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Everything posted by Thechook

  1. Maybe they could also walk next-door to visit the neighbours instead of riding the motorcycle the 10 metres
  2. Go into the AFL sites, tipping and search Thailand Mob then join
  3. Wonder who owns the agencies and what percentage of their cargoes wages will they take for the years to come leaving them struggling in a foreign land. Heard these stories so many times.
  4. Oh please, how many of these operations have they had in the past only to find absolutely no evidence of prostitution.
  5. Apparently according to Thai Court that offence, conviction and prison time isn't recognised as it was in Australia. Foreign convictions against Thais aren't recognised in Thailand.
  6. Ah that time of the year again to get together for drinks, meal and talk about the haze. Been doing this for decades and still no solutions or action.
  7. Thailand is no longer cheap, obtaining a visa is far more difficult, having to constantly report to authorities like a criminal and the dual pricing. All these and more Tarnish Thailand's image.
  8. She must be the 1st pregnant Miss Universe contestant. Good luck to her.
  9. Not worth travelling to Thailand at the moment. To many restrictions, redtape and hoops to jump through.
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