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    Land of Pineapples

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  1. They always come in handy
  2. We travel with the French Press & water kettle, with fresh ground before leaving the house. That was a pit stop w/charging station. Their fresh made is just OK, but not available there. Amazon sucks.
  3. Sushi Chicken Caesar Salad w/side of Garlic / pepper Chicken Chicken Green Curry w/green curry rice. Tasty stuff ... THANK YOU 7-11 Sugar Carb cheat day ... shh ... Pandan rolls ... Double Chocolate Croisant For dessert & with morning coffee
  4. Chicken Tikka Masala w/turmeric rice. Chicken breast on the side, washed down with Moccona 3/1. All hit the spot. Thank You 7-11
  5. Maybe if the THB actually moved ฿1 or ฿2, in any direction, someone might be able to state it's getting stronger or weaker. Jan 20th 2025, the THB was ฿34 / $1 USD. IF and when it hits ฿32 or ฿36 / $1, then that might be news worthy. Until then 🥱
  6. Quite the assumption ... that there is a 'free world'. The 'leaders' that you are allowed to see, would be those attending ... ... WEF ... Davos ... Bilderberg meeting Their puppeteers are the leaders, and that curtain hasn't been pull back
  7. Unlike many, I can actually look at history, learn and decide, think for myself, who is the aggressor in Europe ... NATO or Putin - RU - USSR
  8. All those profits made to simply postpone the inevitable. Who cares how many died and or got displaced.
  9. Only now is the EU concerned about UA/RU conflict, because the money machine is about to be turned off
  10. @Harrisfan Mexico is, was great. And was a top contender for place to retire.
  11. Stopping govt waste & illegal immigration ... selfish bastards Billionaires before entering politics vs the 100's of scum that became multi millions after entering politics on <$200k a year. Both have lost millions if not a billion of so, by being out spoken against the deep state. They haven't gained anything, and why most talented 'already' rich people can't be bothered with politics. Try to get past the hate, and you may see clearer
  12. Neither naive nor anti USA government, well that's a question mark, as not a fan of past administrations. Present administration, they're kicking butt and doing exactly what they campaigned on. Only the blind and the ones full of hate can't see it. The hate is so blinding
  13. Yep ... those smart enough to jump in got a 200% profit and in less than 4 years. Most people would love to have average 50% a year. Let the hate continue, or is that envy you didn't jump in like the smart people.

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