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Posts posted by Jersey_UK

  1. For Tourists / folk walking around with a £ note stuck to their forehead (AKA Mr / Mrs Farang) Thailand is 1 million percent safer.

    Yes Thailand is safer but you may want to take a look at crime stats before saying it's 1 million percent safer (and yes I know you aren't speaking literally).

    The crime level (real and perceived) is what is putting off a lot of people from many places in South America and other SE Asian countries which are, TODAY, overall much better and FRIENDLIER than Thailand...

    The PI are a good example: crime and less developed infrastructure are what is preventing it from stealing from Thailand all of the people sick of Thailand's xenophobic immi laws and increasing unfriendliness towards the "farang".

    The impression I get (which may of course be wrong!) is that crime in the PI affects foreigners far more than it does in Thailand, therefore to a large extent in Thailand a foreigner can ignore a lot of the crime stats that refer to locals doing stuff to locals.

    Perceived crime is the reason I never went to South America on a budget (and now simply can not be bothered as it is too far away!).........apart from the crime situation, I think the biggest problem for the PI when it comes to rivalling Thailand for Tourist is the simple fact that (like NZ) it is simply in the wrong place - just a bit too far away to be conveniant.

  2. Hi everyone.

    How does this sound for my introduction letter?


    My name is ****** and i am supplying documents in helping my wife ****** with a settlement visa application.

    My wife and I are deeply in love and have recently married and are hoping this application is granted so we can settle in England and live a very happy and wonderfull life together.

    Please find sectioned and attached to the application, documents in according order.

    1. VAF 2 FORM

    2. ABOUT ME








    Signed by me................

    How does that look? i will include all the documents in there correct section, example

    Copy of my passport, birth certificate in section 2 along with a brief note about myself.

    Photos, hotel reciepts, flight tickets etc will be in section 7 with again a brief note explaining when we met, when and where we have travelled etc etc.

    Section 8 will include phone bills, used international phone cards, jiffy bags from gifts i have sent her through out our relationship etc

    You get the picture how i will set it out.

    Also section 3 about my wife, do i need to make it out as if my wife was writing it? or is it ok for me to write it and explain about her? example ill explain her name, age, address that she is divorced etc and include in with this our marriage certificate (thai copy/English copy) her divorce paper, copy of her i.d, passport, two photos, t.b test paper etc

    Like i said does this section have to be put forward to the embassy as if my wife was explaining about herself or would it be ok for me to explain about her?

    I hope this is ok how i will be setting out the application.

    Ill put each section into a plasic sleeve folder, and then put inside one big binder folder with of course the bankers draft fee :o .

    Thanks all, im nearly there....


    I have NOT yet made our SV application - so bear this in mind when reading my comments! My initial thought is that it sounds good! But you have raised a question for me about whether da Missus has to "write" bits.

    Although I have not yet decided on a final format (and content) of our paperwork, putting the Index in the covering letter is also what I am intending to do, on the basis that it cannot then get seperated (or discarded? :D ).

    I recall reading a few times that organising the paperwork using plastic sleeve folders sometimes seemed to cause a problem and that folk have been told to remove all documents from them when submitting. (probably to do with the fact that IME it is a PITA when reviewing documents to remove them from a plastic sleeve just to read page 2 )...........No idea whether this is still the case with Embassy etc...............but I was thinking that to try and forestall this and still have the documents capable of being put back in order / still to be capable of being easily identified when reading the SV application form / covering letters to give each and every document a unique reference number i.e.......... "appendix 7 (iv)" etc etc and if a specific document is referred to in any of the covering letters (ABOUT MY WIFE, ACCOMODATION, MY EMPLOYMENT etc etc) to also refer to the document i.e......"I am employed with XYZ Ltd earning 1 squillion pounds a week, in accordance with my Contract of Employment dated 16/6/2005 (appendix 5.1)".

    Please note that I am not saying the above is the right approach, just perhaps to think about how the application would look / read if the paperwork was all jumbled up / was removed from all of the plastic sleeves - would someone who was not familiar with your paperwork then still easily be able to make sense of it?

    I hesitated to post the above, as I guess like me the more you read the more your head hurts as their is never a clear "answer".

    Just dug out my last version of the covering / sponsorship letter (pretty similar):-

    Dear Sirs,

    The documents enclosed with this letter are to support the Settlement Visa application by my wife that will allow us both to live permanently together as Husband and Wife at my home in Jersey, Channel Islands, UK.

    My name is Mr David XXXX XXXX and I am and always have been a British Citizen, born and always resident in Jersey, UK.

    My wife Mrs XXXX XXXX (Neé XXXXXXXX) is a Thai Citizen, born and always resident in Bangkok, Thailand.

    Supporting Documentation for Settlement Visa Application

    1 ) Not yet decided!

    2 ) Not yet decided!

    3 ) But pretty much the same as your list

    4 ) etc

    5 ) etc!

    Yours faithfully

    David XXXX. XXXXXX

  3. N47HAN, you are quite obnoxious. It is exactly the type of arrogant Farang like you which really irritates me and why alot of Thai people wouldn't mind seeing guys like you go back to wherever you came from. Obviously this post must be fake because there is no Thai that could possibly afford such an expensive vehicle, unlike the wealthy farang that you are. All Thai people are poor and stupid. It is not possible that any Thai could be wealthier than yourself. Air conditioning manufacturing. No. That would mean a stupid Thai has more money than you. Orchards in the South (Pattani)? Nope. Once again, that would mean some Thai has more assets than you. Yes, yes, I have read your posts about how you have such a fabulous company making 50 million baht a year just by yourself. A guy like you just has to tell the world how fabulously wealthy you are. I have seen you come and go so many times. A guy washed up in his own country. Couldn't make it in business, couldn't find a woman to spit on him. Come to Thailand, and you think you are the King. You probably rent a room and are scraping enough money to buy a used Honda wave so you can impress the whore you picked up at Nana Plaza. And everywhere you go you have to tell people what a big success you are.

    Don't hold back dude :D:D

    Back to cars :D

    For "showing off" effect, whilst still retaining some class (so no gold plated hummer :D ) - I would get a new Bentley limo or Rolls Royce limo. A bullet proof version (just for show, hopefully! - but always a 2nd hand market for an (unused!) bullet proof vehicle)..........of course driving it yourself looks kinda stupid...........so for the ultimate one upmanship use a FARANG Chauffeur :bah: From what I can gather they can be picked up quite cheaply in Thailand, you would be amazed what one would do for the chance of a work permit / long visa :o

  4. Always thought it was sad, but worked with a bloke who is a member of Napoleons army (him half french) and it sounds like a good craic, meet up all over Europe for events and a good piss up with like minded souls from differing countries.......the Russians are apparently quite mental :o

    Although I will admit I am not quite ready to join the 9th SS Panzer Division now stationed in the UK (did Tony Bliar really swing that far to the right?!!)

    the 9th SS Panzer Division

    Just wondered if folk did this sort of thing in Thailand? (apart from the Nazi crash helmets for motorbikes?).

  5. Always thought it was sad, but worked with a bloke who is a member of Napoleons army (him half french) and it sounds like a good craic, meet up all over Europe for events and a good piss up with like minded souls from differing countries.......the Russians are apparently quite mental :o

    Although I will admit I am not quite ready to join the 9th SS Panzer Division now stationed in the UK (did Tony Bliar really swing that far to the right?!!)

    the 9th SS Panzer Division

    Just wondered if folk did this sort of thing in Thailand? (apart from the Nazi crash helmets for motorbikes?).

  6. Believe you have misread the post - you have to extend your stay each 90 days - you do not have to become proficient in 90 days. They can potentially use this to weed out those who are not actually attending class.

    Proficient in 90 days?....yikes!.....I wasn't saying that - just that if making a serious effort to learn and planning to do so over a 1 year course then before re-organising their life to do so someone needs to be comfortable that they will not be refused a new Visa to complete their course / learning process.

  7. Of course it's true, since I'm hearing now that other people have posted about it also. I used the offical taxis twice in the last few weeks. The first time there was no scam attempt, only the second time, about 10 days ago (the older guy with the glasses).

    Just to clarify, I am not claiming what you are saying is not true!

    I was just making the point that the reaction of folk (including me!) was to take your report at face value simply because it was not unusual - but it is the internet so little anyone can provide by way of proof on anything

    If someone had claimed that Elvis was driving the taxi folk may have been a bit sceptical - but in Thailand the words "Airport", "Scam", "taxi" and "Tourist" do not come as any great surprise - Sad but true.

  8. Interesting, but sad, is the fact that no one has said something like:-

    "of course this could not be true"

    Let alone:

    "report this to the airport authorities"

    "report this to the police"

    Whether it is true or not does not really matter - just that it is beleivable to the point of causing zero surprise...........speaks volumes about people's perceptions in Thailand.

  9. PH policy towards immigration reminds me of a going out of business sale. Bargin basment prices...roll up, roll up.

    I guess one could say exactly the same for all the rest of the 3rd world countries, like Thailand, which put such a big public accent on ever trying to increase tourist numbers and which have "retirement visas" for foreign pensioners (a thing almost unheard of in rich developed countries)...

    Only been to the Philippines once for 10 days, and that was a few years back.

    What put me off the place was armed guards everywhere, outside Hotels, Minimarts, supermarkets etc etc and they were not armed with a stick, nor were they blowing whistles like in Thailand............You do not have to know anything about a country to realise that these guys are not in place for fun / show.......which told me more than enough to re-inforce stories heard before, during and after my visit (both on Internet and in real life) to realise it was not the place for me to stay long term / to live in..............not to say of course that everyone in the PI is a gun / machete toting gangster :o - but I got the solid impression that those "with something" were well aware that they needed to protect themselves against "those without".

    For Tourists / folk walking around with a £ note stuck to their forehead (AKA Mr / Mrs Farang) Thailand is 1 million percent safer. I am not saying LOS is better than the PI, both to me are 3rd world toilets - one is simply a lot safer than the other for me - if not for the locals. At the moment anyway..........as no inherent reason why Thailand could not be the new PI.

  10. I don't see how someone being a <deleted> is also acting as a representative of their country? IMO they are just a <deleted>.

    Another time I saw a bunch of Italians on the sky train talking so loudly, as to intrude on the space and good will of everyone in the same car. I told them nicely that the volume of their voices was considered rude in Thai culture. They looked at me and actually said they didn't care.

    Even though I too would have found their behaviour annoying, I will admit that their response is quite funny :o

  11. Smoking is disgusting as are smokers

    Having pretty much won the smoking battle, from what I can gather the "Health industry / police" (and make no mistake it is an industry with lots of vested interests who are NOT going to suddenly retire) are going after the next easy target.


    I am conflicted on this - I appreciate the civil liberties aspect of folk can eat what they want / can force feed their children a diet of <deleted> and on the other hand it is expensive for the rest of society to pay for their indulgences / stupidity.

    I am coming down towards taking action, mainly on aesthetic and body odour reasons. Pretty the much the same as for smoking really - and both groups are easy targets, as they cannot run quickly :o

  12. By year end I'll have paid $65,000 in taxes. I'm subsidizing the welfare system I'll never use and paying far more than my share of the US infrastructure costs.

    You never know, but with a bit if luck your taxes may have got spent on something useful like a missile :D


  13. On the one hand I can understand why they feel a crackdown is needed - Folk abusing this visa system? surely not!

    On the other hand I suspect rather bad news for Thai owned and staffed Thai language schools........

    If making a serious effort to learn the lingo I would have thought that 90 days was too short (unless learning 24/7 :o ) and then feeling that one was then relying on the whims of a Govt offical for an extention would be a disincentive to many genuine learners.

    Maybe an opportunity for someone to set up a Thai language school in Malaysia?........or Burma :D

  14. I never said "yep, knew she was a whore", but any girl that is taking advantage of one man to support herself and her entire family (not to mention her other boyfriend :D ) and is cheating on that man with someone else who also isn't aware that she has (at least) another boyfriend can hardly be described as "the ultimate good girl."

    I was also struggling with this definition of "good girl" :D:D

    Of course folk do have differing (??!! :D ) concepts of acceptable behavior and cultural norms :o

  15. Tony Roma(s), Big Dog(s), Sin, Titanium, HRC, Exchange, Dubliner - list is endless.

    Do many Thai couples go to these places? I admit I've seen a few in Tony Romas, and I was surprised they would still negotiate the freelance prostitutes, West African drug dealers and ladyboys outside to go there.

    And as for Titanium, does anyone in their right mind ever go there, regardless if they are a Thai or foreigner?

    Tony Roma's? Been a couple of times and I was surprised to see Thai couples.......Why?, cos' it is a very very overpriced TGIF - but not so "good" (I like TGIF!). certainly not a HISO restaurant. Last time I recall seeing that the lady Patholigist (?) with the funny hair was their. Maybe afterwards she heading to Thermae? :D:D ........ONLY for respectable reasons of course! (to meet some Japanese Tourists?).

    When we walk down Sukhumvit (me 40, her 36) I am sure many folk DO think we are "Punter & Hooker"..........cos' I do look like a drunken sexpat (even when sober :D ) and she does have a "subtle hint" of Junky ho' about her............but given the amount of hours we have spent up and down lower Sukhumvit (seperately and together) this is perhaps not surprising :o...........I suspect that anywhere in Thailand we go / went that more than a few would be at least "curious" as to how we met. But for us, C'est la vie :D ............for others though I can understand that it would be annoying.

    Funnily enough I don't recall ever having the negative experiance / comments from either Farang men or Farang women that others describe - possibly because the wife does have a "subtle hint" of.............."cut yer throat and sh#t down yer neck" about her :bah:

  16. do i simply download an affirmation form from the site? re write the affirmation? - I downloaded and inserted my details

    take to the embassy to get certified - the embassy sign it - maybe I did as well? I forget :o, pick up the next (working) day

    then take it to the foreign affairs? - No, first you need to get a certified translation into Thai, you will get "touted" when you exit the embassy (which I followed) - even though I knew the translator offices are only a 5 minute walk away. Note the translation must be CERTIFIED by an approved translator (so yer g/f's mum can't do it!).........then you get the choice of either going to the Minstry of Foreign whatevers to get the Certified Translation authenticated / stamped, with a choice of either same or next day service (different prices!)..........OR leaving the translator office to organise this.......to be honest although I / we did go ourselves (just to know how to do it!)........I would not bother again, as it ate up pretty much a day (ok, a late start!), and although I do not recall the exact £££ figures - the saving was probably only in the 1,000B mark, once taxis etc had been included.

    What is the foreign affairs mark???? - Can't remember! a couple of rubber stamps signed by the Ministry I think.

    BTW no one checks your income or contacts your 2 referees.

    At the Amphur - the missus was never married so cannot help on "Divorced" paperwork / waiting, just seemed to wave her ID card and sign a few things. and we turned up on spec.

    Me I waved my passport, wrote my details out a few times and signed a few forms in Thai (which I have no idea what they meant!) and then we got our certificate of being married. Done in around half an hour or so.

  17. I have "Lost" the Bangkok Bank :o ........Yeah, I am a numpty :D

    It's the one on Sukhumvit (no surprise!) on the even side of the street around soi 10 / soi 12 - just over the foot bridge (from Soi 11 ./ soi 11/1).

    It a big place!

    According to the Bangkok Bank branch locater their are two branches with "Sukhumvit" in the title and neither of them look right..........

    Sukhumvit 11 Sub Branch

    171 Suhumvit Rd Khlongtoei Nua Wattana

    Bangkok 10110

    Tel : 02-2553680-3

    Fax : 02-2553684

    Sukhumvit 43 Full Branch

    787 Sukhumvit Rd. Khlong Tan Nua Wattana

    Bangkok 10110

    Tel : 0-2662-4778-9, 0-2258-0238-9, 0-2258-7278

    Fax : 0-2258-9967

    ...........anyone help?

  18. Maybe a business opportunity for opening a Haunted House (with a bit of special effects help?!) or a House of Horrors / Museum........I am pretty sure that many Japanese do like this stuff as well as a fair few Farang...........

    Valentine's Day, Christmas. No reason not to have Halloween transplanted as well. It's common in the US to set up temporary haunted houses during the weeks leading to Halloween. Great date places for teenagers since the girls tend to cling to their dates.

    Since they are clearly fake haunted houses, they might be acceptable to Thais, particularly the younger generation. Also since it's temporary, startup costs would be minimal.

    I dunno if Halloween is big in Thailand, but certainly not unknown in BKK. Never heard of a temporary haunted house before!

    When you say "Since they are clearly fake haunted houses, they might be acceptable to Thais" - is this for any legal reasons? (and / or not very budhist?) or just more culturally acceptable or just likely to attract more punters by widening the appeal factor?

  19. This thread is a poster-child for why I shudder at the thought of being represented by most TV members in front of the Thai government.

    No thanks. ;)

    an' yer bacon don't taste good either... :D

    dr PP...this is like the old days...guns ablazin'...plachon an' boon, get yer asses down here...

    Ladies and gentleman,

    may I present: Exhibit A.

    Farang Lobby???..........No way :D ...........


    I can't decide between the name "Farang love Farang" or "Farang steal Thai" :o

    I vote myself in as Life President. :o

    Policies? um, er......

    1) Take Power;

    2) Free Beer;

    3) All Farang get given a Free house (a big one!);

    4) All Farang get given a lifetime Visa on Arrival. 5 of them. each.

    Any other ideas?

  20. You have seen ghosts but don't believe in them ??? Stay of that damned Lao Kao my man :D

    Seriously I can't help you with your request in Thailand but recently myself and some friends visited a (supposedly) haunted abandoned victorian mental asylum in Scotland.

    I was a non-believer and all that but we did hear 6 or 7 steady bangs come from within the walls somewhere. Spooky shi*t ! :D

    I will be uploading the clip to youtube, but if you are in Thailand I suppose that won't be of any use to you eh ?


    I will concede that I was not entirely sober both times :o

    Anyway, Spooky stuff is not my cup of tea - but I do know many folk really get off on being scared :D .........I am kinda surprised at the comment about no Thai woman would go to a haunted house - not to say I actually know different - just that IME Thais do have a thing about ghosts or at least a more general acceptance that they do exist. But of course this could be one more thing I have the wrong end of the stick on!

    On a related issue, the Missus swears blind that their is a house in Bangkok that is occupied by 2 corpses (of a Rich Thai couple) that is kept in working order exactly as if they were alive - the bodies lie in open coffins and a maid / house keeper has to bring them food each day (as well as clean the house!).........apparently quite a high turnover of staff :D ............I must admit that I am sceptical (to say the least!) - but it never seemed fair to call the Missus on this :bah:

    Maybe a business opportunity for opening a Haunted House (with a bit of special effects help?!) or a House of Horrors / Museum........I am pretty sure that many Japanese do like this stuff as well as a fair few Farang...........

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