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Everything posted by Lancashirelad

  1. Any hotels undercutting the Agoda price risk getting kicked off the platform as it is in the contractual agreement that they must not.
  2. As a former UK Driving Instructor (24 years part-time) having passed numerous advanced driving tests, several at high level + having driven a variety of vehicles in 14 countries: The OP turned across the path of an oncoming vehicle and collided with it. Before the days of magnetic boards with model vehicles I have drawn on paper this exact scenario as a learning point many times. In many countries, the UK & Thailand included, it is to be expected that 2 wheelers will filter up the nearside of stationary traffic, legally or otherwise. As drivers we have to constantly make allowances for the mistakes of other road users. In Thailand it is the norm for m/cycle riders to do this & the OP should have been well aware of that.
  3. After 10 years it is more than ready for new shox. You will be surprised how much nicer it will drive with them. If brake pads are worn down to only 2.5mm of pad lining material left, they need doing. It won't be long before they go metal to metal. Old v new brake pads (and the old one looks to have 4 to 5mm left).
  4. Be aware that if renting a 4x4 the insurance is unlikely to cover off road use.
  5. I'd go for extra(s). Something like this might fit unobtrusively next to the number plate.
  6. Having flown with Air Asia several times and only once with VJ, I'd say AA are definitely better. VJ had a difficult online booking procedure, unexplained price jumps as you progressed and at the airport check-in had to stand in a very long very slow moving line. It's a few years ago so I can't remember all the details, but I vowed not to use them again.
  7. Any update on this?
  8. I thought blue font plates are for hotel/hospitality business use? Black on white for private use. RetirecheapJC might be the man to ask, he used to drive a Hiace.
  9. Get close to the door & listen if it's trying to lock when pressing the fob button. Remove the door card and look if there is any sign of movement in the locking mechanism, it may just need lubricating. On the other hand it could be a failed solenoid or relay. Any auto electrian should soon sort it out out.
  10. Not that boat, needs a bigger boat that can carry motor vehicles and handle rough seas.
  11. Whilst stationary, roll down the driver's window, stick your head out and have a look at the area of road illuminated by the headlights, then look through the windscreen.
  12. You'll be right about what it is. Wouldn't be a relay as the circuit would already be relay switched from the factory.
  13. Re the rental quotes from the big car rental co's, you were asking for 2 weeks and 6 days. 3 weeks would be cheaper. (still crazy prices though).
  14. Existing windscreen tint is 40% tint or 40% light transmission? (the correct way tint is measured). If the latter that's 60% tint, more than 30% is too dark for a windscreen. Seen people moaning about poor headlights on this forum many times, it's alway the tint that's the problem.
  15. There may be nothing wrong with the original battery, from what the OP says the vehicle hasn't been running for long enough, often enough to put back the power drain from frequent use of the starter motor on very short trips. Jump start it and take it on a longer trip, at least an hour, then see how it goes on.
  16. Kwasaki said: I don't think you'll have any problem.
  17. Bell Travel run a VIP bus (only 3 seat across) from Suvarnabhumi airport to HH if that's any good. You could go by rail all the way to the airport, though of course it means you're travelling East to travel West again. About 300 bht. https://belltravelservice.com/public-bus/
  18. I suspect the OP may not actually be on a VOA but on a 30 day visa exemption stamp which many wrongly call VOA.
  19. Don't need a 2nd person to push. Do the test on a slight slope (up or down, matters not) and see if it rolls when the clutch is depressed whilst in 1st gear (engine off).
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