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  1. Ah the 'World Heritage List' full of other obsolete and outdated things doomed to fade away.
  2. So, if they advertise murder for hire outside Thailand the RTP wouldn't do anything either you reckon?
  3. There definitely has been an increase in violence incidents involving knifing in UK especially in Major cities. Just because you don't carry a knife doesn't change that fact. I don't carey one either, but i do frequently wear my Kevlar reinforced motorcycle denims, with pads, on a night out in town centre, just in case.
  4. Correction...never marry a woman who not only tgyinks she is pretty, but tells everyone she is and tries to make a living out if it.
  5. Your find healthier culture in a petri dish at an STD clinic
  6. There bred to get around the ban on Pitbulls, basically a bulldog cross on steroids. Also banned in UK and even the remaining ones may be destroyed nown as their too dangerous.
  7. Depends which report you read, sounds more like they died their first night there, before they unpacked and bodies not descoverd for 48hrs.
  8. What a massive disinformation campaign by Thai authorities and business intetests to cover-up another toxic cleaning chemical tragedy! They just flew in, hadn't even upacked, decides to have a meal together while trying to overcome jetlag. All sat on same room for same exposure time, aleep/pass out ... dead, or died in sepearate rooms and bodies moved to one room and scence staged by hotel/authorities to cover it up. All happend before. TIT
  9. No i think your spot on, some English thug probably first time he has left UK let along been in a districtly different culture. At home we know to avoid s***heads like this as soon as they open their gobs. Hope they lock him up a long time and spare the populus of the UK his present for as long as possible.
  10. More like Security Guards from nearby bar rushed...it see if they had an excuse to gang-up and beat on a Farang!
  11. Pattya is a web of corruption....tgats news? 2 years? Sounds like he was enjoying himself too much to leave. Bet he never told those British & German tourists what he was filming them for? 'No I'm doing a travel documentary/it's for the tourist board of.... wherever'. Legal your required to get a signed release from anyone you interviewed for a documentary and tell them in writing what the documentary is about. Be surprised if he did?
  12. Ok let's see the RTP head down to a Mosque and try that and see what happens... They won't because their scared they might find something worse than an overstayer!
  13. Wow... unless parents, 30 year old 'Grandmother'...wwhat more do you need to know. Vaps are dangerous? Well so are cars when combined with Thai drivers but i don't see them being banned?
  14. What about those ignorant b**""s who constantly pestering your while your trying to eat a meal. They literally que up to pester you while you trying to eat. No respect at all as they's no shame in insulting a Ferang! Most of them seem to be Thai's as well in those 'reserve occupations' and even when their not it's rare to see the restaurant/bar staff try and stop the. After the 3rd one in a row I generally stand up and scream at them to f*** off then ask the restaurant staff to stop them bothering me or I won't eat their again. Of course they always look at me as a crazy Frang...
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