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Everything posted by RSD1

  1. No idea what this post is about. This one sounds about as looney tunes as it gets. GG, did you suddenly run out of your meds?
  2. That's cool. Very tempting. Thanks. 👍🏼
  3. Yes, the Hep C stories are never pleasant. That one in Pattaya I told is probably uncommon so I wouldn’t worry about it too much, but shiit does and can happen. At this point, you’re probably better off getting HIV than Hep C. Sounds crazy, but at least HIV can be put to sleep.
  4. No joke. Even worse, I had a tranny chase me down the street after reading a bob smith post.
  5. That’s really sad. Hep B or C he got? Many years ago I was with a girl for about 6 months. Then she found a bigger better deal and ran off with a guy to Europe. Then she called me a few months later from Europe to tell me she had Hep B since before she knew me and that I should probably get tested. I didn’t sweat it because I was vaccinated for A & B over 30 years ago and with enough boosters afterwards that I should have lifetime immunity now. Good thing is after you’ve been vaccinated you can get tested once every couple of years to check your level of immunity and see if you need a booster or not. Hep C is the real problem one now though. No vaccine and not really any great treatments for it. This is anecdotal, but a guy I knew about 15 years ago got a blood transfusion at a hospital in Pattaya after being in an accident and the blood gave him Hep C. He didn’t last that long after that.
  6. Another rinse and repeat topic. We see this one at least once a month.
  7. Yeah, it was like an entire one second.
  8. Yeah, they always say it's better to drink and then drive, but never the two at the same time, this way you don't spill your beer.
  9. That you for that too. Just a treasure trove of never ending wisdom. The selfless gift giving from you just never ends.
  10. No, I am fully blessed that you are sharing your deep wisdom and insights (earned over 20 years) with me when I don't even deserve it. It will lead to hours of personal introspection for me. How can I ever repay you?
  11. What a total bunch of mongrels. Everyone is an expert on someone else sitting behind a keyboard that they have never met. This is all great stuff though. I need more of this assumptive, conjecture based anecdotal rubbish to make my lonely days (without having any Thai male friends) more complete.
  12. Well, that was fabulously enlightening. I think you've just changed my life.
  13. Thank you for your kind offer, but no. I have worked so hard to develop my personality disorder and I certainly don't want to lose it. It took me years of responding to inane data-dumping posts from hopeless tossers like you to get it.
  14. Brilliant. Ask the mods to shut it down.
  15. It's only because the majority of posters on AN lack critical thinking skills and are merely obsessed with seeing themselves be heard.
  16. Sounds like you've described 90% of AN posters. Add in mental illness too. I have never been on any other forum where so many appeared to be in such a sad cognitive state.
  17. Well I've been here 6X longer and I still can't buy one either.
  18. I've gotta run off now and be lonely. But this yarn looks like it will run at least 10 pages. It's got some meat on the bone. But still not as good as other such captivating topics as toothpaste caps, awful Thai beer brands, delayed ejaculation, or how to avoid getting rolled for your Rolex.
  19. Old, bitter, single, small pension; guess it is possible.
  20. Any foreigner that tells you they got lots of Thai male friends or that they talk deeply with Thai male friends about personal topics, such as the relationship they have their wife, always raises both eyebrows.
  21. You do that really well. Must be the decades of experience you've had talking with bar girls.
  22. How many Thai men are you friends with that act like well adjusted, mature adults?
  23. Digital litter. Not bad. Gave me a giggle. How about another 500 word essay from you that I can't even be arsed to read because it starts out like a slow toilet leak. Lonely? In Thailand? Is that even possible? Would take too much effort, I can't be bothered.
  24. Oh wow, you've really nailed it. How did you become so insightful? That's definitely something I deeply struggle with!
  25. I guess I don't master. I will try and be more observant in the future. Your humble grasshopper.
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