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Everything posted by wangotango

  1. Of course they are,that's why nothing ever gets done about it. This time they will probably have to sacrifice a few to inactive posts then it will be business as usual ????
  2. They should be sueing their parents for allowing them to do it ????????
  3. Australia added to that list today
  4. Nothing new, STUPID , Hope they are Ok but it don,t look good.
  5. They drink wherever they are. Was a crew of Finn's on the Jabiru Uranium mine construction site in OZ in 1979 all formworkers, used to drink till the wee small hours and during the day they would put whiskey in their water bottles in very hot and humid conditions, madness!! That's all changed now of course with zero alcohol on all mine sites ????
  6. Well said, sums it up completely. Although if they had a decent govt which will never happen the education system could only improve ( It couldn't get any worse )
  7. Submarines and fighter jets !
  8. I think that's the potential thief/kid not the motor bike owner hanging his head in shame ( For getting caught ) ????
  9. Future leader of the Thai Mafia ????????/???????? perhaps ? Oops no, the guys in the brown uniforms already have that market sewn up ????????
  10. Well they could not have known it was gout if they didn't take a blood sample to check Uric acid levels. Get another opinion from a reputable doctor.
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