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  1. is the elephant in the room the idiot anti-vaxxer? And source for your claim?
  2. same old bs we hear every generation
  3. cos kids were never delinquent in the good old days, no never.
  4. You saying that a tourist trap area with bars and clubs sometimes has fights, I am shocked, truly shocked... but I am sure there will be clutching of pearls about this.
  5. It's almost like the rules around work permits are antiquated... go figure
  6. They should go after tax dogging corporations and the mega-wealthy - they are real fraudsters
  7. You forgot to call us all sheeple 🙂
  8. Sure, dude, you don't care haha
  9. Oh, must be true then. Forget all the studies, data, reports, this dude has a daughter in law
  10. What are you whining about now?
  11. Oh well, it must be true, source? Trust me, bro.
  12. No they haven't, I have yet to see a shred of evidence, other than random anecdotes to say mRNA vaccines are dangerous -no studies, no reports (other than debunked bs ones), nothing, zilch
  13. amazing how anti-vaxxers always "know someone"
  14. you are talking utter bs, but I guess I would rather listen to actual experts and not some random dude on Aseannow

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