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Everything posted by gaucan

  1. not everything centered around ur white tw4t ass, and certainly not thailand. thais think its wrong to overcharge u ? tell me u r here first time without telling me u r here first time. But since im so nice and amazing I'll explain their actual thoughts : Oh, this Thai just trying to feed his family, so its ok to overcharge this stupid falang, they earn like 5k usd a month anyway so this is nothing to them. And most importantly u dont PAY TAXES HERE. AND its written in thai cuz most thais cant read ANY english duh, can u see further from ur nose? u know nothing about thais and thailand and they dont give a <deleted> about u either, u r walking atm. pack up and go vietnam and get drunk with other white trash there.
  2. I've got step by step guide on how to solve this for u: step1) look at ur white privilege step2) pay step3) stfu ur welcome 🤗
  3. and on that day , not a single fk was given. about wat dirty farangs things. gn
  4. silly falangs acting again like it belongs here to them. Go home. problem solv.d
  5. Yes. everyone comes.
  6. u worried about the extra cream, aren't u
  7. so wat iz it they see, if not child? plz enlighten us
  8. Amazing explanation overall , exept this line. Gay wouldn't be attracted to 1yo girl,8yo girl, neither 20yo woman neither 60yo woman (If u think yes, i would love to hear the explanation.) Also the offender is straight, he raped 8yo girl, so again what a weird comparison. Also i heard another dumb opinion of many brainless farangs in thailand, to be, that all gays are attracted to underage boys , which is the same as saying that all straight men like underage girls(both total bs, but why use brain, when dont have to, huh?). Just wanted to clarify that
  9. not sure if so many of u are trolling or just being a hypocrite when asking how can one be attracted to kid body... by many of u, 8yo is same as 17.9yo, since u define kid as <18yo. And most of u come to thailand to fck with any youngest legal age women 19-20, so how is it rly different visually 17yo and 19yo woman, u wouldnt notice unless told, lot of women by 17 already finished puberty, therefore body fully developed(google is ur friend, but ok, by 16 on avg most women finished puberty, latest by 18). if thats ur fetish to be hypocrite, ok , same as the offender have its own fetishes, just that the offender won't judge u for it. In this case , it was 8yo(pre puberty) not 17yo(finished puberty almost always), but from reading many of your opinions, you would make same kind of comments and opinions, and think of it the same. So as the only clever comment above said so, it's not about attraction, it's about will to act on it. If u say that u not attracted to fully developed woman 17.9yo but are to a 18.1yo , u r literally KIDding urself (couldnt help the pun lol)
  10. good, need to keep these pesky dirty smelly high-ego falangz in check 😍
  11. im ALL IN ( with my thapthimgrob )
  12. is that even a question? seems like a statement to me , or u didnt live here long enuff? u must be new here, welcom 😚
  13. are these pingpong bombz made at pingpong show?
  14. u will get bashed by Him-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named? Hope u still alive bro
  15. u misspeled rich guys in poor guy out. noone care bout ur idea of bad bro, u think the politicians aka military are good?
  16. if tindr dry, then try grindr, they wont leave u dry over there 🤔
  17. Why are u afraid to say his name? its Lord O-demort
  18. all 3 spot on, i just surprised they didnt mention stinky armpits 2kilometres radius around any of them. Ever heard of showerr+antiperspirant farang boomers?
  19. yes and especially those who live in thailand.
  20. ye so annoyed by all this fat n proud godzillas stuffying their oily mouth with another fried chicken and sugary hamburger . maybe they should start throwing em off plane , to see which piggie do bigger splash😁😆🤣
  21. did u just wake up from winter sleep? go get ur beer
  22. on contrary, u da one who don't get it ????????
  23. false. it's the opposite way. you play shooting game cuz u can't shoot retards in real life, so you get out the frustration in the game at least. without the game, u get it out in real life. you're welcome
  24. no worries, all u sexpats will suck it up and stay. u r a walking ATM after all, how many times do i need to remind u?
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