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Posts posted by Jersey_UK

  1. The wife loves Ghost stories.

    She has also told me a few tales over the years, not all of which I believe entirely :D

    Anyway, she has mentioned that their are places in Bangkok that folk can go at nightime and "experiance" spooky stuff...........I am not entirely comfortable with this sort of stuff, even though I have met a couple of ghosts and still do not beleive in them :o ......so we have never got around to planning any visits.

    Indeed I am not entirely sure these places exist in Bangkok. and I am not sure she knows either!

    Anyone know something or suggest somewhere that would appeal to a Thai woman who likes spooky / supernatural stuff? (a Voodoo ceremony would be an acceptable compromise :D )

  2. I have a great idea for a business in Thailand and am in need of an investor. I'm hoping for some advice on how to deal with potential investors, as I'm really worrying they will steal my idea. For sure, I can bring a lot of my experience to the table, but that doesn't mean a potential investor could employ someone with with the same knowledge as me and run with the project leaving me behind. The business project is simple, has no competition, and is easy set up - An investors dream!... This is why I'm worrying.

    In the UK we use Non-disclosure agreements, but from previous experience with working in the city, there are many ways to get around these, god only knows how the system in Thailand is regarding NDA's.

    If you have faced a similar situation before, what did you do? What advice could you give me?

    I appreciate any help and advice.

    I do fail the test of "If you have faced a similar situation before, what did you do?"........but I have never let a simple thing of not knowing what I am talking about stop me "contributing" before :o

    As you correctly identify NDA's (and I would suggest even non compete clauses, once an investor / employees are onboard) can often be of little value in the real world, apart from to the lawyers £££ pocket who drew them up. Some things are universal and not just applicable in Thailand / SEA and I think you are being very prudent in considering potential problems at an early stage before they materialise into actual problems with £££ notes attached.

    My initial thought is that if the idea is that good, then sooner or later it will be copied - and if it cannot stand competition then IMO it wasn't that good an idea after all. Obviously you have no option but to disclose the concept to potential investors and then full details to many who will not actually invest, as well as those that do.........

    It does not sound like you have invented a new magic widget, so I guess you are either talking retail or services. If retail then anyone walking past your outlet, customers or suppliers can copy - let alone your investor / a potential investor ........but the question is then could enough of them run it as well as you? In Thailand.

    Indeed it may not be altogether a bad thing for folk to copy to spread acceptance of a brand new concept / product, as long as you can become the market leader or can use it to your advantage. (Whilst McD and BK are major rivals they do help each other by spreading and reinforcing the message that the concept of eating proccessed <deleted> is great / acceptable / fun which benefits both brands........indeed the existence of both is now starting to create "real" burger outlets - many (me included?!) would have doubted that getting into the Burger Business with Mc D and BK as competitors could ever work!)...........what I am saying is that competition is not always a bad thing.

    Low entry barriers does initially sound worrying.......but the advantage is that businesses like this attracts those wth the cash but not the business skills........like Bars and Massage places, a million and 1 in BKK (and Pattaya) but we all know that some are succesful (and some very very), but many many are not - the reason for not getting into these businesses is not because they are inherently bad or because they have a lot of rivals - the reason not to invest is because someone does not know how to run them - in the market place they operate.......or is not willing to invest the time, money and hard work required.

    If services then perhaps you underestimate the ease in which someone can copy a simple idea and also run it well when it requires staff to be doing things when they are meant to. well........especially when out of sight.

    Go on, give us all a clue!

  3. If J-UK hadn't post the so called facts of life, his post would have been at most unrealistic.

    Is he trying to say that all isaan girls who have not come out of poverty are the ones he has described? :D

    I have to wonder how he sees thai people. How much he looks down on thai people? He must be walking in the streets of thailand and look at each person and thinks you lazy bitch, you lazy bastard.

    I can't recall ever saying "all" (been on TV far too long to do that :o )..........I accept that what I wrote may be unrealistic for some / many given their circumstances - but Thailand is NOT the Congo............

    How do I see Thai people? Well, I usually don't see them as merely Thai - people first. I have met some great Thai people :bah: and some complete shites :D Same same Farang.

    Well I don't get that air-hostess post. Can someone explain to me?

    Bearing in mind your strong comments on my post, it seems strange you do not seem to have read all of it - but possibly you are not a native English speaker?............But anyway, I did refer to Air Hostess as not being a "real job" (notwithstanding that in Thailand a degree appears to be a requirement to be a flying waitress) and I was asking whether my suggesting that your job was a joke is what had upset you (although obviously I knew that this was not the case) - plus it was a suggestion that you were not very bright as Trolley Dolleys are not known as always the sharpest knife in the drawer :o Of course any mental pictures generated to others of you dressed in a woman's uniform is beyond my control ;)

    Now, I would not usually be issuing personal insults - as I am far to adult and sensible..........but you started it :D by suggesting I may be stupid in a fairly clever, subtle and roundabout way (to which BTW I took no great offence) and I thought I would return the favour, also subtly........sometimes these things work :bah: and sometimes not :D

  4. Interesting reactions to my post - and quite surprising. Way too much to respond to line by line.........perhaps some of my post was also a bit blunt :D

    But let me say that I do not claim to have all the answers (hey, it was only 1 post with a few ideas, not the definititive guide to ending world poverty!) and nor do I mean to suggest that getting out of "Poverty" is ever easy..........if it was there would of course be no poor :bah: But it does not mean it is impossible. even in Thailand..........and requires not only hard work, but also knowledge and a self belief that it is possible. Education has always been a way out of poverty, not only for the stuff that is learnt and the bits of paper accumulated and which can be used to enter the job market - but by also raising horizons, expectations and presenting different opportunities.

    Educating children does however require the support of a family who appreciate the value of education.......the Family is often the biggest problem that the next generation of poor face. Thailand same same Farangland.

    Explain that in the real world folk get money and success from hard work, coupled with recognising opportunities and NOT from simply just waiting for luck and sitting on one's ar#e.

    In countries like Thailand, it ain't that simple.

    My younger sis is at Khon Kaen School of Technology, I want her to stay at school, fair enough, what will she do whe she has finished her education, get a great job with a high salary that enables her to have a lifestyle equal to what a person from the west can have? yeah right.............. :D

    Work 10 Hours a day serving food in MK Suki for 6000 Baht a month, maybe. 7 Eleven 4000 Baht per month, maybe.

    I never said it was "simple" and I know folk who have done more than work 7-11, but then again maybe for some 7-11 is an improvement or at least a stepping stone.

    You can't begin to compare what is available in the west with what is available in other countries, go preach in Cambodia, Burma,Nepal, Laos, North Korea, Africa etc etc, are all those people lazy and stupid, I'm sure YOU could survive like they do....yeah right. You wouldn't survive a Month, they have to spend a lifetime surviving.

    Having that British Passport of yours is your Security, you can fork up big style and all you need is a return ticket home to the welfare state, many of the worlds population don't have that same security.

    I never called poor people lazy and stupid, I said that poor people who were lazy and / or stupid would remain poor (not to say that smart poor people who work hard all get out of poverty :D ).

    Me surviving in the 3rd world? As I already have a level of education and experiances of the wider world I can honestly say that I would not be poor long. How? You know all those rich westerners (who are quite happy to have "my" family working for a dollar a day to make their cheap "luxury" items?) - well I would start there and not be too fussed how I went about "redistributing" wealth. Kidneys on E-bay? I would have no problem with that. or worse. I am not saying I am typical of all Farang or that I am cleverer than others - but I am blessed by having few morals :D

    BTW down here in Jersey (edge of the Empire :bah: ) ain't no "welfare state". Sure you don't die of no money like in Thailand and you do get £££ handouts to feed yourself / family and lots of social housing - but ain't no "entitlement" to wads of hard cash like the English system which encourages stupidity to keep breeding (but that is all another thread :o ).

  5. Nonetheless, I'd say Jersey_UK's advice to meemiathai describes the pathway of the Thais I know who have pulled themselves out of the poverty trap.

    Study hard, get educated, learn English/Japanese/Chinese, learn computer skills, get a driving licence, run a small business to get experience & cash, get to know lots of people, including foreigners, network, read about business/your chosen profession, etc etc etc.

    And the air-hostess retort was pretty good :D .

    That is pretty much what I was trying to say.............just that I do rabbit on a "bit" :o:D

  6. Can people tell me how a poor isaan peasant girl can come out of poverty? So I can advise my family in law what to do.

    Don't laugh, I'm being serious.

    Ratchaphat, Ramkhamhaeng or Sukhothai Thammirat universities.

    Can you explain precisely how?

    I thought Cambridge or Oxford were better?

    Education. Firstly formal (bits of paper) and secondly "the facts of life".


    Make her go to school, and ensure it is drilled into her that her ONLY way out of repeating her families history of working 24/7 in a paddy field or sucking c#cks on a commercial scale in Pattaya (like some of her neighbours "missing" daughters) is through Education...........so she better work bloody hard at school and with her homework and pass her exams.

    Scrimp and save to ensure she can go to school, even if it means not having a new Mobile phone every 6 months.

    Learn English. Properly. - having a Farang in the family is a free resource (and not just from formal lessons).

    Learn how Farang THINK and learn about Farangland.

    Make sure she is IT literate (if she has the aptitude for an IT career all well and good - but no need to understand how they work - most people use Geeks for that!).

    Get her using the Internet to discover the world outside of Thailand / SEA.

    If she has been bright enuf to get to Uni then repeat the process for a degree that will also be useful in the real world.

    Have a plan to use the degree, whether it be to get into the Thai civil service, police or reputable company. or something that could be used to start her own business. Possibly a career choice that would be useable / in demand in Farangland (Nurse? Doctor?.........Accountant? :D:D ). Explain that Air Hostess is not a real job :D

    TELL HER that she CAN do anything she wants, but ONLY if she works bloody hard - tell her stories of folk who started with zero and now are rich / succesful or are just doing well. and tell her how folk who are poor AND lazy or stupid remain the same in both Thailand AND Farangland. Explain that her horizons are only limited by her imagination and hard work.

    Facts of life

    Having a kid before she has a career means she will always be poor AND dependent on others.

    Somchai may truly love her at 14, but he will move on once he finds out how hard and expensive it is to raise a kid - she will be stuck with it. 24/7.

    If she wants Somchai to stick his Banana somewhere make him wear a condom, or put it somewhere that does not make babies.

    Drugs - Drugs are fun, but they will steal her future. Either by stealing her motivation or brain cells (literally) but more likely by giving her a criminal conviction which will f#ck up her future career prospects.

    Think carefully about both freinds and family - consider what she gets out of the relationship as well as what she puts in and do not be afraid to cut people off or downgrade them to acquaintances.

    Explain to her that Mrs Poontang from no. 47 got her gold necklace from sucking c#cks in Pattaya, that this is not as good a job as it may first appear AND explain that this career choice is NOT considered a "Good thing"........no matter how much money is made.

    Explain that sucking c#ck is one of the more pleasant parts of Mrs Poontangs job. Having someone's fist stuck up your fanny or your sh#thole either before or after they p#ss on you is one of only many downsides to the job.

    Explain that "Marrying Farang" is not a simple nor easily available option.

    Explain "Delayed Gratification" to her. and that owning something with no debt IS far better than paying 20% more and being a debt slave to others.

    Explain how marketing works and that although peers / family and TV may say that having the latest XYZ is needed / cool that they may be either stupid or lying. Money in the Bank IS fun, when it means not having to worry about being sick. having a roof or being hungry.

    Explain that spending money to impress folk, both freinds / family and strangers makes you a moron (especially if done on credit :o ), unless their is a reason that will give a £££ return.

    Explain to her that their will ALWAYS be folk who have more toys / money / stuff than her - it is stupid to compete - you will never "win" (as you become more succesful your circle changes).

    Explain to her that she will often be under the impression that many (most?) others are having a better time / have more stuff - but this is often an illusion - you only see what is visible - you never see the hard work involved or the credit supporting the illusion.

    Explain that in the real world folk get money and success from hard work, coupled with recognising opportunities and NOT from simply just waiting for luck and sitting on one's ar#e.

    Started as a 2 line post............

  7. I also realize that my OP may seem too good to be true - If the projected IRR is so high, why don't I just go down to HSBC or K-bank's fundmgr's and ask for funds. It's about flexibility vs. control - sell shares and you loose control vs. take a loan and you loose flexibility (but retain control).

    The problem with loans is not the lack or "flexibility", it's that folk tend to want them secured on something. Banks included. :o:D

    And already the story is changing.............firstly you were looking for co-investors in a project you were not instigating or managing with under 50% equity and now you are selling shares and talking about losing control - which you never had.

    Maybe just stick to the selling of Timeshares in Pattaya? - although I accept the commission is probably not so great as for this.

  8. all tend to sa-ssspeak...er wots-it....o yeah...English.................x colony old chap.....x col..... :D

    Just been on Wiki - the offical language is Bahasa Melayu which is NOT tonal and also written in western script but also "English continues, however, to be widely used in professional and commercial fields and in the superior courts".

    What with more liberal Visas all they need are lots of BG's and Katoeys :o

  9. If not Thailand, would you consider places like Penang in Malaysia?....was considering what alternatives there are to Thailand but still offering the weather,beaches and value for money?

    Only been to Penang briefly a couple of times many years back (Visa runs!) and found it a bit dull and too hot! But I quite like the sound of the "Highlands" (??) I think over on the other side (top right?!) for the weather........maybe some day I will go and explore. the folk seemed nice.

    If I was a betting man I would not count on Malaysia remaining "Value for money" over the longer term, whereas Thailand on the other hand has a lot of fundamentals "going for it" (??!!) in this respect.

    I guess they speak Malay in Malaysia -anyone know if it is easier to learn than Thai?! :o

  10. Boothy

    Having re-read my post below, it perhaps does not come accross quite as constructive as it is meant to be. Sorry :o:D .......obviously I am not and nor do I claim to be any sort of "Visa Expert" (so treat what I wrote with the merit it deserves).........No doubt those who actually know stuff will be along later :D:D ..........

    Firstly, I thought a "Fiance Visa" was different from a "Settlement Visa" ?? (FV first then SV when in the UK, after the marriage and then she can work?).

    Secondly, I think you would be better off re-directing your efforts into another application (or an Appeal on your missing (??)Appeal).........of course the bureaucratic <deleted> ups are not nice, but it is the Govt and IMO / IME therefore to be expected (plus I beleive that around April time was when they started with the outsourcing of the Visa's - so whether or not things have actually now improved, they will probably claim that things have since settled down and now got better.............if the MP ever gets that far).

    From my reading of your letter you simply did not give them enough to grant the Visa. On the facts you have presented, I would say that the biggest problem was that you had no job and no firm job offer and only limited £££ resources. The ECO is probably only too aware that stuff gets put into E-mail that would never make it onto letter headed paper - because essentially E-mails "do not count" especially once they have the long winded Disclaimer that I am sure your well known Insurance Company included on the bottom of the e-mails. Maybe a firm offer on headed paper would have been accepted or at least been checked as bona fide (but to be honest I am not sure they actually do that).

    Possibly also during the interview the ECO got a bad vibe / had some "opinions" and then "injected" the desired result into the paperwork using whatever actual basis could be justified under the rules.

    The accomadation thing does just seem plain wrong however, but coupled with the no job (or firm offer) and dressed up with some doubt on the possible employer probably made the rejection easy to process within the Embassy.

    I think you may also be getting hung up on the fact you feel as you are a British Citizen with a child who will also be a British Citizen that the Mother should therefore be entitled to hit the UK - under current rules she is not entitled. (FWIW My opinion on this is probably not that far different from your own - but neither of us sets the rules, nor interprets them :D ).

  11. If you own XYZ bakery and someone asks you where can I buy the best bread, would you tell them you own XYZ when you tell them where to buy the bread?

    Would you feel morally obligated to do so?

    Not quite innocent interest :o


    IMO depends on whether "real" life or only the internet.

    Real Life - not neccessary, but don't evade the connection if it crops up.

    Internet - Yes!........because someone else probably will, and then it just makes you look dodgy for not saying something up front (IME someone somewhere will usually notice a regular plug for XYZ Bakery and will speculate openly as to why).

    Of course if it is not a simple bakery..........

    (not to say running a bakery is simple - but the product is)

  12. My thanks to the Scouse, too.

    I don't think this forum would have such a following if it weren't for people recommending it to people in need of his help, who then stick around.

    Yup, that's how I arrived :D

    That reminds me.......after all Scouse's help in educating me for the SV to the UK (Empire, outpost of :D )..........I still, haven't got around to the Visa application for the Missus :o .......................am too busy posting nonsense on TV :D

  13. Banks are not allowed to verify passports anymore.

    News to me. Not to say it isn't true of course :D

    But, if you are using the same bank (just different branches / countries) their is no reason why they should not - and every reason why they should.........would suggest if having problems talking to the offshore end to make arrangements locally.........with a bit of luck will also save the cost of a stamp :o

  14. I think men tend to be soo judgmental when it come to womens bodies.


    IME not half as judgmental (and vocal about it) as the "Sisters" are about each other...........

    FWIW I too have noticed the super sizing in Thailand - I reckon 1 or 2 of the kids must be force fed Mc D to get to their jumbo size.

    My vote is on "processed sh#t" being added to the Thai diet (even in stuff which appears unprocessed the stuff added is quite disturbing - but tastes good :D ), Thai food from a supermarket same same farang food.........I think it is called progress.

  15. [quote name='Charma'

    How nice of you to provide assistance - whilst I too have sympathy for folk on a personal level - even unpaid (presumably?), it is still at least assisting with (if not actually engaging in) People Trafficking........of course we only have your word that it is an Adult couple you have been seeking assistance to hide and for the reasons you state........

    Anyway, even taking things at face value (LOL), you're a braver man than me Gunga Din - especially given that the Internet is not quite as Anon as it used to be / folk think it is..........

    What on earth was all that about. Have you even bothered to read the threads? It is not very often I get annoyed by posts on TV, but yours has to be about the most pathetic I have read to date. It is clear from your post what particular things are on your mind when you post! :o

    I am not surprised you were angry. Sh#t, I was <deleted> livid yesterday :D:D

    Of course I don't think you are a kiddy fiddler (easier to spell :bah: )..........merely an unsubtle (I am not very good at subtle :D ) way of pointing out (including to others) of the potential seriousness of what you were engaged in / getting mixed up with and that even innocent explanations with good (albeit IMO misguided) intentions don't always sound quite so good when standing up in court on a wet tuesday morning looking at a man in a wig..........the internet ain't the Anon world it may once have been.

    Nice clarification BTW :D

  16. 1) Mail them the ORIGINAL of the Utility Bill(s)...

    This is, I believe, a British bank’s amusing way of verifying the identity of a person applying for a bank account. In other countries, banks seem to want to see a passport or a certified copy thereof. The OP did not say in what country his intended offshore bank is located.



    Utility bill is for proof of address, not identity, certified passport copy is still required for that.


    Proof of address is not required to prove where you live (ain't no laws to say a Bank has to know where a customer sleeps at night time - or with whom :o )...........although your bank may not fully understand this................it's just become accepted practice / "good enough" to collect these as a part of the proof of identity requirement to "Know Your Customer", simply because a Passport is not good enough (I blame the issuers!) which is kinda worrying given that when flying a Passport does seem to be accepted without the 2 utility bills - but that is another thread. Of course a "naughty person" (a technical offshore banking term :D ) may or may not have great difficulty in coming up with a fake of either..........or indeed genuine ones.

    Not to derail the OP's request, but anyone know of offshores {either in Thailand or outside} which will accept {suitably certified} lease agreements as opposed to utility bills?

    Not off hand. But..........depending on a magical combination of how much you are worth, the intelligence of the person you are dealing with and those who sign the bits of paper behind the scenes, a bit of luck, an R in the month AND what other bits of paperwork you can offer to prove your identity they can (and do) relent at least partially on the utility bills front. A certified copy lease agreement would not usually be acceptable on it's own (not to say they have not been or won't be).

  17. Has anyone got any sayings involving a Tiger? (Good or Bad) :o

    (from post #4):

    ใจดีสู้เสือ - grab the bull by the horns; do the right thing

    (the righteous man fights the tiger)

    ชาติเสือไม่ทิ้งลาย - a leopard can't change his spots

    (a tiger doesn't throw off its stripes)

    หนีเสือปะจระเข้ - out of the frying pan, into the fire

    (escape from the tiger, only to run into the crocodile)

    หน้าเนี้ิอใจเสีอ - two-faced; hypocrite

    (human face; heart of a tiger)

    Just a brief sampling; must be dozens all-told...

    Cheers for that.

    I had a feeling that references to Tigers were not wholly positive............

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