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somchai jones

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Posts posted by somchai jones

  1. What is it with people on holiday that think the world owes them something?

    A generalisation in the extreme. Also, IMHO not accurate.

    I've been both a holiday maker and expat in several countries and very often, it's been my fellow expats that seem to be the ones who think the world (or their adoptive country) owes them something.

    Just an observation.

  2. On Friday I was forced to get a taxi from Bo Phut to Ban Rak. Was expecting the usual arguments, but as soon as I stepped in I said "meter" and he said "no problem, it will come to about 60 baht". So I was very happy, got in, rode the 10 minutes to Bo Phut with him asking me how to say thank you for your custom in English. Arrived at the pier and the meter was 68 baht. I went to hand him 70 and he refused saying he had agreed to 60 baht and would stand by it. I said call it a tip whilst nearly fainting. As I stepped out he said "thank you for your custom" and smiled and waved. I know this is an exception but it just goes to show they are not all bad guys....

    Only place I experience this is Singapore. Still, taxis aside, I'd much rather be in Thailand. :o

  3. I think falangs are as guilty of this as thai's how many falangs do you know who open a bar or a restaurant soi reggae is a prime example as soon as one closes due to not make any money there will be another falang who will take it over with great new idea's

    let's have a free bbq, put ubc in show all the sport,

    But it's the thai landlord who gets his rent every month.

    for every uncreative thai you can find an uncreative falang,

    Well said.

  4. If we were talking best Asian major international airports, top 3 make perfect sense to me, all airports I use regularly and all IMHO very good.

    Suvarnabhumi does nothing for me, I detest the design, to me it feels unfinished and has all the character of a morgue. I preferred Don Muang.

    As for Samui airport, it belongs in a different survey, perhaps a survey of charming or novel airports and in that survey it indeed should be near the top. IMHO a real gem.

  5. Hi folks

    I've gone over the excellent fishing thread that appeared a few months ago.

    One question that remains unanswered (unless I've missed it) is whether or not you can fish the big lake in Chaweng.

    Has anyone fished it? Is it permitted to fish it? Has anyone seen any fish caught there?



    I think you'd have to be NUTS to eat anything coming out of that "lake"! I would not even wade, much less swim in that pond.

    I wasn't planning on eating a fish if I pulled it out of there. I'd simply enjoy the sport, savour the moment and put it back to fight another day.

    Though having said that, I'd have to be quick or my wife'd have it on the barbie as soon as look at it!


  6. Hi folks

    Does anyone have the telephone number for 'Save House' Resort (oddly this is the correct spelling) in Mae Nam?

    I can only get contact numbers for third party agents through websites - I need the direct tel number.

    Any help much appreciated.

    Here is a phone # I got from the sign out front. Hope this will help-077 425 376

    Many thanks, Max.

    I'll give it a try.

  7. I have read so many of these stories over my time in LOS. The worst one I can recall was around three years ago when a drunken ferang guy was trying to walk UP the escalators at a BKK shopping mall. Security guard comes over, shouts at the guy to stop, the guy shouts back.

    At this point, in any civilized country, the security guard would have called for help, threw the guy out and/or called the police.

    What actually happened is that local shopkeepers, security guards, shoppers even the cleaning ladies all jumped the guy, beat him up, continued to kick him in the head while he lay on the floor and put the guy in a coma.

    Going back on topic - these guys from sillypore most likely did something to offend the Thais. Whatever it was, I can almost guarantee it with something trivial that at best should have been written off, making allowances for the cultural thing or at worst, screaming at the tourist to get out of the bar and not come back. Ganging up on the poor blokes with sticks and knives is typical Thai style cowardice.

    This situation has never happened to me - I have been here long enough to understand the fragile sensibilities of Thais. However if this situation does ever transpire and I find myself faced with a group of angry Thais, I promise you now I will punch, kick, bite, stomp, poke and do everything I can to show them that I wont stand for there cowardly pack mentality. I would ensure at least 3 of them wind up in the same hospital as me. You see, cowering down on the floor and begging for forgiveness will offer no less respite than fighting them back. Either way, they will keep going until you are out cold, or dead.

    If Thailand ever hosts the football word cup, let’s see how a gang of Thais react to a tiny little cultural faux par made by 200 drunken football hooligans. I’m sure they would not be so brave with there knives and sticks then.

    I think you need to check your testostrone levels...

    In the last world cup on main street chaweng in one of the more poular pubs a group of "hooligans" not 200 but a fair amount were very very drunk abusing the thai staff and disregarding the owners requests to calm down. when they ofended a thai man that passed by and had a go at him he came back with friends and you are right the Thais didnt use sticks they brought guns.

    it was so nice to see those ""brave""hooligans running around like mice.

    the next day everyone was on about how the thais dont know how to take care of tourists.

    do not try and confront the locals it could end up very bad. a thai will never enter a comabt that he knows he can loose. (on the contrary to most westerners) a thai will always make sure that the odds are in his favour and if it takes gathering a group then they will do so to make sure they come out on the upper hand. call it "cowardly pack mentality" if you like but at the end of the day you are the one who gets the problem.

    Since you have been here for a while and you are aware that then just dont go there and stay out of problems.

    Well said, Skydiver, thanks for the first post that's showed a bit of sense.

  8. with several witrnesses who actually detained the man, we can assume that the account of him grabbing her is accurate. If he grabbed her & she said no & he continued then that is molestation & intent to touch her without persmission is there.

    Doesn't matter what time of the night, what her job is or where she was walking really. But anyway, the next report says the guy admitted it so we can also assume that he IS guilty so it isn't just a bloke being annoying is it?

    Nice of them to help the girl like they did the 63 year old foreign women getting mugged by some Katoeys

    a while back.

    Go take a lie down my friend.

  9. <Hands the OP a flame proof suit>

    Guys, c'mon, play nicely.. give the guy a break...

    Unwarranted attacks/flames will result in suspensions/removal of posting rights...

    Wolfie is watching, thanks!

    I knew you'd turn up somewhere! Most people thought we'd seen the last of you when the Tooting Popular Front was disbanded.

    Where's Ken these days?

  10. 'Out of a population less than 50,000 and no universities on the island (are there?) I would be surprised if there were as many university-educated girls there as here in Lillputia, er, I mean, Estonia with it's massive poplation of almost 1.4 million.'

    For someone who's seeking an educated woman, you seem a bit thick.

    Even someone with a little knowledge of Thailand would know that the fact that there are no universities on the island is irrelevant as those from a small island such as Samui that go to university would obviously travel to Bangkok, Hat Yai, etc.

    As for a country comparison, Thailand has far more people and universities than Estonia and there are therefor obviously far more educated women in Thailand than Estonia.

    Whether or not an educated Thai woman would be interested in you is another story....... :o

  11. Lets see, the population of the island has more than tripled in the past 20 years. With a massive influx of migrant workers, illegal workers and many well-to-do farangs building expensive homes.

    What in this equation would give you the idea that there wouldn't be an increase in crime?

    I wouldn't bother SBK. I don't think intelligent debate is what the OP is seeking. :o

  12. ...and to think, I've just spent five minutes of my life reading through three pages of this claptrap in the hope of finding something interesting to read. Grow up, children!!!

    You spent five minutes reading a thread entitled Piss Check, hoping to find interesting reading? Errrrrrrrrrr.

    My thoughts exactly!............perhaps he has a piss fetish. :o

    • Like 1
  13. ...and to think, I've just spent five minutes of my life reading through three pages of this claptrap in the hope of finding something interesting to read. Grow up, children!!!

    No one asked you to get pissed off!

    Thanks, SamuiJens, you make my point far better than I could ever do.

    Is Loiner taking the piss out of you Jens, or just being mildly sarcastic? :o

    • Like 1
  14. I was under the impresion that bad language was against the forum rules.

    Obviously I am wrong.

    Are you taking the piss? It's hardly even a swear word, probobally less offensive than bloody hel_l.................

    The F word, the C word fine, but who's gonna get offended with piss?

    I've seen hundreds of posts on many forums relating to piss tests and not once have I seen anyone complain about the language and not once have I see it moderated.

    Maybe you should take a piss test. :D

    Be carefull.......maybe he will tell you to "pee pee of" :D

    Says a lot about the quality of posters here.....

    and it should read "pee pee off" :o

    I believe etymologically is comes from a french word pisser which is originally from an onomatopoeic colloquial latin word pissiare.

    I think it is now considered informal language, although in Victorian days and for a long while after it was probobally considered vulgar, they didn't much like anything connected to sex or body motions, which is probobally why some still deem it offensive today.

    I do not find it offensive, neigher would my mother, my grandmother or her mother however may have different feelings towards the use of the word.

    A very interesting word with several meanings:

    Last night when I left the office, it started pissing down.

    I was really pissed at that because I'd forgotten my umbrella. I dashed into the nearest bar and proceeded to get well pissed. Bloated, I took a good piss before leaving the premises.

    I apologize for my frivolity but I had a smoke earlier.........hope I don't get stopped for a piss test!


    Plenty of proof , if it is really needed, that Samui has in fact Gone To The Dogs.

    Ooooops, wrong thread. :D:D

    Lighten up my friend. I'm only taking the piss!

  15. I was under the impresion that bad language was against the forum rules.

    Obviously I am wrong.

    Are you taking the piss? It's hardly even a swear word, probobally less offensive than bloody hel_l.................

    The F word, the C word fine, but who's gonna get offended with piss?

    I've seen hundreds of posts on many forums relating to piss tests and not once have I seen anyone complain about the language and not once have I see it moderated.

    Maybe you should take a piss test. :D

    Be carefull.......maybe he will tell you to "pee pee of" :D

    Says a lot about the quality of posters here.....

    and it should read "pee pee off" :o

    I believe etymologically is comes from a french word pisser which is originally from an onomatopoeic colloquial latin word pissiare.

    I think it is now considered informal language, although in Victorian days and for a long while after it was probobally considered vulgar, they didn't much like anything connected to sex or body motions, which is probobally why some still deem it offensive today.

    I do not find it offensive, neigher would my mother, my grandmother or her mother however may have different feelings towards the use of the word.

    A very interesting word with several meanings:

    Last night when I left the office, it started pissing down.

    I was really pissed at that because I'd forgotten my umbrella. I dashed into the nearest bar and proceeded to get well pissed. Bloated, I took a good piss before leaving the premises.

    I apologize for my frivolity but I had a smoke earlier.........hope I don't get stopped for a piss test!

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