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Posts posted by cliffspab

  1. I have just finished writing a book for expat's living here and Asia Books have picked it up (my second with them). If you can wait a month or so, I recommend it. Written by an expat who has lived here for 32 years and is fluent in the language. It leaves no stone unturned and is very informative.

    Living in The Kingdom: The essential Expat's guide to living in Thailand

    coming soon ...........

    The repetition of 'living' in title and sub-title doesn't bode well...

  2. Not suggesting this is your problem but worth keeping in mind. My brother in law had similar symptoms and it turned out he had a Hiatel Hernia. He did have other symptoms that you don't seem to have though. For instance, holding food down became really difficult.

    No never suffer with nausea but can get very tired.

    I had the same and thought it was heart problem. But always in the middle of the night. three times i had to go to A&E the pain was so bad. I was given morphine which eased it . After having the camera probe i was put on antyacid tablets one a day one hour before food. The tablets i take are provacid and when i asked how long i should take them the doc said permanently. i have had no problems for two years .pete

    Same here the docs said I had gastritis. Antacids knock it dead.

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