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Everything posted by Thechook

  1. Same as St Kilda apparently the team name before white man arrived and took over the league
  2. Never heard about her and I'm Australian
  3. Seriously why do people go there. Let me guess, in a week or two a Burmese will be arrested and charged with his murder.
  4. Dowry for a 47 yr old grandmother? I don't think so
  5. Dowry for a 47 yr old grandmother? I don't think so
  6. Wow amazing 2 people with the same name. What are the chances on earth that 2 people could have the same name?
  7. What's with this opening round? 8 teams line up this week and then front up again next week. I would've thought they would have next week off. After round 1 they have played 2 games and everyone else only 1. A head start.
  8. Did that and she's still here 19 years later.
  9. Probably all the gold around his neck pulled him over
  10. 400 baht, to look at Sandra? na you can shove that.
  11. So true. My father left his estate to my son and now my fathers carer has filed court action for 100%. She wasn't a live in carer and was paid, it was her job.
  12. I've regenerated the tipping comp for those interested. CODE VKXR6WDF
  13. L/C to Captain in 3 yrs. That is absolutely amazing. That's a promotion every 5 to 6 months.
  14. Let me guess another one without licence, helmet and insurance who expects everyone else to pay for their stupidity.
  15. Why is it always mixed race contestants that win?
  16. Irresponsible father who allowed his 14 year old child to ride a motorcycle on the road. He should share the blame for what happened to his daughter.
  17. It's disgusting that parents see their daughter as a commodity and are willing to sell her. I could never sell my daughter.

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