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Everything posted by PremiumLane

  1. nope - British and proud, and that includes knowing about Muslims who fought for my country in both World Wars, and the numerous charity work they do, especially in their local communities. In other words, I am not a moron who thinks all Muslims are the same.
  2. I looked at the official government figures, why have yo doubled them? "The current asylum system is costing the taxpayer £1.5 billion a year, the highest amount in over two decades." And you think that figure is bankrupting the country? Shall we talk about not letting asylum seekers work? There are plenty of jobs UK citizens don't want to do that they would do, for example, look at what happened after Brexti with immigrants leaving, and farmers not being able to get workers. Also, what about the economic benefits of immigration? Funny how you never hear about that is the main stream media of the <deleted>-rags. You know how you can cut this cost down? Set up a processing center and streamline it, it ain't rocket science. The government have already said the system is broken - but they waste more money on that dumbass Rwanda scheme. And please define an "illegal migrant" you know if they are claiming asylum they are not illegal, right?
  3. You try reading your own comments, it would help, but I am guessing reading comprehension ain't a strong point for you
  4. You talk absolute guff - can find plenty of Muslim groups and Muslims condemning extremism, and fancy thinking all Muslims are the same, you are beyond a parody
  5. So what is this cost? So, nothing to do with tax evasion of the rich and corporations that government doesn't have money? Cos that is huge, must be some poor people on boats - and guess who is tell you that? The same lot that dodge the taxes, so well done. Where did you read that guff about taking care of illegal immigrants first? What policy are you talking about and how is it being implemented?
  6. Nice strawman, never said that - so what is the cost and how is it bankrupting the UK?
  7. more meaningless guff - again, how is a country going to culturally change due to some tourist coming here? We are talking the very fabric of the country, that you think is going to magically transform. You guys soil yourselves over nothing
  8. I did, nothing about protests there. Scared of what? Let's be honest, you are such a snowflake, you soil yourself if someone says they are Muslim
  9. laughable to think that a Tory government is pumping the money towards immigrants - basically the rich steal the money, and they get idiots to blame it on immigrants
  10. There really needs to be an AseanNow buzzword bingo card, you always drop the gems
  11. Were there protests in Kazakhstan? Asking for a friend. And tourists are going to move here? Must be a new definition for the word tourism then
  12. Do you actually read back the guff you write on here? So, let's get this straight, a country that already has around a 5% Muslim population is somehow going to culturally change cos some tourists from Kazakhstan visit? hahahaha talk about a victim complex
  13. So working class Thais who work abroad are somehow in charge of immigration policy back here? Learn something new everyday
  14. which makes that whole circle thing a load of crap, and I am sure they are doing just fine thinking and acting outside this norm
  15. Yes, cos funnily enough, these kinds of "generlizations" are mostly <deleted>, and I have a lot of experience of Thai people being helpful to me, when they didn't need to. Now if you want to talk about actual plausible reasons, such as lack of training, lack of ongoing driver education, and lack of enforcement, then we are talking about reality, and not this circles rubbish
  16. So the Thai strangers that have helped me before, what "circle" do they belong in?
  17. Hope so, cos he was obviously talking utter rubbish. But that is this place all over, anyone looks slightly different in a news story and the boomers come out to whine about made-up <deleted>e in their home countries.
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