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Posts posted by Nikkijah

  1. .... I'm not sure it's possible though as the edges of my ipod are flush and have no clips of latches to get hold of :D

    Instructions here .

    Forgot to mention earlier, there is a remote (very remote) possibility the charging problem may lay in the battery charging electronics, not the battery itself.


    Thanks waldwolf, I've bought a battery off eBay, I'll post here how I get on :o

  2. Thanks sbk but I'm English so I don't understand it all :D

    Thanks for the link waldwolf, the link is actually for the iPod mini but I'm searching now for instructions to replace my 2nd generation iPod battery, I'm not sure it's possible though as the edges of my ipod are flush and have no clips of latches to get hold of :o

  3. There is a whole difference between neglegance and circumstances beyond ones reasonable control.

    Dear friends of ours lost their daughter when she accidentally strangled herself climbing out of her high chair while her mother answered the phone - How far do we need to go in protecting our children is a reasonable question but I doubt you'll get a reasonable answer.

    As for the attack in the home - Yes again a tragedy - But these things need to be seen in perspective, such attacks happen, always have happened and sadly always will happen. (Be sure of one thing, they are way under reported in Thailand!)

    The gutter press in the UK have been on a 10 year campaign drumming up rabid fear and hate over child mollestors - Has it improved matters? A pediatrician has been chased out of his home by a mob of dumb sh1ts, a few people have been involved in hate attacks, either as attackers of victims.

    Meanwhile children are locked down at home, increasingly isolated, increasingly under all manners of pressure that we never suffered when we were children.

    While as parents we are fed fear and loathing when what we need is help in understanding and managing the real risks.

    Infants left alone in an appartment while their parents are out of the building having a meal is to my mind child neglect and endangerment.

    Talk of chipping, bogey men and all manner of fears is a smoke screen to the real problem - Parenting.

    Drumming up fears to sell goods, newspapers or to gain political leverage is disgraceful and only creates child harm of another kind.

    Bringing this back to 'Thailand' - ask any Thai mother how far she allows her infant children out of her or a responsible adult's sight?

    I agree with all of this, I agree with the sentiments that we should all be responsible.

  4. he probably wants to chip is his girl friend, but instead posted about 'chipping his child'. why would chipping your child be unethical? You should have just posted "by friend (wink wink) wants to chip his gf, is that ok?"

    :D Yes that's right :o

  5. To my mind the ONLY issue is parental responsibility, educating people on what parental responsibility is, encouraging and promoting parental responsibility.

    Gadgets are not the answer. The parents taking full responsibility and giving their children the vigilance they deserve is the answer.

    I agree Guesthouse, I have had many conversations about abduction/murder/rape/muggings etc etc and they all come down to the fact that education is the long term answer, whole-heartedly agree, however, how long will this process take if it is implemented in a regimental fashion from this very moment onwards?

    What about the story of the little girl who was in the bath in her house during the day last year, a sick man entered the bathroom through the window, took her away, raped her then left her in a back street near her home?? You could argue that the parent should have been by the bath, watching every move the child made.

    I know this is deviating from the thread topic a little bit but it shows that you can be responsible and careful when you are in places that you would expect there to be an abductor or whatever, but in your own home, whilst your child is in the bath!!??

  6. Is there any proof of that? Any statistics to show that there are more child abductions today than there were 30 years ago?

    The biggest risk of abduction is by a parent (This is always assumed to be fathers but if we consider mothers skipping off overseas/on an around the world trip or just disapearing with children then the Father abduction figures fade into 'insignificance').

    The biggest pervert threat children face is within their own families. Again not all perps are male. The second biggest threat is from people close to the family/known to the child - particularly people in authority.

    I know that you know your facts Guesthouse but these facts are from a report specifically about child abduction:

    More than half (56%) of all police recorded child abductions involved an offender not known to the victim

    Attempted child abductions by strangers were the largest single type of child abductions (47%). In most offences there was minimal contact between the victim and the offender. The number of these offences appears to have increased dramatically since 2001/02.

    23% of child abductions were committed by a parent of the child. In some cases the child was not taken outside the UK and it seems that in some of these cases either the offence should not have been recorded or should have been recorded as 'no-crime' at a later stage.

    These figures show that the highest % of abductions are committed by an offender unknown to the victim

  7. I just Googled a few things and came up with this:

    The offence of child abduction is part of the 'Violence Against the Person' category of police recorded crime. It is only a small proportion of the total category offences (just 0.1% in 2002/03). Yet the total child abduction offence numbers police recorded increased by 45% in 2002/03 from the previous year, to 846 offences. This Research and Development Statistics Directorate (RDS) publication examines the main types of offence that make up the total number of recorded child abductions across England and Wales in 2002/03. Reasons why these offences may have increased so dramatically are also discussed.

    Full report here: Research and Development Statistics Directorate (RDS) publication

  8. I can understand people not wanting to be chipped, it is a bit over the top but when we're talking about children and their safety then some measures are necessary.

    Think back 30 years in the UK, children had much more freedom than they do today, back then some people would have ridiculed the way in which parents protected their children today but I'm sure those measures prevent a lot of abductions etc, GPS or chipping could well be the future :o

    Is there any proof of that? Any statistics to show that there are more child abductions today than there were 30 years ago? There's certainly seems to be a lot more hysteria about it nowadays.

    I understand I should have chosen my words more carefully...

    There seems to be more REPORTS of child abductions.

  9. I can understand people not wanting to be chipped, it is a bit over the top but when we're talking about children and their safety then some measures are necessary.

    Think back 30 years in the UK, children had much more freedom than they do today, back then some people would have ridiculed the way in which parents protected their children today but I'm sure those measures prevent a lot of abductions etc, GPS or chipping could well be the future :o

  10. I can't believe that some people would object. The only danger is if you begin to use it to replace your eyes, rather than for an emergency.

    Believe it cdnvic, give this thread a few hours and we'll see :o

    I think the whole point of these devices are for when you can't have your eyes on your child, I would expect that the moments when children go missing are most likely to be those times and I believe there is nothing wrong with being over-protective, to an extent...

  11. This is all very worrying, I have a young boy and my partner has recently asked me to return to Thailand with a harness for him as a young boy went missing from our local department store last week! I'm not very keen on a harness really, not on a 2 1/2 year old, so I started to look for info about chipping my child, I know it doesn't sound right but it could save his life and our hearts! I found this on Google: VeriKid

    If anybody else has any info on this I'd appreciate it!

    Nikkijah :o

    Nikkijah, there hasn't been a shred of evidence produced to back up these claims about vans going around abducting children for organ harvesting. Not a shred. What is clear is that this is an urban legend that has surfaced in a number of countries. No need to point fingers, but some real 'nutters' have surfaced on this thread. There is no need to take any precautions that you wouldn't take anywhere else. The idea of running around with your kid on a harness like a dog is absurd!


    Let's review:

    1. You see someone talking to your child while you are drinking, and based on that and with no further information try to run him off the road and shoot out his tires.

    2. You walk around Manchester with your two year old tied to a dog harness.

    'nuff said.

    Glad you agree with me, 'nuff said, as you say.

    Oh but there has been a shred of truth about the young boy going missing in our local department store, I didn't even mention the other incident, however, I do believe it as these things happen.

    So when you are walking through town and you see some parents with their child on a harness do you approach them and tell them your feelings?

    There is absolutely nothing wrong with a harness, it gives the parent piece-of-mind and also protects children from running into the road or others knocking into your child, as Boo said earlier "As for the harness, quite normal for toddlers to be on them as they have no road sense & can move really fast when out & about. Using a rein is good for teaching them how to have road sense. As long as they aren't chained to a wall then I can't see why they would be a bad idea when wandering around the shops. Kid gets to walk around & mum & dad have peace of mind knowing the child isn't running into traffic or getting lost in a large crowd."

  12. Nikkijah - YOU ARE A BRILLIANT AND SHINNING STAR! Of couse "Maybe"!!!! (All those DeBono books I read and yet fall into stupid yes/no traps. I think my brain is overcooked. Thank you for showing me I urgently need to clear me head and focus).

    Should "let's move edward" be applied to these kinds of threads Shokdee? :o

  13. Nikkijah - YOU ARE A BRILLIANT AND SHINNING STAR! Of couse "Maybe"!!!! (All those DeBono books I read and yet fall into stupid yes/no traps. I think my brain is overcooked. Thank you for showing me I urgently need to clear me head and focus).

    Well, thanks for that Shokdee :o

    I really don't know if a harness is needed or the 'other' thing I started a thread about, it is interesting to get all these opinions though

  14. Also - mysterious powder/hypnosis. I recall many stories start with someone getting touched or eating candy. What is this all about?

    This happened to my partner actually, she was in a department store and a lady approached her and grabbed her wrist and asked for the time, it was obvious that my wife wasn't even wearing a watch but it didn't stop the lady trying to find one! Moments later my partner started to feel dizzy, she had heard of these stories and decided to go to the nearest shop and ask for help, the staff sat her down and asked what was wrong, she told them about the lady, whilst she was sitting there she saw the same lady staring at her through the shop window and when she alerted the shop staff the lady darted off and wasn't seen again. :o

  15. Nikkijah - take my quiz:

    (a) my baby wears a harness when out walking = treating my baby like a dog? (Yes or No?)

    (2) my baby is chipped = treating my baby like a dog? (Yes or No?)

    Thanks for involving me again after my thread was closed :o

    Answer to Q.1. Do I have to answer Yes or No? Can I just say Maybe?

    Answer to Q.2. Do I have to answer Yes or No? Can I just say Maybe?

  16. I can't stand posters like :o

    All I came on here to do was get peoples views of it, I didn't post here to get slated for not being responsible or for having shortcomings - who doesn't have them?? - but I'm certainly not blaming anybody else for them! :D

  17. What a pathetic thread. Anybody who thinks that a chip will stop their children being abducted must be in cuckoo land. It may help the police to track them, or God forbid, their bodies, but it will not stop their abduction. What do you propose to do - get a big tattoo done on their foreheads " I am chipped so be warned" ? As I said pathetic and it is a shame that parents don't look after and protect their children better so as to avoid such nonsense as the OP is proposing. If you don't want the responsibility don't have them, don't attempt to blame others for your own shortcomings.

    Who suggested a chip would stop somebody taking a child?? You've gone way over the top there :D

    Everything about your post stinks of someone who has had a bad day and is reacting to something they personally don't like, there was no need to suggest that me or any other parent has a lack of responsibility or is blaming others for our 'shortcomings' - whatever you have judged they may be :D

    Way over the top yet you are talking about putting a chip in child the same as what is done for dogs in many countries !!! Me over the top ? As I said don't attempt to rely on technology to overcome your shortcomings and frankly if you want to put your child in the same leaque as a domestic pet then go ahead and get him chipped, just do not be surprised to be ridiculed by other responsible and caring parents. I think it must be you who has had the bad day to consider the option in the first place, mind you I suppose it would be cheaper to go to a vet for it rather than a local GP or Doctor. Any other extreme ideas you would like to share with us in protecting your children ?

    Again, way over the top, I have been thinking about the case of the little 3 year old girl who's been abducted in Portugal(must I repeat myself?) and how this type of technology would have found the girl by now.

    Again, I'm not trying to overcome my shortcomings, how on earth are you suggesting I am, every parent knows that their children wander off at times and every parents heart strings are tugging at the news of this missing girl.

    One other extreme idea I have about protecting my child - keeping him away from people like you mate :o

  18. What a pathetic thread. Anybody who thinks that a chip will stop their children being abducted must be in cuckoo land. It may help the police to track them, or God forbid, their bodies, but it will not stop their abduction. What do you propose to do - get a big tattoo done on their foreheads " I am chipped so be warned" ? As I said pathetic and it is a shame that parents don't look after and protect their children better so as to avoid such nonsense as the OP is proposing. If you don't want the responsibility don't have them, don't attempt to blame others for your own shortcomings.

    Who suggested a chip would stop somebody taking a child?? You've gone way over the top there :o

    Everything about your post stinks of someone who has had a bad day and is reacting to something they personally don't like, there was no need to suggest that me or any other parent has a lack of responsibility or is blaming others for our 'shortcomings' - whatever you have judged they may be :D

  19. What a pathetic thread. Anybody who thinks that a chip will stop their children being abducted must be in cuckoo land. It may help the police to track them, or God forbid, their bodies, but it will not stop their abduction. What do you propose to do - get a big tattoo done on their foreheads " I am chipped so be warned" ? As I said pathetic and it is a shame that parents don't look after and protect their children better so as to avoid such nonsense as the OP is proposing. If you don't want the responsibility don't have them, don't attempt to blame others for your own shortcomings.

    A bit harsh I feel.

    You are judging me before you know me, I am just a careful father of a young boy.

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