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Posts posted by Ronuk

  1. I would be interested to know if an Airline can reasonably question a return ticket back from Thailand (no Visa) within 31 to 60 days. Could they bar you from boarding if you had a return ticket say after 59 days as this period can be covered legitimately with Visa exempt and extension.

    Airlines can pretty much do what they want. They own the planes. The problem being is that if you get confrontational with them, its pretty much a foregone conclusion that they will deny you boarding anyway. That's the last thing you want as I believe you then go on a list across all airlines that you was denied boarding and the reason why.

    • Like 1
  2. I would be 100% certain in these days of heightened security and the need for all airlines and Immigration officials to know who is coming and going, that it would be impossible that your passports are not linked.
    If you do get caught at an Airport in Thailand knowing you are already banned, it might turn out to be slightly more serious than the computer saying 'No'. In fact, you may be there a while but not in a hotel of your choice.

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  3. Was thinking about people that suggested a 100K per annum with no benefits would be attractive. Normally when you do not pay for something in cash up front there is interest or additional fees. So what about an annual card with no limos, banking assistance and other help, and costs 120,000K a year? This would seem to me a fair deal for those that don't have the lump sum. 24 limos per calendar year has to be worth around 24,000 Baht if you use them all. So I can understand why they wouldn't want to offer that service based upon a base fee of 120,000 Baht per annum.

    I think I heard that the elite program is or may be accepting credit card payments so it seems that you can pay the membership and finance it on your own anyway. Just a few random thoughts. You could get hotel rewards and FF miles using a card. Maybe TE doesn't need to offer another plan and they can just let your credit card company handle it in this sense.

    Maybe this is a win-win for everybody?

    I am pretty sure the credit card payment option is only for renewals and other services offered by TE.

  4. Just went to the police station to collect my passport. They wont give it back unless I pay 10000 thb. I am not currently blacklisted but this will change if I decide not to pay.

    What is my play here?

    You've two choices. Pay the bribe or make a formal complaint. Your legal bill will be greater than 10,000 baht if you involve a lawyer.

    There are lots of brave people giving you advice that have clearly never dealt with the police. What the police are doing is wrong, but you are risking a lot by standing up to them especially if you make a formal complaint.

    The OP did not state what happened when he was first caught and how/why he ended up in jail. The standard procedure is to negotiate an on the spot fine with the police. Be polite, apologetic and see what they say. Almost certainly a bribe will be hinted at. It's usually not a huge amount, but a lot more than what you would be asked to pay for any other traffic offence.

    You need to pay whatever the amount that the police want.

    If you refuse, you'll be booked, taken to the station, might have to spend a night in jail and then you go up against the judge. A fine, which will likely be a lot higher than the on the spot fine the police would have asked you for will be charged and then you end up in all sorts of hassle.

    In this kind of situation, you should thank god (or Buddha) that you are living in Thailand and not a strict, western country. Here at least, you are given an option - pay money to make a problem go away or end up in the slammer.

    It's that simple.

    Now that the OP has already passed that point, all I would say is try to negotiate a smaller amount to pay for the return of the passport. If they don't budge, then 10,000 Baht it is. However, it's quite likely it can be negotiated down to 5000-8000 Baht.

    Next time, don't do DUI. However, 2 glasses of wine does in fact bring you over the limit of 0.05 and was probably not intentional.

    So- pay a bribe and just add to the corruption? In 12 years here I have NEVER greased a palm (on the other hand I don't drink and drive either- EVER).

    Suffer a night in jail at the most and pay about 3k to the judge- blacklisting is just an empty threat designed to scare vulnerable people-I know some who have paid 20k or more on the spot to 'get away' with it- it doesn't stop them drinking and driving as they see it as a get out of jail free card.

    Passport is the property of your Government- contact the embassy if they won't release it as the more people that do will expose the scam of withholding passports. Holding them is another illegal intimidatory police tactic. Chances are the Embassy will give it 'nothing to do with us' so complain against them to your country's foreign affairs Dept.

    Did you miss the part where the OP also had in his possession an e cigarette that on it's own now carry's a 5 year Jail sentence? For spending 12 years in Thailand, you don't seem to of learned too much of how the system works whether you agree with it or not.

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  5. I came here retired at 41, initially on tourist visas but then on Non-Imm O based on volunteer work until I was 50, then went for the Retirement Permit. During that time there were a few hiccups with tourist visas and scaremongering but I managed to muddle through OK.

    No visa is guaranteed, particularly in the current climate. Be prepared that things could change at short notice, leaving you high and dry. This is not scaremongering just a reality of life here.

    Even the Elite Visa, which personally I consider to be an expensive option, is subject to conjecture about its future on occasion.

    PS- I have no idea why the text has jumped!

    Correct that nothing in this world is 100% guaranteed but the Thai Elite Visa is stamped in your passport for 5 years and when they decided to suspend the programme once before, members were guaranteed to keep what they had paid for. Now the amount of countries that are growing where the TE Visa is being promoted, China, Myanmar, Cambodia etc It can only go on growing. Of all the long term visa options, I would bank on the Thai Elite Visa which is a 100% Government backed programme, being the safest long term option.

  6. I am just looking at the services they offer. It says the first time of using the EPL (Elite personnel Liaison) for opening a Bank account, obtaining a drivers Licence or using there Immigration service, is free so they shouldn't charge you. I actually think you are right and they will be sending someone to help you with the process and to make sure it happens.

  7. Bangkok Bank offers some good options if you put 2million BHT, I think it is in your account. They will still open a simple cash card (ATM) and passbook account on the strength of a temporary address and a passport. I did one quickly in December for a friend in Hua Hin. It all took about 30 minutes and you walk out with an ATM/Debit card and passbook. Vey quick and simple.

    As I said the Thai Elite visa affixed in your passport will guarantee you need an additional document and an appointment will be set. They said just my passport and the card would be needed as my card is linked to my address I won't need any proof of where I live it is documented already.

    Or that was the case for me in Bangkok anyway. Just remembered you are a member as well so maybe it isn't the case anywhere but that is the official policy I have been told by Thai Elite.

    I am going to test the water when I next fly in in a couple of weeks. I agree though and I think it's the proper type of Bank accounts the TE give access too with a personal banking manager rather than just a cash card account which I have found possible to open in most places. If you look direct at the Bangkok Bank website, they do some good bank accounts if you can put a few bob in there. Lets us know how you get on anyway and what they offer you.

    • Like 1
  8. Sounds like the consulate is requesting more kickback fees, are the staff Thai or Malaysian and are they fasting?

    It's more to do with Thai Immigration becoming stricter with issuing the correct Visas for long term stayers.

    Immigrations don't issue visas.

    I know they don't 'Issue' them. How many more times? It was said in context to immigration being involved in the process of the guideline.

  9. Sounds like the consulate is requesting more kickback fees, are the staff Thai or Malaysian and are they fasting?

    It's more to do with Thai Immigration becoming stricter with issuing the correct Visas for long term stayers.

    Thai Immigration has nothing to do with visa issuing.

    MFA are in charge and things can change at certain Consulates, however Penang is still one of the easiest ones.

    Thai Immigration will help set the rules on what can be issued under what circumstances and Thai Immigration will say whether you enter the country or not, no matter what stamp you might pay someone off for.

    If you think by paying some agent a back hander to get you a stamp, I would be careful. There are plenty of moody stamps going around.

    You find that out when it's all too late.

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  10. Now they have the momenta going, they need to keep it up. Get rid of those that want to buck system ASAP.

    It will make it, eventually, a whole lot easier for those that do want to stay legal.

    You mean a whole lot easier to get rid of us too. We don't have any rights. The only people really wanted are 2 week millionaires.

    Your wrong. They like us long term stayers that stay within the Law with the correct Visas or extensions. The only ones that need to be concerned are those that don't want to be legal.

    I have been coming and going and living in LOS since 1972 and guess what? Not 1 days over stay.

    They are coming after those that don't want to play the game. Being able to do as you like and not comply with the rules is coming to an end along with those continually living in LOS on back to back Tourist Visas.

  11. There are so many ridiculous assumptions on here that I can't pick one out to start with!

    But, to summarize, up to now, the good and the great amongst TVFM's have concluded that the individual must have been carrying out illegal activities (apart from a poultry 3 months overstay, hardly crime of the century), he had sufficient funds (and other information) to obtain a METV from the UK, he looked odd as he may have been sober on Walking St, etc.

    When in fact none of you know anything about the guy, or his circumstances, apart from what you've read on a half baked news report!

    We know all we need to know...extended overstayer...being deported...fined B20,000...banned for 5 years.

    All I need to know! Guilty...Next!

    No! What you know, and what you believe is chit chat and rumors on here.

    What you actually know about the exact circumstances or outcome of this case are zero!

    So he hasn't been arrested and awaiting deportation for being Visaless? Maybe he is being flown home first class to receive a Queens Award to Industry for his services to the Travel and Tourist sector?

  12. Where do these people get money from to survive those many years? I know 2 Germans and it was just about selling drugs and pimping.

    Guys like that are the ones causing the problems for the rest of proper tourist here. 5 years jail as example and then 5 years banded to teach everyone a lesson.

    Not everyone is tied to a desk 9-5 or even has the need to work at all. And not for iligitmate reasons as those that your friends had.

    All the more reason, time and money to get your Visa's sorted out.

    You may not get caught today, tomorrow or next week but it's highly likely that your going to get caught. Things are on the change here.Trust me when you have a 'Banned' and 'Deported' stamp in your passport, it isn't as easy as some may think to just go and travel where you want. For a start, it is highly unlikely he will ever get an ESTA to travel to any US Territory. That Ban and deported will now stick with him for life. Not clever I would of thought when your only in your 30's.

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