interested in pursuing a tech career. If the tech industry is allowed to import foreign workers in large numbers, this saves them money which I am sure their lobbyists push hard for. Why can't there be a compromise - the tech industry can have x number of foreign employees if they invest x amount of dollars in training programs for US citizens. I used to l live in Microsoft's backyard, Bellevue Washington and I shared an apartment complex with a good number of Microsoft employees. My next door neighbor was an Indian man and from my many conversations with him, it seems that Asian employees are used to long working hours and they are less combative with employers than US citizens. This makes them easier to manage in many aspects. I work here in Asia and there is more tolerance towards a rigid hierarchy than I ever saw in The States.
  12. We have to remember no one asked us to come here. No one promised me a better life as in "go east old man". I hear western people tell me they don't like their home countries because of the immigration policies. Their mindset is immigrants are being treated better than citizens. I cannot vouch for the veracity of this point of view but I have heard this story about 10 times from different people - USA, Germany, England, Austria, Netherlands etc.
  13. Looks like he is already dressed for jail.
  14. Does anyone have any information where in Udon this so called bad massage took place? It would be a public service if we knew.
  15. I am really looking for someone who can tell me the steps to take for getting a US visa for a Thai person. I was hoping someone who has done this recently could point me in the right direction by sharing their experience or telling which part of the US Consulate's website is most useful. I understand if you have had a US visa in the past and the expiration date of the visa is not more than forty eight months, no interview is necessary.

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